diff --git a/vn.ctp/CMakeLists.txt b/vn.ctp/CMakeLists.txt
index 9392bbe1..ed2a498a 100644
--- a/vn.ctp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/vn.ctp/CMakeLists.txt
endif ()
option(USE_64BITS "comiple 64bits" ON)
if (USE_64BITS)
@@ -16,7 +16,14 @@ if (USE_64BITS)
-set(CTPAPI_PATH ctpapi)
+if (WIN32)
+ set(CTPAPI_PATH ctpapi)
+elseif (UNIX)
+ message("Under unix: " ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P})
+ set(CTPAPI_PATH ctpapi/x64_linux)
+ endif()
@@ -47,17 +54,27 @@ if (BUILD_CTP_TD)
-set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH C:/Python27/include)
+if (WIN32)
+set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH C:/Python27/include)
NAMES python27
PATHS C:/Python27/libs)
+set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/include/python2.7/)
+ NAMES python2.7
+ PATHS /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu)
# 链接boost库,anaconda
-set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) #链接boost静态库
+if (WIN32)
+ set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) #链接boost静态库
-find_package(Boost 1.57.0 COMPONENTS python thread date_time system chrono REQUIRED) # 如果boost库没有完全编译,需要将编译的库明确地指出,否者message(${Boost_LIBRARIES})会出错
+find_package(Boost 1.55.0 COMPONENTS python thread date_time system chrono REQUIRED) # 如果boost库没有完全编译,需要将编译的库明确地指出,否者message(${Boost_LIBRARIES})会出错
diff --git a/vn.ctp/build.sh b/vn.ctp/build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..df869a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vn.ctp/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Written by Suzhengchun on 20160213
+set -e
+rm -rf $BUILDDIR
+if [ ! -f $BUILDDIR ]; then
+ mkdir -p $BUILDDIR
+pushd $BUILDDIR
+cmake ..
+make VERBOSE=1 -j 2
+ln -fs `pwd`/lib/libvnctpmd.so ../vnctpmd/test/vnctpmd.so
+ln -fs `pwd`/lib/libvnctptd.so ../vnctptd/test/vnctptd.so
diff --git a/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcMdApi.h b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcMdApi.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9af915f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcMdApi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+///@system һϵͳ
+///@company ϺڻϢ˾
+///@file ThostFtdcMdApi.h
+///@brief ˿ͻ˽ӿ
+///20060106 Ժ ļ
+#if !defined(THOST_FTDCMDAPI_H)
+#if _MSC_VER > 1000
+#pragma once
+#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
+#include "ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h"
+#if defined(ISLIB) && defined(WIN32)
+#define MD_API_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define MD_API_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#define MD_API_EXPORT
+class CThostFtdcMdSpi
+ ///ͻ뽻̨ͨʱδ¼ǰ÷á
+ virtual void OnFrontConnected(){};
+ ///ͻ뽻̨ͨӶϿʱ÷áAPIԶӣͻ˿ɲ
+ ///@param nReason ԭ
+ /// 0x1001 ʧ
+ /// 0x1002 дʧ
+ /// 0x2001 ʱ
+ /// 0x2002 ʧ
+ /// 0x2003 յ
+ virtual void OnFrontDisconnected(int nReason){};
+ ///ʱ档ʱδյʱ÷á
+ ///@param nTimeLapse ϴνձĵʱ
+ virtual void OnHeartBeatWarning(int nTimeLapse){};
+ ///¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspUserLogin(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField *pRspUserLogin, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///dzӦ
+ virtual void OnRspUserLogout(CThostFtdcUserLogoutField *pUserLogout, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspError(CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspSubMarketData(CThostFtdcSpecificInstrumentField *pSpecificInstrument, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ȡӦ
+ virtual void OnRspUnSubMarketData(CThostFtdcSpecificInstrumentField *pSpecificInstrument, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspSubForQuoteRsp(CThostFtdcSpecificInstrumentField *pSpecificInstrument, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ȡѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspUnSubForQuoteRsp(CThostFtdcSpecificInstrumentField *pSpecificInstrument, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnDepthMarketData(CThostFtdcDepthMarketDataField *pDepthMarketData) {};
