# encoding: UTF-8 from ctaBase import * from vtConstant import * import json import os from datetime import datetime DEBUGCTALOG = True """ 网格交易,用于套利单 作者:李来佳,QQ/Wechat:28888502 ChangeLog: 0713,修改closeGrid,增加volume字段,关闭网格时,根据价格和交易量进行双重匹配. 0715,增加保存json和重启后加载本地json文件 """ class CtaGrid(object): """网格类 它是网格交易的最小单元 包括交易方向,开仓价格,平仓价格,止损价格,开仓状态,平仓状态 """ def __init__(self, direction, openprice, closeprice, stopprice=EMPTY_FLOAT, volume=1): self.direction = direction # 交易方向(LONG:多,正套;SHORT:空,反套) self.openPrice = openprice # 开仓价格 self.closePrice = closeprice # 平仓价格 self.stopPrice = stopprice # 止损价格 self.volume = volume # 开仓数量 self.tradedVolume = EMPTY_INT # 成交数量 开仓时,为开仓数量,平仓时,为平仓数量 self.orderStatus = False # 挂单状态: True,已挂单,False,未挂单 self.orderRef = EMPTY_STRING # OrderId self.openStatus = False # 开仓状态 self.closeStatus = False # 平仓状态 self.openDatetime = None self.orderDatetime = None # 委托时间 def toJson(self): """输出JSON""" j = {} j['direction'] = self.direction j['openPrice'] = self.openPrice # 开仓价格 j['closePrice'] = self.closePrice # 平仓价格 j['stopPrice'] = self.stopPrice # 止损价格 j['volume'] = self.volume # 开仓数量 j['tradedVolume'] = self.tradedVolume # 成交数量 j['orderStatus'] = self.orderStatus # 挂单状态: True,已挂单,False,未挂单 j['orderRef'] = self.orderRef # OrderId j['openStatus'] = self.openStatus # 开仓状态 j['closeStatus'] = self.closeStatus # 平仓状态 if type(self.openDatetime) == type(None): j['openDatetime'] = EMPTY_STRING else: try: j['openDatetime'] = self.openDatetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except Exception: j['openDatetime'] = EMPTY_STRING return j def toStr(self): """输入字符串""" str = u'o:{0}/{1};c:{2}/{3},r:{4}/opentime:{5}/ordertime:{6}'\ .format(self.openPrice, self.openStatus, self.closePrice, self.closeStatus, self.orderRef, self.openDatetime, self.orderDatetime) return str class CtaGridTrade(object): """网格交易类 包括两个方向的网格队列, v1, 基本版 v2,增加更新最小价格跳动,增加动态上下网格间距 """ def __init__(self, strategy, maxlots=5, height=2, win=2, vol=1, minDiff = 1): """初始化 maxlots,最大网格数 height,网格高度(绝对值,包含minDiff) win,盈利数(包含minDiff) vol,网格开仓数 minDiff, 最小价格跳动 """ self.minDiff = minDiff self.strategy = strategy self.jsonName = self.strategy.name #策略名称 self.maxLots = maxlots # 缺省网格数量 self.gridHeight = height # 最小网格高度 self.gridWin = win # 最小止盈高度 self.volume = vol # 每次网格开仓数量 self.volumeList = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] # 梯级开仓数量比例 self.upGrids = [] # 上网格列表,专门做空 self.dnGrids = [] # 下网格列表,专门做多 self.avg_up_open_price = EMPTY_FLOAT # 上网格开仓均价 self.avg_dn_open_price = EMPTY_FLOAT # 下网格开仓均价 self.max_up_open_price = EMPTY_FLOAT # 上网格开仓均价 self.min_dn_open_price = EMPTY_FLOAT # 下网格开仓均价 def getVolumeRate(self, gridIndex=EMPTY_INT): """获取网格索引对应的开仓数量比例""" if gridIndex >= len(self.volumeList) or gridIndex < 0: return 1 rate = self.volumeList[gridIndex] if rate == 0: return 1 else: return rate def initGrid(self, upline=EMPTY_FLOAT, dnline=EMPTY_FLOAT): """初始化网格队列 upline,上支撑线 dnline,下阻力线 """ self.writeCtaLog(u'初始化网格队列,upline:{0},dnline:{1}'.format(upline, dnline)) # 初始化上网格列表 if len(self.upGrids) == 0: self.upGrids = self.load(direction= DIRECTION_SHORT) if len(self.upGrids) >0: self.writeCtaLog(u'上网格从文件加载完成') else: # 做空,开仓价为上阻力线+网格高度*i,平仓价为开仓价-止盈高度,开仓数量为缺省 for i in range(0, self.maxLots, 1): grid = CtaGrid(direction=DIRECTION_SHORT, openprice=upline+self.gridHeight*i, closeprice=upline+self.gridHeight*i-self.gridWin, volume=self.volume*self.getVolumeRate(i)) self.upGrids.append(grid) self.writeCtaLog(u'上网格{0}~{1}初始化完成'.format(upline,upline+self.gridHeight*self.maxLots)) self.save(direction=DIRECTION_SHORT) # 初始化下网格列表 if len(self.dnGrids) == 0: self.dnGrids = self.load(direction= DIRECTION_LONG) if len(self.dnGrids) >0: self.writeCtaLog(u'下网格从文件加载完成') else: for i in range(0, self.maxLots, 1): # 做多,开仓价为下阻力线-网格高度*i,平仓价为开仓价+止盈高度,开仓数量为缺省 grid = CtaGrid(direction=DIRECTION_LONG, openprice=dnline - self.gridHeight * i, closeprice=dnline - self.gridHeight * i + self.gridWin, volume=self.volume*self.getVolumeRate(i)) self.dnGrids.append(grid) self.writeCtaLog(u'下网格{0}~{1}初始化完成'.format(dnline,dnline-self.gridHeight*self.maxLots)) self.save(direction=DIRECTION_LONG) def writeCtaLog(self, log): self.strategy.writeCtaLog(log) def toStr(self,direction): """显示网格""" pendingCloseList = u'' # 平仓清单 pendingOpenList = u'' # 开仓清单 deactiveList = u'' # 待激活清单 if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: for grid in self.dnGrids: # 待平仓 if grid.openStatus : if grid.tradedVolume == EMPTY_INT: pendingCloseList = pendingCloseList + u'[{0}->{1},v:{2}];'\ .format(grid.openPrice, grid.closePrice, grid.volume) else: pendingCloseList = pendingCloseList + u'[{0}->{1},v:{2}/{3}];'\ .format(grid.openPrice, grid.closePrice, grid.volume, grid.tradedVolume) # 待开仓成交 elif not grid.openStatus and grid.orderStatus: if grid.tradedVolume == EMPTY_INT: pendingOpenList = pendingOpenList + u'[{0},v:{1}];'.format(grid.openPrice, grid.volume) else: pendingOpenList = pendingOpenList + u'[{0},v:{1}/{2}];'\ .format(grid.openPrice, grid.volume, grid.tradedVolume) # 等待挂单 else: deactiveList = deactiveList + u'[{0}];'.format(grid.openPrice) return u'多:待平:{0};开:{1};待:{2}'.format(pendingCloseList,pendingOpenList,deactiveList) if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: for grid in self.upGrids: # 待平仓 if grid.openStatus: if grid.tradedVolume == EMPTY_INT: pendingCloseList = pendingCloseList + u'[{0}->{1},v:{2}];'\ .format(grid.openPrice, grid.closePrice, grid.volume) else: pendingCloseList = pendingCloseList + u'[{0}->{1},v:{2}/{3}];'\ .format(grid.openPrice, grid.closePrice, grid.volume, grid.tradedVolume) # 待开仓成交 elif not grid.openStatus and grid.orderStatus: if grid.tradedVolume == EMPTY_INT: pendingOpenList = pendingOpenList + u'[{0},v:{1}];'.format(grid.openPrice, grid.volume) else: pendingOpenList = pendingOpenList + u'[{0},v:{1}/{2}];'\ .format(grid.openPrice, grid.volume, grid.tradedVolume) # 等待挂单 else: deactiveList = deactiveList + u'[{0}];'.format(grid.openPrice) return u'空:待平:{0};开:{1};待:{2}'.format(pendingCloseList,pendingOpenList,deactiveList) def getGrids(self, direction, ordered=False, opened=False, closed=False, begin=EMPTY_FLOAT, end=EMPTY_FLOAT): """获取未挂单的网格 direction:做多、做空方向: 做多方向时,从dnGrids中获取; 做空方向时,从upGrids中获取 ordered:是否已提交至服务器 opened:是否已开仓 closed:是否已平仓 begin:开始价格, end:结束价格, """ # 状态一致,价格大于最低价格 if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: if begin == EMPTY_FLOAT: begin = 99999 if end == EMPTY_FLOAT: end = - 99999 grids = [x for x in self.dnGrids if x.orderStatus == ordered and x.openStatus == opened and x.closeStatus == closed and x.openPrice <= begin and x.openPrice >= end] return grids # 状态一致,开仓价格小于最高价格 if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: if begin == EMPTY_FLOAT: begin = -99999 if end == EMPTY_FLOAT: end = 99999 grids = [x