#encoding: UTF-8 import os import json import time import requests import pymongo import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta from Queue import Queue, Empty from threading import Thread, Timer from pymongo import MongoClient from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from errors import (VNPAST_ConfigError, VNPAST_RequestError, VNPAST_DataConstructorError) class Config(object): """ Json-like config object. The Config contains all kinds of settings and user info that could be useful in the implementation of Api wrapper. privates -------- * head: string; the name of config file. * token: string; user's token. * body: dictionary; the main content of config. - domain: string, api domain. - ssl: boolean, specifes http or https usage. - version: string, version of the api. Currently 'v1'. - header: dictionary; the request header which contains authorization infomation. """ head = 'my config' toke_ = '44ebc0f058981f85382595f9f15f967' + \ '0c7eaf2695de30dd752e8f33e9022baa0' token = '575593eb7696aec7339224c0fac2313780d8645f68b77369dcb35f8bcb419a0b' body = { 'ssl': False, 'domain': 'api.wmcloud.com/data', 'version': 'v1', 'header': { 'Connection' : 'keep-alive', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token } } def __init__(self, head=None, token=None, body=None): """ Reloaded constructor. parameters ---------- * head: string; the name of config file. Default is None. * token: string; user's token. * body: dictionary; the main content of config """ if head: self.head = head if token: self.token = token if body: self.body = body def view(self): """ Prettify printing method. """ config_view = { 'config_head' : self.head, 'config_body' : self.body, 'user_token' : self.token } print json.dumps(config_view, indent=4, sort_keys=True) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data containers. class BaseDataContainer(object): """ Basic data container. The fundamental of all other data container objects defined within this module. privates -------- * head: string; the head(type) of data container. * body: dictionary; data content. Among all sub-classes that inherit BaseDataContainer, type(body) varies according to the financial meaning that the child data container stands for. - History: - Bar """ head = 'ABSTRACT_DATA' body = dict() pass class History(BaseDataContainer): """ Historical data container. The foundation of all other pandas DataFrame-like two dimensional data containers for this module. privates -------- * head: string; the head(type) of data container. * body: pd.DataFrame object; contains data contents. """ head = 'HISTORY' body = pd.DataFrame() def __init__(self, data): """ Reloaded constructor. parameters ---------- * data: dictionary; usually a Json-like response from web based api. For our purposes, data is exactly resp.json() where resp is the response from datayes developer api. - example: {'data': [ { 'closePrice': 15.88, 'date': 20150701, ... }, { 'closePrice': 15.99, 'date': 20150702, ... }, ...], 'retCode': 1, 'retMsg': 'Success'}. So the body of data is actually in data['data'], which is our target when constructing the container. """ try: assert 'data' in data self.body = pd.DataFrame(data['data']) except AssertionError: msg = '[{}]: Unable to construct history data; '.format( self.head) + 'input is not a dataframe.' raise VNPAST_DataConstructorError(msg) except Exception,e: msg = '[{}]: Unable to construct history data; '.format( self.head) + str(e) raise VNPAST_DataConstructorError(msg) class Bar(History): """ Historical Bar data container. Inherits from History() DataFrame-like two dimensional data containers for Bar data. privates -------- * head: string; the head(type) of data container. * body: pd.DataFrame object; contains data contents. """ head = 'HISTORY_BAR' body = pd.DataFrame() def __init__(self, data): """ Reloaded constructor. parameters ---------- * data: dictionary; usually a Json-like response from web based api. For our purposes, data is exactly resp.json() where resp is the response from datayes developer api. - example: {'data': [{ 'exchangeCD': 'XSHG', 'utcOffset': '+08:00', 'unit': 1, 'currencyCD': 'CNY', 'barBodys': [ { 'closePrice': 15.88, 'date': 20150701, ... }, { 'closePrice': 15.99, 'date': 20150702, ... }, ... ], 'ticker': '000001', 'shortNM': u'\u4e0a\u8bc1\u6307\u6570' }, ...