+ ///ѯ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnForQuoteRsp(CThostFtdcForQuoteRspField *pForQuoteRsp) {};
+class MD_API_EXPORT CThostFtdcMdApi
+ ///MdApi
+ ///@param pszFlowPath ϢļĿ¼ĬΪǰĿ¼
+ ///@return UserApi
+ ///modify for udp marketdata
+ static CThostFtdcMdApi *CreateFtdcMdApi(const char *pszFlowPath = "", const bool bIsUsingUdp=false, const bool bIsMulticast=false);
+ ///ɾӿڶ
+ ///@remark ʹñӿڶʱ,øúɾӿڶ
+ virtual void Release() = 0;
+ ///ʼ
+ ///@remark ʼл,ֻеú,ӿڲſʼ
+ virtual void Init() = 0;
+ ///ȴӿ߳̽
+ ///@return ߳˳
+ virtual int Join() = 0;
+ ///ȡǰ
+ ///@retrun ȡĽ
+ ///@remark ֻе¼ɹ,ܵõȷĽ
+ virtual const char *GetTradingDay() = 0;
+ ///עǰûַ
+ ///@param pszFrontAddressǰûַ
+ ///@remark ַĸʽΪprotocol://ipaddress:port磺tcp://
+ ///@remark tcpЭ飬127.0.0.1ַ17001˿ںš
+ virtual void RegisterFront(char *pszFrontAddress) = 0;
+ ///עַַ
+ ///@param pszNsAddressַַ
+ ///@remark ַĸʽΪprotocol://ipaddress:port磺tcp://
+ ///@remark tcpЭ飬127.0.0.1ַ12001˿ںš
+ ///@remark RegisterNameServerRegisterFront
+ virtual void RegisterNameServer(char *pszNsAddress) = 0;
+ ///עַûϢ
+ ///@param pFensUserInfoûϢ
+ virtual void RegisterFensUserInfo(CThostFtdcFensUserInfoField * pFensUserInfo) = 0;
+ ///עصӿ
+ ///@param pSpi Իصӿʵ
+ virtual void RegisterSpi(CThostFtdcMdSpi *pSpi) = 0;
+ ///顣
+ ///@param ppInstrumentID ԼID
+ ///@param nCount Ҫ/˶ĺԼ
+ ///@remark
+ virtual int SubscribeMarketData(char *ppInstrumentID[], int nCount) = 0;
+ ///˶顣
+ ///@param ppInstrumentID ԼID
+ ///@param nCount Ҫ/˶ĺԼ
+ ///@remark
+ virtual int UnSubscribeMarketData(char *ppInstrumentID[], int nCount) = 0;
+ ///ѯۡ
+ ///@param ppInstrumentID ԼID
+ ///@param nCount Ҫ/˶ĺԼ
+ ///@remark
+ virtual int SubscribeForQuoteRsp(char *ppInstrumentID[], int nCount) = 0;
+ ///˶ѯۡ
+ ///@param ppInstrumentID ԼID
+ ///@param nCount Ҫ/˶ĺԼ
+ ///@remark
+ virtual int UnSubscribeForQuoteRsp(char *ppInstrumentID[], int nCount) = 0;
+ ///û¼
+ virtual int ReqUserLogin(CThostFtdcReqUserLoginField *pReqUserLoginField, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///dz
+ virtual int ReqUserLogout(CThostFtdcUserLogoutField *pUserLogout, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ~CThostFtdcMdApi(){};
diff --git a/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcTraderApi.h b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcTraderApi.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91b5bdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcTraderApi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+///@system һϵͳ
+///@company ϺڻϢ˾
+///@file ThostFtdcTraderApi.h
+///@brief ˿ͻ˽ӿ
+///20060106 Ժ ļ
+#if _MSC_VER > 1000
+#pragma once
+#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
+#include "ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h"
+#if defined(ISLIB) && defined(WIN32)
+#define TRADER_API_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define TRADER_API_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+class CThostFtdcTraderSpi
+ ///ͻ뽻̨ͨʱδ¼ǰ÷á
+ virtual void OnFrontConnected(){};
+ ///ͻ뽻̨ͨӶϿʱ÷áAPIԶӣͻ˿ɲ
+ ///@param nReason ԭ
+ /// 0x1001 ʧ
+ /// 0x1002 дʧ
+ /// 0x2001 ʱ
+ /// 0x2002 ʧ
+ /// 0x2003 յ
+ virtual void OnFrontDisconnected(int nReason){};
+ ///ʱ档ʱδյʱ÷á
+ ///@param nTimeLapse ϴνձĵʱ
+ virtual void OnHeartBeatWarning(int nTimeLapse){};
+ ///ͻ֤Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspAuthenticate(CThostFtdcRspAuthenticateField *pRspAuthenticateField, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspUserLogin(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField *pRspUserLogin, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///dzӦ
+ virtual void OnRspUserLogout(CThostFtdcUserLogoutField *pUserLogout, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ûӦ