for x in self.upGrids if x.orderStatus == ordered and x.openStatus == opened and x.closeStatus == closed and x.openPrice >= begin and x.openPrice <= end] return grids def updateOrderRef(self, direction, openPrice, orderRef): """更新网格的orderId""" if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: for x in self.dnGrids: if x.openPrice == openPrice: x.orderRef = orderRef x.orderStatus = True if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: for x in self.upGrids: if x.openPrice == openPrice: x.orderRef = orderRef x.orderStatus = True def cancelOrderRef(self,direction, openPrice): """网格撤单""" if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: for x in self.dnGrids: if x.openPrice == openPrice and x.orderRef != EMPTY_STRING and x.orderStatus==True and x.openStatus==False: x.orderRef = EMPTY_STRING x.orderStatus = False self.writeCtaLog(u'下网格撤单[{0}]'.format(x.openPrice)) if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: for x in self.upGrids: if x.openPrice == openPrice and x.orderRef != EMPTY_STRING and x.orderStatus==True and x.openStatus==False: x.orderRef = EMPTY_STRING x.orderStatus = False self.writeCtaLog(u'上网格撤单[{0}]'.format(x.openPrice)) def getGrid(self, direction, openPrice=EMPTY_FLOAT, closePrice=EMPTY_FLOAT, orderRef=EMPTY_STRING, t=EMPTY_STRING): """获取网格""" if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: for x in self.dnGrids: # 优先匹配价格 if t == u'OpenPrice' and x.openPrice == openPrice: return x elif t == u'ClosePrice' and x.closePrice == closePrice: return x elif t == u'OrderRef' and x.orderRef == orderRef: return x if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: for x in self.upGrids: # 优先匹配价格 if t == u'OpenPrice' and x.openPrice == openPrice: return x elif t == u'ClosePrice' and x.closePrice == closePrice: return x elif t == u'OrderRef' and x.orderRef == orderRef: return x self.writeCtaLog(u'异常,找不到网格[{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}]'.format(direction, openPrice, closePrice, orderRef, t)) return None def closeGrid(self, direction, closePrice, closeVolume): """网格交易结束""" if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: for x in self.dnGrids: if x.closePrice == closePrice and x.openStatus and x.volume == closeVolume: self.writeCtaLog(u'下网格交易结束[{0}->{1}],仓位:{2},移除网格'.format(x.openPrice, x.closePrice,closeVolume)) self.dnGrids.remove(x) return if x.closePrice == closePrice and x.openStatus and x.volume > closeVolume: self.writeCtaLog(u'下网格交易部分结束[{0}->{1}],减少仓位:{2}'.format(x.openPrice, x.closePrice,closeVolume)) x.volume = x.volume - closeVolume if x.closePrice == closePrice and x.openStatus and x.volume < closeVolume: self.writeCtaLog(u'下网格交易结束[{0}->{1}],移除网格,剩余仓位:{2}'.format(x.openPrice, x.closePrice, closeVolume-x.volume)) closeVolume = closeVolume - x.volume self.dnGrids.remove(x) if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: for x in self.upGrids: if x.closePrice == closePrice and x.openStatus and x.volume == closeVolume: self.writeCtaLog(u'上网格交易结束[{0}->{1}],仓位:{2},移除网格'.format(x.openPrice, x.closePrice,closeVolume)) self.upGrids.remove(x) return if x.closePrice == closePrice and x.openStatus and x.volume > closeVolume: self.writeCtaLog(u'上网格交易结束[{0}->{1}],仓位减少:{2}'.format(x.openPrice, x.closePrice,closeVolume)) x.volume = x.volume - closeVolume if x.closePrice == closePrice and x.openStatus and x.volume < closeVolume: self.writeCtaLog(u'上网格交易结束[{0}->{1}],移除网格,剩余仓位:{2}'.format(x.openPrice, x.closePrice,closeVolume-x.volume)) closeVolume = closeVolume - x.volume self.upGrids.remove(x) def removeGrids(self, direction, priceline): """清除网格""" if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: for x in self.dnGrids[:]: if x.openPrice > priceline and not x.orderStatus and not x.openStatus and not x.closeStatus: self.writeCtaLog(u'清除下网格[open={0}]'.format(x.openPrice)) self.dnGrids.remove(x) if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: for x in self.upGrids[:]: if x.openPrice < priceline and not x.orderStatus and not x.openStatus and not x.closeStatus: self.writeCtaLog(u'清除上网格[open={0}]'.format(x.openPrice)) self.upGrids.remove(x) def rebuildGrids(self, direction, upline=EMPTY_FLOAT, dnline=EMPTY_FLOAT, midline=EMPTY_FLOAT, upRate=1, dnRate = 1): """重新拉网 清除未挂单的网格, 在上轨/下轨位置重新挂单 upRate , 上轨网格高度比率 dnRate, 下轨网格高度比率 """ self.writeCtaLog(u'重新拉网:upline:{0},dnline:{1}'.format(upline, dnline)) # 检查上下网格的高度比率,不能低于0.5 if upRate < 0.5 or dnRate < 0.5: upRate = max(0.5, upRate) dnRate = max(0.5, dnRate) if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: minPriceInOrder = midline removePrices = [] # 移除未挂单的下网格 for x in self.dnGrids[:]: if not x.orderStatus and not x.openStatus and not x.closeStatus: removePrices.append(x.openPrice) self.dnGrids.remove(x) else: self.writeCtaLog(u'保留网格[open={0}]'.format(x.openPrice)) if x.openPrice < minPriceInOrder : minPriceInOrder = x.openPrice self.writeCtaLog(u'清除下网格[{0}]'.format(removePrices)) # 需要重建的剩余网格数量 remainLots = len(self.dnGrids) lots = self.maxLots - remainLots dnline = min(dnline, minPriceInOrder-self.gridHeight*dnRate) self.writeCtaLog(u'需要重建的网格数量:{0},起点:{1}'.format(lots, dnline)) if lots > 0: for i in range(0, lots, 1): # 做多,开仓价为下阻力线-网格高度*i,平仓价为开仓价+止盈高度,开仓数量为缺省 open_price = int((dnline - self.gridHeight * i * dnRate) / self.minDiff ) * self.minDiff close_price = int((open_price + self.gridWin* dnRate)/self.minDiff) * self.minDiff grid = CtaGrid(direction=DIRECTION_LONG, openprice=open_price, closeprice=close_price, volume=self.volume*self.getVolumeRate(remainLots + i)) self.dnGrids.append(grid) self.writeCtaLog(u'重新拉下网格:[{0}~{1}]'.format(dnline, dnline-self.gridHeight * lots)) if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: maxPriceInOrder = midline removePrices = [] # 移除未挂单的上网格 for x in self.upGrids[:]: if not x.orderStatus and not x.openStatus and not x.closeStatus: removePrices.append(x.openPrice) self.upGrids.remove(x) else: self.writeCtaLog(u'保留网格[open={0}]'.format(x.openPrice)) if x.openPrice > maxPriceInOrder : maxPriceInOrder = x.openPrice self.writeCtaLog(u'清除上网格[{0}]'.format(removePrices)) # 需要重建的剩余网格数量 remainLots = len(self.upGrids) lots = self.maxLots - remainLots upline = max(upline, maxPriceInOrder+self.gridHeight*upRate) self.writeCtaLog(u'需要重建的网格数量:{0},起点:{1}'.format(lots, upline)) if lots > 0: # 做空,开仓价为上阻力线+网格高度*i,平仓价为开仓价-止盈高度,开仓数量为缺省 for i in range(0, lots, 1): open_price = int((upline + self.gridHeight * i * upRate) / self.minDiff) * self.minDiff close_price = int((open_price - self.gridWin * upRate) / self.minDiff) * self.minDiff grid = CtaGrid(direction=DIRECTION_SHORT, openprice=open_price, closeprice=close_price, volume=self.volume*self.getVolumeRate(remainLots + i)) self.upGrids.append(grid) self.writeCtaLog(u'重新拉上网格:[{0}~{1}]'.format(upline, upline+self.gridHeight * lots)) def recount_avg_open_price(self): """计算网格的平均开仓价""" up_open_list = [x for x in self.upGrids if x.openStatus] self.max_up_open_price = -99999 self.avg_up_open_price = -99999 self.min_dn_open_price = 99999 self.avg_dn_open_price = 99999 total_price = EMPTY_FLOAT total_volume = EMPTY_INT for x in up_open_list: self.max_up_open_price = max(self.max_up_open_price, x.openPrice) total_price += x.openPrice*x.volume total_volume += x.volume if total_volume > 0: self.avg_up_open_price = total_price/total_volume total_price = EMPTY_FLOAT total_volume = EMPTY_INT dn_open_list = [x for x in self.dnGrids if x.openStatus] for x in dn_open_list: self.min_dn_open_price = min(self.min_dn_open_price,x.openPrice) total_price += x.openPrice*x.volume total_volume += x.volume if total_volume > 0: self.avg_dn_open_price = total_price/total_volume def save(self, direction): """保存网格至本地Json文件""" # 更新开仓均价 self.recount_avg_open_price() path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # 保存上网格列表 if len(self.upGrids) > 0 and direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: jsonFileName = os.path.join(path, u'data', u'{0}_upGrids.json'.format(self.jsonName)) l = [] for grid in self.upGrids: l.append(grid.toJson()) with open(jsonFileName, 'w') as f: jsonL = json.dumps(l, indent=4) f.write(jsonL) #self.writeCtaLog(u'上网格保存文件{0}完成'.format(jsonFileName)) # 保存上网格列表 if len(self.dnGrids) > 0 and direction == DIRECTION_LONG: jsonFileName = os.path.join(path, u'data', u'{0}_dnGrids.json'.format(self.jsonName)) l = [] for grid in self.dnGrids: l.append(grid.toJson()) with open(jsonFileName, 'w') as f: jsonL = json.dumps(l, indent=4) f.write(jsonL) #self.writeCtaLog(u'下网格保存文件{0}完成'.format(jsonFileName)) def load(self, direction): """加载本地Json至网格""" path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if direction == DIRECTION_SHORT: jsonFileName = os.path.join(path, u'data', u'{0}_upGrids.json'.format(self.jsonName)) self.writeCtaLog(u'开始加载上网格文件{0}'.format(jsonFileName)) if direction == DIRECTION_LONG: jsonFileName = os.path.join(path, u'data', u'{0}_dnGrids.json'.format(self.jsonName)) self.writeCtaLog(u'开始加载上网格文件{0}'.format(jsonFileName)) if not os.path.isfile(jsonFileName): self.writeCtaLog(u'网格保存文件{0}不存在'.format(jsonFileName)) return [] try: f = file(jsonFileName) except IOError: self.writeCtaLog(u'读取网格出错,请检查') return [] # 解析json文件 l = json.load(f) grids = [] if len(l) > 0: for i in l: closePrice = float(i['closePrice']) openPrice = float(i['openPrice']) stopPrice = float(i['stopPrice']) self.writeCtaLog(u'load Grid:open:{0},close:{1},stop:{2}'.format(openPrice, closePrice, stopPrice)) grid = CtaGrid(direction=i['direction'], openprice=openPrice, closeprice=closePrice, stopprice=stopPrice, volume=i['volume']) grid.orderStatus = i['orderStatus'] # 挂单状态: True,已挂单,False,未挂单 grid.orderRef = i['orderRef'] # OrderId grid.openStatus = i['openStatus'] # 开仓状态 grid.closeStatus = i['closeStatus'] # 平仓状态 strTime = i['openDatetime'] if strTime == EMPTY_STRING or type(strTime)==type(None): grid.openDatetime = None else: grid.openDatetime = datetime.strptime(strTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') try: grid.tradedVolume = i['tradedVolume'] # 已交易的合约数量 except KeyError: grid.tradedVolume = EMPTY_INT self.writeCtaLog(grid.toStr()) grids.append(grid) else: self.writeCtaLog(u'解析网格出错,设置为空列表') f.close() return grids