(other tickers) ], 'retCode': 1, 'retMsg': 'Success'}. When requesting 1 ticker, json['data'] layer has only one element; we expect that this is for data collectioning for multiple tickers, which is currently impossible nevertheless. So we want resp.json()['data'][0]['barBodys'] for Bar data contents, and that is what we go into when constructing Bar. """ try: assert 'data' in data assert 'barBodys' in data['data'][0] self.body = pd.DataFrame(data['data'][0]['barBodys']) except AssertionError: msg = '[{}]: Unable to construct history data; '.format( self.head) + 'input is not a dataframe.' raise VNPAST_DataConstructorError(msg) except Exception,e: msg = '[{}]: Unable to construct history data; '.format( self.head) + str(e) raise VNPAST_DataConstructorError(msg) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Datayes Api class class PyApi(object): """ Python based Datayes Api object. PyApi should be initialized with a Config json. The config must be complete, in that once constructed, the private variables like request headers, tokens, etc. become constant values (inherited from config), and will be consistantly referred to whenever make requests. privates -------- * _config: Config object; a container of all useful settings when making requests. * _ssl, _domain, _domain_stream, _version, _header, _account_id: boolean, string, string, string, dictionary, integer; just private references to the items in Config. See the docs of Config(). * _session: requests.session object. examples -------- """ _config = Config() # request stuffs _ssl = False _domain = '' _version = 'v1' _header = dict() _token = None _session = requests.session() def __init__(self, config): """ Constructor. parameters ---------- * config: Config object; specifies user and connection configs. """ if config.body: try: self._config = config self._ssl = config.body['ssl'] self._domain = config.body['domain'] self._version = config.body['version'] self._header = config.body['header'] except KeyError: msg = '[API]: Unable to configure api; ' + \ 'config file is incomplete.' raise VNPAST_ConfigError(msg) except Exception,e: msg = '[API]: Unable to configure api; ' + str(e) raise VNPAST_ConfigError(msg) # configure protocol if self._ssl: self._domain = 'https://' + self._domain else: self._domain = 'http://' + self._domain def __access(self, url, params, method='GET'): """ request specific data from given url with parameters. parameters ---------- * url: string. * params: dictionary. * method: string; 'GET' or 'POST', request method. """ try: assert type(url) == str assert type(params) == dict except AssertionError,e: raise e('[API]: Unvalid url or parameter input.') if not self._session: s = requests.session() else: s = self._session # prepare and send the request. try: req = requests.Request(method, url = url, headers = self._header, params = params) prepped = s.prepare_request(req) # prepare the request resp = s.send(prepped, stream=False, verify=True) if method == 'GET': assert resp.status_code == 200 elif method == 'POST': assert resp.status_code == 201 return resp except AssertionError: msg = '[API]: Bad request, unexpected response status: ' + \ str(resp.status_code) raise VNPAST_RequestError(msg) pass except Exception,e: msg = '[API]: Bad request.' + str(e) raise VNPAST_RequestError(msg) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # directly get methods - Market data def get_equity_M1_one(self, start='', end='', secID='000001.XSHG'): """ Get 1-minute intraday bar data of one security. parameters ---------- * start, end: string; Time mark formatted in 'HH:MM'. Specifies the start/end point of bar. Note that the requested date is the latest trading day (only one day), and the default start/end time is '09:30' and min(now, '15:00'). Effective minute bars range from 09:30 - 11:30 in the morning and 13:01 - 15:00 in the afternoon. * secID: string; the security ID in the form of '000001.XSHG', i.e. ticker.exchange """ url = '{}/{}/api/market/getBarRTIntraDay.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'startTime': start, 'endTime': end, 'securityID': secID, } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 print resp.json() data = Bar(resp.json()) return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_equity_M1(self, field='', start='20130701', end='20130730', secID='000001.XSHG', output='df'): """ 1-minute bar in a month, currently unavailable. parameters ---------- * field: string; variables that are to be requested. * start, end: string; Time mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. * secID: string; the security ID in the form of '000001.XSHG', i.e. ticker.exchange * output: enumeration of strings; the format of output that will be returned. default is 'df', optionals are: - 'df': returns History object, where ret.body is a dataframe. - 'list': returns a list of dictionaries. """ url = '{}/{}/api/market/getBarHistDateRange.