+ virtual void OnRspUserPasswordUpdate(CThostFtdcUserPasswordUpdateField *pUserPasswordUpdate, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ʽ˻Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspTradingAccountPasswordUpdate(CThostFtdcTradingAccountPasswordUpdateField *pTradingAccountPasswordUpdate, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspOrderInsert(CThostFtdcInputOrderField *pInputOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///Ԥ¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspParkedOrderInsert(CThostFtdcParkedOrderField *pParkedOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///Ԥ¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspParkedOrderAction(CThostFtdcParkedOrderActionField *pParkedOrderAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspOrderAction(CThostFtdcInputOrderActionField *pInputOrderAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQueryMaxOrderVolume(CThostFtdcQueryMaxOrderVolumeField *pQueryMaxOrderVolume, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///Ͷ߽ȷӦ
+ virtual void OnRspSettlementInfoConfirm(CThostFtdcSettlementInfoConfirmField *pSettlementInfoConfirm, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ɾԤӦ
+ virtual void OnRspRemoveParkedOrder(CThostFtdcRemoveParkedOrderField *pRemoveParkedOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ɾԤӦ
+ virtual void OnRspRemoveParkedOrderAction(CThostFtdcRemoveParkedOrderActionField *pRemoveParkedOrderAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ִ¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspExecOrderInsert(CThostFtdcInputExecOrderField *pInputExecOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ִӦ
+ virtual void OnRspExecOrderAction(CThostFtdcInputExecOrderActionField *pInputExecOrderAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯ¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspForQuoteInsert(CThostFtdcInputForQuoteField *pInputForQuote, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQuoteInsert(CThostFtdcInputQuoteField *pInputQuote, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///۲Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQuoteAction(CThostFtdcInputQuoteActionField *pInputQuoteAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///¼Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspCombActionInsert(CThostFtdcInputCombActionField *pInputCombAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryOrder(CThostFtdcOrderField *pOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯɽӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryTrade(CThostFtdcTradeField *pTrade, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯͶֲ߳Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInvestorPosition(CThostFtdcInvestorPositionField *pInvestorPosition, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯʽ˻Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQryTradingAccount(CThostFtdcTradingAccountField *pTradingAccount, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯͶӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInvestor(CThostFtdcInvestorField *pInvestor, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯױӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryTradingCode(CThostFtdcTradingCodeField *pTradingCode, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯԼ֤Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInstrumentMarginRate(CThostFtdcInstrumentMarginRateField *pInstrumentMarginRate, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯԼӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInstrumentCommissionRate(CThostFtdcInstrumentCommissionRateField *pInstrumentCommissionRate, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryExchange(CThostFtdcExchangeField *pExchange, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯƷӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryProduct(CThostFtdcProductField *pProduct, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯԼӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInstrument(CThostFtdcInstrumentField *pInstrument, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryDepthMarketData(CThostFtdcDepthMarketDataField *pDepthMarketData, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯͶ߽Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQrySettlementInfo(CThostFtdcSettlementInfoField *pSettlementInfo, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯתӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryTransferBank(CThostFtdcTransferBankField *pTransferBank, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯͶֲ߳ϸӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInvestorPositionDetail(CThostFtdcInvestorPositionDetailField *pInvestorPositionDetail, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯͻ֪ͨӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryNotice(CThostFtdcNoticeField *pNotice, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯϢȷӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQrySettlementInfoConfirm(CThostFtdcSettlementInfoConfirmField *pSettlementInfoConfirm, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯͶֲ߳ϸӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInvestorPositionCombineDetail(CThostFtdcInvestorPositionCombineDetailField *pInvestorPositionCombineDetail, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯ֤ϵͳ˾ʽ˻ԿӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryCFMMCTradingAccountKey(CThostFtdcCFMMCTradingAccountKeyField *pCFMMCTradingAccountKey, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯֵ۵ϢӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryEWarrantOffset(CThostFtdcEWarrantOffsetField *pEWarrantOffset, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯͶƷ/Ʒֱ֤Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInvestorProductGroupMargin(CThostFtdcInvestorProductGroupMarginField *pInvestorProductGroupMargin, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯ֤Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQryExchangeMarginRate(CThostFtdcExchangeMarginRateField *pExchangeMarginRate, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯ֤Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQryExchangeMarginRateAdjust(CThostFtdcExchangeMarginRateAdjustField *pExchangeMarginRateAdjust, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryExchangeRate(CThostFtdcExchangeRateField *pExchangeRate, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯԱȨӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQrySecAgentACIDMap(CThostFtdcSecAgentACIDMapField *pSecAgentACIDMap, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯƷ
+ virtual void OnRspQryProductGroup(CThostFtdcProductGroupField *pProductGroup, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryInstrumentOrderCommRate(CThostFtdcInstrumentOrderCommRateField *pInstrumentOrderCommRate, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯȨ׳ɱӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryOptionInstrTradeCost(CThostFtdcOptionInstrTradeCostField *pOptionInstrTradeCost, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯȨԼӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryOptionInstrCommRate(CThostFtdcOptionInstrCommRateField *pOptionInstrCommRate, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯִӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryExecOrder(CThostFtdcExecOrderField *pExecOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryForQuote(CThostFtdcForQuoteField *pForQuote, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryQuote(CThostFtdcQuoteField *pQuote, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯϺԼȫϵӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryCombInstrumentGuard(CThostFtdcCombInstrumentGuardField *pCombInstrumentGuard, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryCombAction(CThostFtdcCombActionField *pCombAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯתˮӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryTransferSerial(CThostFtdcTransferSerialField *pTransferSerial, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯǩԼϵӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryAccountregister(CThostFtdcAccountregisterField *pAccountregister, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspError(CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnOrder(CThostFtdcOrderField *pOrder) {};
+ ///ɽ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnTrade(CThostFtdcTradeField *pTrade) {};
