2017-02-16 15:12:34 +08:00

209 lines
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这个文件加入在CTA回测引擎的基础上加入了辅助品种信息, 保持接口的一致, 可以在原CTA引擎上执行的代码,
This file add multi Time Frame functionalities to CTA backtesting engine, the APIs are the
same as CTA engine. Real trading code can be directly used for backtesting.
from __future__ import division
from vtFunction import loadMongoSetting
from ctaBacktesting import *
class BacktestEngineMultiTF(BacktestingEngine):
def __init__(self):
super(BacktestEngineMultiTF, self).__init__()
self.info_symbols = [] # List, 输入辅助品种的2值tuple, 左边为数据库名, 右边为collection名
self.InfoCursor = {} # Dict, 放置回测用辅助品种数据库
self.initInfoCursor = {} # Dict, 放置初始化用辅助品种数据库
self.infobar = {} # Dict, 放置辅助品种最新一个K线数据
self.MultiOn = False # Boolean, 判断是否传入了辅助品种
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def setDatabase(self, dbName, symbol, **kwargs):
"""set database that provide historical data"""
self.dbName = dbName
# Set executed symbol and information symbols
self.symbol = symbol
if "info_symbol" in kwargs:
self.info_symbols = kwargs["info_symbol"]
# Turn on MultiTF switch
if len(self.info_symbols) > 0:
self.MultiOn = True
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def loadInitData(self, collection, **kwargs):
"""Load initializing data"""
# 载入初始化需要用的数据
# Load initialised data
# $gte means "greater and equal to"
# $lt means "less than"
flt = {'datetime': {'$gte': self.dataStartDate,
'$lt': self.strategyStartDate}}
self.initCursor = collection.find(flt)
# 初始化辅助品种数据
# Initializing information data
if "inf" in kwargs:
for name in kwargs["inf"]:
DB = kwargs["inf"][name]
self.initInfoCursor[name] = DB.find(flt)
# 将数据从查询指针中读取出,并生成列表
# Read data from cursor, generate a list
self.initData = []
for d in self.initCursor:
data = self.dataClass()
data.__dict__ = d
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def loadHistoryData(self):
"""load historical data"""
host, port, logging = loadMongoSetting()
self.dbClient = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port)
collection = self.dbClient[self.dbName][self.symbol]
# Load historical data of information symbols, construct a dictionary of Database
# Values of dictionary are mongo.Client.
info_collection = {}
if self.MultiOn is True:
for DBname, symbol in self.info_symbols:
info_collection[DBname + " " + symbol] = self.dbClient[DBname][symbol]
self.output("Start loading historical data")
# 首先根据回测模式,确认要使用的数据类
# Choose data type based on backtest mode
if self.mode == self.BAR_MODE:
self.dataClass = CtaBarData
self.func = self.newBar
self.dataClass = CtaTickData
self.func = self.newTick
# Load initializing data
self.loadInitData(collection, inf=info_collection)
# 载入回测数据
# Load backtest data (exclude initializing data)
if not self.dataEndDate:
# If "End Date" is not set, retreat data up to today
flt = {'datetime': {'$gte': self.strategyStartDate}}
flt = {'datetime': {'$gte': self.strategyStartDate,
'$lte': self.dataEndDate}}
self.dbCursor = collection.find(flt)
if self.MultiOn is True:
for db in info_collection:
self.InfoCursor[db] = info_collection[db].find(flt)
"Data loading completed, data volumn: %s" % (self.initCursor.count() + self.dbCursor.count() + \
sum([i.count() for i in self.InfoCursor.values()])))
self.output("Data loading completed, data volumn: %s" % (self.initCursor.count() + self.dbCursor.count()))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def runBacktesting(self):
"""Run backtesting"""
# 载入历史数据
# Load historical data
self.output("Start backtesing!")
self.strategy.inited = True
self.output("Strategy initialsing complete") = True
self.output("Strategy started")
self.output("Processing historical data...")
dataClass = self.dataClass
func = self.func
for d in self.dbCursor:
data = dataClass()
data.__dict__ = d
self.output("No more historical data")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def checkInformationData(self):
"""Update information symbols' data"""
# If infobar is empty, which means it is the first time calling this method
if self.infobar == {}:
for info_symbol in self.InfoCursor:
self.infobar[info_symbol] = next(self.InfoCursor[info_symbol])
except StopIteration:
print "Data of information symbols is empty! Input must be a list, not str."
temp = {}
for info_symbol in self.infobar:
data = self.infobar[info_symbol]
# Update data only when Time Stamp is matched
if (data is not None) and (data['datetime'] <= self.dt):
temp[info_symbol] = CtaBarData()
temp[info_symbol].__dict__ = data
self.infobar[info_symbol] = next(self.InfoCursor[info_symbol])
except StopIteration:
self.infobar[info_symbol] = None
self.output("No more data in information database.")
temp[info_symbol] = None
return temp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def newBar(self, bar):
"""new ohlc Bar""" = bar
self.dt = bar.datetime
self.updatePosition() # Update total position value based on new Bar
self.crossLimitOrder() # 先撮合限价单
self.crossStopOrder() # 再撮合停止单
if self.MultiOn is True:
self.strategy.onBar(bar, infobar=self.checkInformationData()) # 推送K线到策略中
self.strategy.onBar(bar) # 推送K线到策略中
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def newTick(self, tick):
"""new Tick"""
self.tick = tick
self.dt = tick.datetime