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'startDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'securityID': secID, } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 if output == 'df': data = Bar(resp.json()) elif output == 'list': data = resp.json()['data'][0]['barBodys'] return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_equity_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', secID='', ticker='', one=20150513, output='df'): """ Get 1-day interday bar data of one security. parameters ---------- * field: string; variables that are to be requested. Available variables are: (* is unique for securities) - secID string. - tradeDate date(?). - ticker string. - secShortName string. - exchangeCD string. - preClosePrice double. - actPreClosePrice* double. - openPrice double. - highestPrice double. - lowestPrice double. - closePrice double. - turnoverVol double. - turnoverValue double. - dealAmount* integer. - turnoverRate double. - accumAdjFactor* double. - negMarketValue* double. - marketValue* double. - PE* double. - PE1* double. - PB* double. Field is an optional parameter, default setting returns all fields. * start, end: string; Date mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. Specifies the start/end point of bar. Start and end are optional parameters. If start, end and ticker are all specified, default 'one' value will be abandoned. * secID: string; the security ID in the form of '000001.XSHG', i.e. ticker.exchange. * ticker: string; the trading code in the form of '000001'. * one: string; Date mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. Specifies one date on which data of all tickers are to be requested. Note that to get effective json data response, at least one parameter in {secID, ticker, tradeDate} should be entered. * output: enumeration of strings; the format of output that will be returned. default is 'df', optionals are: - 'df': returns History object, where ret.body is a dataframe. - 'list': returns a list of dictionaries. """ if start and end and ticker: one = '' # while user specifies start/end, covers tradeDate. url = '{}/{}/api/market/getMktEqud.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'secID': secID, 'ticker': ticker, 'tradeDate': one } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 if output == 'df': data = History(resp.json()) elif output == 'list': data = resp.json()['data'] return data #return resp except AssertionError: return 0 def get_block_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', secID='', ticker='', one=20150513): """ """ pass def get_repo_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', secID='', ticker='', one=20150513): """ """ pass def get_bond_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', secID='', ticker='', one=20150513, output='df'): """ Get 1-day interday bar data of one bond instrument. parameters ---------- * field: string; variables that are to be requested. Available variables are: (* is unique for bonds) - secID string. - tradeDate date(?). - ticker string. - secShortName string. - exchangeCD string. - preClosePrice double. - openPrice double. - highestPrice double. - lowestPrice double. - closePrice double. - turnoverVol double. - turnoverValue double. - turnoverRate double. - dealAmount* integer. - accrInterest* double. - YTM(yieldToMaturity)* double. Field is an optional parameter, default setting returns all fields. * start, end, secID, ticker, one, output string, string, string, string, string, string(enum) Same as above, reference: get_equity_D1(). """ if start and end and ticker: one = '' # while user specifies start/end, covers tradeDate. url = '{}/{}/api/market/getMktBondd.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'secID': secID, 'ticker': ticker, 'tradeDate': one } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 if output == 'df': data = History(resp.json()) elif output == 'list': data = resp.json()['data'] return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_future_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', secID='', ticker='', one=20150513, output='df'): """ Get 1-day interday bar data of one future contract. parameters ---------- * field: string; variables that are to be requested. Available variables are: (* is unique for future contracts) - secID string. - tradeDate date(?). - ticker string. - secShortName string. - exchangeCD string. - contractObject* string. - contractMark* string. - preSettlePrice* double. - preClosePrice double. - openPrice double. - highestPrice double. - lowestPrice double. - closePrice double. - settlePrice* double. - turnoverVol integer. - turnoverValue integer. - openInt* integer. - CHG* double. - CHG1* double. - CHGPct* double. - mainCon* integer (0/1 flag). - smainCon* integer (0/1 flag). Field is an optional parameter, default setting returns all fields. * start, end, secID, ticker, one, output string, string, string, string, string, string(enum) Same as above, reference: get_equity_D1(). """ if start and end and ticker: one = '' # while user specifies start/end, covers tradeDate. url = '{}/{}/api/market/getMktFutd.