+ ///¼ر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnOrderInsert(CThostFtdcInputOrderField *pInputOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnOrderAction(CThostFtdcOrderActionField *pOrderAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///Լ״̬֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnInstrumentStatus(CThostFtdcInstrumentStatusField *pInstrumentStatus) {};
+ ///֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnTradingNotice(CThostFtdcTradingNoticeInfoField *pTradingNoticeInfo) {};
+ ///ʾУ
+ virtual void OnRtnErrorConditionalOrder(CThostFtdcErrorConditionalOrderField *pErrorConditionalOrder) {};
+ ///ִ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnExecOrder(CThostFtdcExecOrderField *pExecOrder) {};
+ ///ִ¼ر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnExecOrderInsert(CThostFtdcInputExecOrderField *pInputExecOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ִر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnExecOrderAction(CThostFtdcExecOrderActionField *pExecOrderAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ѯ¼ر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnForQuoteInsert(CThostFtdcInputForQuoteField *pInputForQuote, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnQuote(CThostFtdcQuoteField *pQuote) {};
+ ///¼ر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnQuoteInsert(CThostFtdcInputQuoteField *pInputQuote, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///۲ر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnQuoteAction(CThostFtdcQuoteActionField *pQuoteAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ѯ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnForQuoteRsp(CThostFtdcForQuoteRspField *pForQuoteRsp) {};
+ ///֤û
+ virtual void OnRtnCFMMCTradingAccountToken(CThostFtdcCFMMCTradingAccountTokenField *pCFMMCTradingAccountToken) {};
+ ///֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnCombAction(CThostFtdcCombActionField *pCombAction) {};
+ ///¼ر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnCombActionInsert(CThostFtdcInputCombActionField *pInputCombAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ѯǩԼӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryContractBank(CThostFtdcContractBankField *pContractBank, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯԤӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryParkedOrder(CThostFtdcParkedOrderField *pParkedOrder, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯԤӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryParkedOrderAction(CThostFtdcParkedOrderActionField *pParkedOrderAction, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯ֪ͨӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryTradingNotice(CThostFtdcTradingNoticeField *pTradingNotice, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯ˾ײӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQryBrokerTradingParams(CThostFtdcBrokerTradingParamsField *pBrokerTradingParams, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯ˾㷨Ӧ
+ virtual void OnRspQryBrokerTradingAlgos(CThostFtdcBrokerTradingAlgosField *pBrokerTradingAlgos, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ѯû
+ virtual void OnRspQueryCFMMCTradingAccountToken(CThostFtdcQueryCFMMCTradingAccountTokenField *pQueryCFMMCTradingAccountToken, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///зʽתڻ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnFromBankToFutureByBank(CThostFtdcRspTransferField *pRspTransfer) {};
+ ///зڻʽת֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnFromFutureToBankByBank(CThostFtdcRspTransferField *pRspTransfer) {};
+ ///зתڻ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnRepealFromBankToFutureByBank(CThostFtdcRspRepealField *pRspRepeal) {};
+ ///зڻת֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnRepealFromFutureToBankByBank(CThostFtdcRspRepealField *pRspRepeal) {};
+ ///ڻʽתڻ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnFromBankToFutureByFuture(CThostFtdcRspTransferField *pRspTransfer) {};