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'secID': secID, 'ticker': ticker, 'tradeDate': one } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 if output == 'df': data = History(resp.json()) elif output == 'list': data = resp.json()['data'] return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_future_main_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', mark='', obj='', main=1, one=20150513): """ """ pass def get_fund_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', secID='', ticker='', one=20150513, output='df'): """ Get 1-day interday bar data of one mutual fund. parameters ---------- * field: string; variables that are to be requested. Available variables are: (* is unique for funds) - secID string. - tradeDate date(?). - ticker string. - secShortName string. - exchangeCD string. - preClosePrice double. - openPrice double. - highestPrice double. - lowestPrice double. - closePrice double. - turnoverVol double. - turnoverValue double. - CHG* double. - CHGPct* double. - discount* double. - discountRatio* double. - circulationShares* double. Field is an optional parameter, default setting returns all fields. * start, end, secID, ticker, one, output string, string, string, string, string, string(enum) Same as above, reference: get_equity_D1(). """ if start and end and ticker: one = '' # while user specifies start/end, covers tradeDate. url = '{}/{}/api/market/getMktFundd.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'secID': secID, 'ticker': ticker, 'tradeDate': one } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 if output == 'df': data = History(resp.json()) elif output == 'list': data = resp.json()['data'] return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_index_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', indexID='', ticker='', one=20150513, output='df'): """ Get 1-day interday bar data of one stock index. parameters ---------- * field: string; variables that are to be requested. Available variables are: (* is unique for indices) - indexID string. - tradeDate date(?). - ticker string. - secShortName string. - porgFullName* string. - exchangeCD string. - preCloseIndex double. - openIndex double. - highestIndex double. - lowestIndex double. - closeIndex double. - turnoverVol double. - turnoverValue double. - CHG* double. - CHGPct* double. Field is an optional parameter, default setting returns all fields. * start, end, secID, ticker, one, output string, string, string, string, string, string(enum) Same as above, reference: get_equity_D1(). """ if start and end and ticker: one = '' # while user specifies start/end, covers tradeDate. url = '{}/{}/api/market/getMktIdxd.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'indexID': indexID, 'ticker': ticker, 'tradeDate': one } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 if output == 'df': data = History(resp.json()) elif output == 'list': data = resp.json()['data'] return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_option_D1(self, field='', start='', end='', secID='', optID='' ,ticker='', one=20150513, output='df'): """ Get 1-day interday bar data of one option contact. parameters ---------- * field: string; variables that are to be requested. Available variables are: (* is unique for options) - secID string. - optID* string. - tradeDate date(?). - ticker string. - secShortName string. - exchangeCD string. - preClosePrice double. - openPrice double. - highestPrice double. - lowestPrice double. - closePrice double. - settlePrice* double. - turnoverVol double. - turnoverValue double. - openInt* integer. Field is an optional parameter, default setting returns all fields. * start, end, secID, ticker, one, output string, string, string, string, string, string(enum) Same as above, reference: get_equity_D1(). """ if start and end and ticker: one = '' # while user specifies start/end, covers tradeDate. url = '{}/{}/api/market/getMktOptd.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'secID': secID, 'optID': optID, 'ticker': ticker, 'tradeDate': one } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 if output == 'df': data = History(resp.json()) elif output == 'list': data = resp.json()['data'] return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_stockFactor_D1(self, field='', secID='', ticker='000001', start=20130701, end=20130801): """ Get 1-day interday factor data for stocks. parameters ---------- * field: string; variables that are to be requested. Field is an optional parameter, default setting returns all fields. * start, end, secID, ticker, one, output string, string, string, string, string, string(enum) Same as above, reference: get_equity_D1(). """ url = '{}/{}/api/market/getStockFactorsDateRange.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'secID': secID, 'ticker': ticker } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 data = History(resp.json()) return data except AssertionError: return 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # directly get methods - Fundamental Data def get_balanceSheet(self, field='', secID='', start='', end='', pubStart='', pubEnd='', reportType='', ticker='000001'): """ """ url = '{}/{}/api/fundamental/getFdmtBS.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'secID': secID, 'ticker': ticker, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'publishDateBegin': pubStart, 'publishDateEnd': pubEnd, 'reportType': reportType } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 data = History(resp.json()) return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_balanceSheet_bnk(self): """ """ pass def get_balanceSheet_sec(self): """ """ pass def get_balanceSheet_ins(self): """ """ pass def get_balanceSheet_ind(self): """ """ pass def get_cashFlow(self, field='', secID='', start='', end='', pubStart='', pubEnd='', reportType='', ticker='000001'): """ """ url = '{}/{}/api/fundamental/getFdmtCF.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'secID': secID, 'ticker': ticker, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'publishDateBegin': pubStart, 'publishDateEnd': pubEnd, 'reportType': reportType } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 data = History(resp.json()) return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_cashFlow_bnk(self): """ """ pass def get_cashFlow_sec(self): """ """ pass def get_cashFlow_ins(self): """ """ pass def get_cashFlow_ind(self): """ """ pass def get_incomeStatement(self, field='', secID='', start='', end='', pubStart='', pubEnd='', reportType='', ticker='000001'): """ """ url = '{}/{}/api/fundamental/getFdmtIS.json'.format( self._domain, self._version) params = { 'field': field, 'secID': secID, 'ticker': ticker, 'beginDate': start, 'endDate': end, 'publishDateBegin': pubStart, 'publishDateEnd': pubEnd, 'reportType': reportType } try: resp = self.__access(url=url, params=params) assert len(resp.json()) > 0 data = History(resp.json()) return data except AssertionError: return 0 def get_incomeStatement_bnk(self): """ """ pass def get_incomeStatement_sec(self): """ """ pass def get_incomeStatement_ins(self): """ """ pass def get_incomeStatement_ind(self): """ """ pass #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # multi-threading download for database storage. def __drudgery(self, id, db, indexType, start, end, tasks, target): """ basic drudgery function. This method loops over a list of tasks(tickers) and get data using target api.get_# method for all those tickers. A new feature 'date' or 'dateTime'(for intraday) will be automatically added into every json-like documents, and specifies the datetime. datetime() formatted date(time) mark. With the setting of MongoDB in this module, this feature should be the unique index for all collections. By programatically assigning creating and assigning tasks to drudgery functions, multi-threading download of data can be achieved. parameters ---------- * id: integer; the ID of Drudgery session. * db: pymongo.db object; the database which collections of bars will go into. * indexType: string(enum): 'date' or 'datetime', specifies what is the collection index formatted. * start, end: string; Date mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. Specifies the start/end point of collections of bars. * tasks: list of strings; the tickers that this drudgery function loops over. * target: method; the api.get_# method that is to be called by drudgery function. """ if len(tasks) == 0: return 0 # str to datetime inline functions. if indexType == 'date': todt = lambda str_dt: datetime.strptime(str_dt,'%Y-%m-%d') update_dt = lambda d: d.update({'date':todt(d['tradeDate'])}) elif indexType == 'datetime': todt = lambda str_d, str_t: datetime.strptime( str_d + ' ' + str_t,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') update_dt = lambda d: d.update( {'dateTime':todt(d['dataDate'], d['barTime'])}) else: raise ValueError # loop over all tickers in task list. k, n = 1, len(tasks) for ticker in tasks: try: data = target(start = start, end = end, ticker = ticker, output = 'list') assert len(data) >= 1 map(update_dt, data) # add datetime feature to docs. coll = db[ticker] coll.insert_many(data) print '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Finished {} in {}.'.format(k, n) k += 1 except AssertionError: msg = '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Empty dataset in the response.' print msg pass except Exception, e: msg = '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Exception encountered when ' + \ 'requesting data; ' + str(e) print msg pass def get_equity_D1_drudgery(self, id, db, start, end, tasks=[]): """ call __drudgery targeting at get_equity_D1() """ self.__drudgery(id=id, db=db, indexType = 'date', start = start, end = end, tasks = tasks, target = self.get_equity_D1) def get_future_D1_drudgery(self, id, db, start, end, tasks=[]): """ call __drudgery targeting at get_future_D1() """ self.__drudgery(id=id, db=db, indexType = 'date', start = start, end = end, tasks = tasks, target = self.get_future_D1) def get_index_D1_drudgery(self, id, db, start, end, tasks=[]): """ call __drudgery targeting at get_index_D1() """ self.__drudgery(id=id, db=db, indexType = 'date', start = start, end = end, tasks = tasks, target = self.get_index_D1) def get_bond_D1_drudgery(self, id, db, start, end, tasks=[]): """ call __drudgery targeting at get_bond_D1() """ self.__drudgery(id=id, db=db, indexType = 'date', start = start, end = end, tasks = tasks, target = self.get_bond_D1) def get_fund_D1_drudgery(self, id, db, start, end, tasks=[]): """ call __drudgery targeting at get_fund_D1() """ self.__drudgery(id=id, db=db, indexType = 'date', start = start, end = end, tasks = tasks, target = self.get_fund_D1) def get_option_D1_drudgery(self, id, db, start, end, tasks=[]): """ call __drudgery targeting at get_option_D1() """ self.__drudgery(id=id, db=db, indexType = 'date', start = start, end = end, tasks = tasks, target = self.get_option_D1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __overlord(self, db, start, end, dName, target1, target2, sessionNum): """ Basic controller of multithreading request. Generates a list of all tickers, creates threads and distribute tasks to individual #_drudgery() functions. parameters ---------- * db: pymongo.db object; the database which collections of bars will go into. Note that this database will be transferred to every drudgery functions created by controller. * start, end: string; Date mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. Specifies the start/end point of collections of bars. * dName: string; the path of file where all tickers' infomation are stored in. * target1: method; targetting api method that overlord calls to get tasks list. * target2: method; the corresponding drudgery function. * sessionNum: integer; the number of threads that will be deploied. Concretely, the list of all tickers will be sub-divided into chunks, where chunkSize = len(allTickers)/sessionNum. """ if os.path.isfile(dName): # if directory exists, read from it. jsonFile = open(dName,'r') allTickers = json.loads(jsonFile.read()) jsonFile.close() else: data = target1() allTickers = list(data.body['ticker']) chunkSize = len(allTickers)/sessionNum taskLists = [allTickers[k:k+chunkSize] for k in range( 0, len(allTickers), chunkSize)] k = 0 for tasks in taskLists: thrd = Thread(target = target2, args = (k, db, start, end, tasks)) thrd.start() k += 1 return 1 def get_equity_D1_mongod(self, db, start, end, sessionNum=30): """ Controller of get equity D1 method. """ self.__overlord(db = db, start = start, end = end, dName = 'names/equTicker.json', target1 = self.get_equity_D1, target2 = self.get_equity_D1_drudgery, sessionNum = sessionNum) def get_future_D1_mongod(self, db, start, end, sessionNum=30): """ Controller of get future D1 method. """ self.__overlord(db = db, start = start, end = end, dName = 'names/futTicker.json', target1 = self.get_future_D1, target2 = self.get_future_D1_drudgery, sessionNum = sessionNum) def get_index_D1_mongod(self, db, start, end, sessionNum=30): """ Controller of get index D1 method. """ self.__overlord(db = db, start = start, end = end, dName = 'names/idxTicker.json', target1 = self.get_index_D1, target2 = self.get_index_D1_drudgery, sessionNum = sessionNum) def get_bond_D1_mongod(self, db, start, end, sessionNum=30): """ Controller of get bond D1 method. """ self.__overlord(db = db, start = start, end = end, dName = 'names/bndTicker.json', target1 = self.get_bond_D1, target2 = self.get_bond_D1_drudgery, sessionNum = sessionNum) def get_fund_D1_mongod(self, db, start, end, sessionNum=30): """ Controller of get fund D1 method. """ self.__overlord(db = db, start = start, end = end, dName = 'names/fudTicker.json', target1 = self.get_fund_D1, target2 = self.get_fund_D1_drudgery, sessionNum = sessionNum) def get_option_D1_mongod(self, db, start, end, sessionNum=30): """ Controller of get option D1 method. """ self.__overlord(db = db, start = start, end = end, dName = 'names/optTicker.json', target1 = self.get_option_D1, target2 = self.get_option_D1_drudgery, sessionNum = sessionNum) def get_equity_D1_mongod_(self, db, start, end, sessionNum=30): """ Outer controller of get equity D1 method. Generates a list of all tickers, creates threads and distribute tasks to individual get_equity_D1_drudgery() functions. parameters ---------- * db: pymongo.db object; the database which collections of bars will go into. Note that this database will be transferred to every drudgery functions created by controller. * start, end: string; Date mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. Specifies the start/end point of collections of bars. * sessionNum: integer; the number of threads that will be deploied. Concretely, the list of all tickers will be sub-divided into chunks, where chunkSize = len(allTickers)/sessionNum. """ # initialize task list. dName = 'names/equTicker.json' if os.path.isfile(dName): # if directory exists, read from it. jsonFile = open(dName,'r') allTickers = json.loads(jsonFile.read()) jsonFile.close() else: data = self.get_equity_D1() allTickers = list(data.body['ticker']) chunkSize = len(allTickers)/sessionNum taskLists = [allTickers[k:k+chunkSize] for k in range( 0, len(allTickers), chunkSize)] k = 0 for tasks in taskLists: thrd = Thread(target = self.get_equity_D1_drudgery, args = (k, db, start, end, tasks)) thrd.start() k += 1 return 1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # to be deprecated def get_equity_D1_drudgery_(self, id, db, start, end, tasks=[]): """ Drudgery function of getting equity_D1 bars. This method loops over a list of tasks(tickers) and get D1 bar for all these tickers. A new feature 'date' will be automatically added into every json-like documents, and specifies the datetime. datetime() formatted date mark. With the default setting of MongoDB in this module, this feature should be the unique index for all collections. By programatically assigning creating and assigning tasks to drudgery functions, multi-threading download of data can be achieved. parameters ---------- * id: integer; the ID of Drudgery session. * db: pymongo.db object; the database which collections of bars will go into. * start, end: string; Date mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. Specifies the start/end point of collections of bars. * tasks: list of strings; the tickers that this drudgery function loops over. """ if len(tasks) == 0: return 0 # str to datetime inline functions. todt = lambda str_dt: datetime.strptime(str_dt,'%Y-%m-%d') update_dt = lambda d: d.update({'date':todt(d['tradeDate'])}) # loop over all tickers in task list. k, n = 1, len(tasks) for ticker in tasks: try: data = self.get_equity_D1(start = start, end = end, ticker = ticker, output = 'list') assert len(data) >= 1 map(update_dt, data) # add datetime feature to docs. coll = db[ticker] coll.insert_many(data) print '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Finished {} in {}.'.format(k, n) k += 1 except ConnectionError: # If choke connection, standby for 1sec an invoke again. time.sleep(1) self.get_equity_D1_drudgery( id, db, start, end, tasks) except AssertionError: msg = '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Empty dataset in the response.' print msg pass except Exception, e: msg = '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Exception encountered when ' + \ 'requesting data; ' + str(e) print msg pass def get_equity_D1_mongod_(self, db, start, end, sessionNum=30): """ Outer controller of get equity D1 method. Generates a list of all tickers, creates threads and distribute tasks to individual get_equity_D1_drudgery() functions. parameters ---------- * db: pymongo.db object; the database which collections of bars will go into. Note that this database will be transferred to every drudgery functions created by controller. * start, end: string; Date mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. Specifies the start/end point of collections of bars. * sessionNum: integer; the number of threads that will be deploied. Concretely, the list of all tickers will be sub-divided into chunks, where chunkSize = len(allTickers)/sessionNum. """ # initialize task list. dName = 'names/equTicker.json' if os.path.isfile(dName): # if directory exists, read from it. jsonFile = open(dName,'r') allTickers = json.loads(jsonFile.read()) jsonFile.close() else: data = self.get_equity_D1() allTickers = list(data.body['ticker']) chunkSize = len(allTickers)/sessionNum taskLists = [allTickers[k:k+chunkSize] for k in range( 0, len(allTickers), chunkSize)] k = 0 for tasks in taskLists: thrd = Thread(target = self.get_equity_D1_drudgery, args = (k, db, start, end, tasks)) thrd.start() k += 1 return 1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------# def get_equity_M1_drudgery(self, id, db, start, end, tasks=[]): """ Drudgery function of getting equity_D1 bars. This method loops over a list of tasks(tickers) and get D1 bar for all these tickers. A new feature 'dateTime', combined by Y-m-d formatted date part and H:M time part, will be automatically added into every json-like documents. It would be a datetime.datetime() timestamp object. In this module, this feature should be the unique index for all collections. By programatically assigning creating and assigning tasks to drudgery functions, multi-threading download of data can be achieved. parameters ---------- * id: integer; the ID of Drudgery session. * db: pymongo.db object; the database which collections of bars will go into. * start, end: string; Date mark formatted in 'YYYYMMDD'. Specifies the start/end point of collections of bars. Note that to ensure the success of every requests, the range amid start and end had better be no more than one month. * tasks: list of strings; the tickers that this drudgery function loops over. """ if len(tasks) == 0: return 0 # str to datetime inline functions. todt = lambda str_d, str_t: datetime.strptime( str_d + ' ' + str_t,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') update_dt = lambda d: d.update( {'dateTime':todt(d['dataDate'], d['barTime'])}) k, n = 1, len(tasks) for secID in tasks: try: data = self.get_equity_M1(start = start, end = end, secID = secID, output = 'list') map(update_dt, data) # add datetime feature to docs. coll = db[secID] coll.insert_many(data) print '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Finished {} in {}.'.format(k, n) k += 1 except ConnectionError: # If choke connection, standby for 1sec an invoke again. time.sleep(1) self.get_equity_D1_drudgery( id, db, start, end, tasks) except AssertionError: msg = '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Empty dataset in the response.' print msg pass except Exception, e: msg = '[API|Session{}]: '.format(id) + \ 'Exception encountered when ' + \ 'requesting data; ' + str(e) print msg pass def get_equity_M1_interMonth(self, db, id, startYr=datetime.now().year-2, endYr=datetime.now().year, tasks=[]): """ Mid-level wrapper of get equity M1 method. Get 1-minute bar between specified start year and ending year for more than one tickers in tasks list. parameters ---------- * db: pymongo.db object; the database which collections of bars will go into. Note that this database will be transferred to every drudgery functions created by controller. * id: integer; the ID of wrapper session. * startYr, endYr: integer; the start and ending year amid which the 1-minute bar data is gotten one month by another employing get_equity_M1_drudgery() function. Default values are this year and two years before now. the complete time range will be sub-divided into months. And threads are deployed for each of these months. - example ------- Suppose .now() is Auguest 15th 2015. (20150815) startYr, endYr = 2014, 2015. then two list of strings will be generated: ymdStringStart = ['20140102','20140202', ... '20150802'] ymdStringEnd = ['20140101','20140201', ... '20150801'] the sub-timeRanges passed to drudgeries will be: (start, end): (20140102, 20140201), (20140202, 20140301), ..., (20150702, 20150801). So the actual time range is 20140102 - 20150801. * sessionNum: integer; the number of threads that will be deploied. Concretely, the list of all tickers will be sub-divided into chunks, where chunkSize = len(allTickers)/sessionNum. """ # Construct yyyymmdd strings.(as ymdStrings list) now = datetime.now() years = [str(y) for y in range(startYr, endYr+1)] monthDates = [(2-len(str(k)))*'0'+str(k)+'02' for k in range(1,13)] ymdStringStart = [y+md for y in years for md in monthDates if ( datetime.strptime(y+md,'%Y%m%d')<=now)] monthDates = [(2-len(str(k)))*'0'+str(k)+'01' for k in range(1,13)] ymdStringEnd = [y+md for y in years for md in monthDates if ( datetime.strptime(y+md,'%Y%m%d')<=now)] k = 0 for t in range(len(ymdStringEnd)-1): start = ymdStringStart[t] end = ymdStringEnd[t+1] subID = str(id) + '_' + str(k) thrd = Thread(target = self.get_equity_M1_drudgery, args = (subID, db, start, end, tasks)) thrd.start() k += 1 def get_equity_M1_all(self, db, startYr=datetime.now().year-2, endYr=datetime.now().year, splitNum=10): """ """ """ # initialize task list. data = self.get_equity_D1() allTickers = list(data.body['ticker']) exchangeCDs = list(data.body['exchangeCD']) allSecIds = [allTickers[k]+'.'+exchangeCDs[k] for k in range( len(allTickers))] chunkSize = len(allSecIds)/splitNum taskLists = [allSecIds[k:k+chunkSize] for k in range( 0, len(allSecIds), chunkSize)] # Construct yyyymmdd strings.(as ymdStrings list) now = datetime.now() years = [str(y) for y in range(startYr, endYr+1)] monthDates = [(2-len(str(k)))*'0'+str(k)+'01' for k in range(1,13)] ymdStrings = [y+md for y in years for md in monthDates if ( datetime.strptime(y+md,'%Y%m%d')<=now)] print taskLists[0] print ymdStrings k = 0 for t in range(len(ymdStrings)-1): start = ymdStrings[t] end = ymdStrings[t+1] thrd = Thread(target = self.get_equity_M1_drudgery, args = (k, db, start, end, taskLists[0])) thrd.start() k += 1 return 1 """ pass