+ ///ڻڻʽת֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnFromFutureToBankByFuture(CThostFtdcRspTransferField *pRspTransfer) {};
+ ///ϵͳʱڻֹתڻдϺ̷ص֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnRepealFromBankToFutureByFutureManual(CThostFtdcRspRepealField *pRspRepeal) {};
+ ///ϵͳʱڻֹڻתдϺ̷ص֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnRepealFromFutureToBankByFutureManual(CThostFtdcRspRepealField *pRspRepeal) {};
+ ///ڻѯ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnQueryBankBalanceByFuture(CThostFtdcNotifyQueryAccountField *pNotifyQueryAccount) {};
+ ///ڻʽתڻر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnBankToFutureByFuture(CThostFtdcReqTransferField *pReqTransfer, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ڻڻʽתдر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnFutureToBankByFuture(CThostFtdcReqTransferField *pReqTransfer, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ϵͳʱڻֹתڻر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnRepealBankToFutureByFutureManual(CThostFtdcReqRepealField *pReqRepeal, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ϵͳʱڻֹڻתдر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnRepealFutureToBankByFutureManual(CThostFtdcReqRepealField *pReqRepeal, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ڻѯر
+ virtual void OnErrRtnQueryBankBalanceByFuture(CThostFtdcReqQueryAccountField *pReqQueryAccount, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo) {};
+ ///ڻתڻдϺ̷ص֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnRepealFromBankToFutureByFuture(CThostFtdcRspRepealField *pRspRepeal) {};
+ ///ڻڻתдϺ̷ص֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnRepealFromFutureToBankByFuture(CThostFtdcRspRepealField *pRspRepeal) {};
+ ///ڻʽתڻӦ
+ virtual void OnRspFromBankToFutureByFuture(CThostFtdcReqTransferField *pReqTransfer, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ڻڻʽתӦ
+ virtual void OnRspFromFutureToBankByFuture(CThostFtdcReqTransferField *pReqTransfer, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///ڻѯӦ
+ virtual void OnRspQueryBankAccountMoneyByFuture(CThostFtdcReqQueryAccountField *pReqQueryAccount, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {};
+ ///зڿ֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnOpenAccountByBank(CThostFtdcOpenAccountField *pOpenAccount) {};
+ ///з֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnCancelAccountByBank(CThostFtdcCancelAccountField *pCancelAccount) {};
+ ///з˺֪ͨ
+ virtual void OnRtnChangeAccountByBank(CThostFtdcChangeAccountField *pChangeAccount) {};
+class TRADER_API_EXPORT CThostFtdcTraderApi
+ ///TraderApi
+ ///@param pszFlowPath ϢļĿ¼ĬΪǰĿ¼
+ ///@return UserApi
+ static CThostFtdcTraderApi *CreateFtdcTraderApi(const char *pszFlowPath = "");
+ ///ɾӿڶ
+ ///@remark ʹñӿڶʱ,øúɾӿڶ
+ virtual void Release() = 0;
+ ///ʼ
+ ///@remark ʼл,ֻеú,ӿڲſʼ
+ virtual void Init() = 0;
+ ///ȴӿ߳̽
+ ///@return ߳˳
+ virtual int Join() = 0;
+ ///ȡǰ
+ ///@retrun ȡĽ
+ ///@remark ֻе¼ɹ,ܵõȷĽ
+ virtual const char *GetTradingDay() = 0;
+ ///עǰûַ
+ ///@param pszFrontAddressǰûַ
+ ///@remark ַĸʽΪprotocol://ipaddress:port磺tcp://
+ ///@remark tcpЭ飬127.0.0.1ַ17001˿ںš
+ virtual void RegisterFront(char *pszFrontAddress) = 0;
+ ///עַַ
+ ///@param pszNsAddressַַ
+ ///@remark ַĸʽΪprotocol://ipaddress:port磺tcp://
+ ///@remark tcpЭ飬127.0.0.1ַ12001˿ںš
+ ///@remark RegisterNameServerRegisterFront
+ virtual void RegisterNameServer(char *pszNsAddress) = 0;
+ ///עַûϢ
+ ///@param pFensUserInfoûϢ
+ virtual void RegisterFensUserInfo(CThostFtdcFensUserInfoField * pFensUserInfo) = 0;
+ ///עصӿ
+ ///@param pSpi Իصӿʵ
+ virtual void RegisterSpi(CThostFtdcTraderSpi *pSpi) = 0;
+ ///˽
+ ///@param nResumeType ˽شʽ
+ ///@remark ÷ҪInitǰáյ˽ݡ
+ virtual void SubscribePrivateTopic(THOST_TE_RESUME_TYPE nResumeType) = 0;
+ ///Ĺ
+ ///@param nResumeType شʽ
+ ///@remark ÷ҪInitǰáյݡ
+ virtual void SubscribePublicTopic(THOST_TE_RESUME_TYPE nResumeType) = 0;
+ ///ͻ֤
+ virtual int ReqAuthenticate(CThostFtdcReqAuthenticateField *pReqAuthenticateField, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///û¼
+ virtual int ReqUserLogin(CThostFtdcReqUserLoginField *pReqUserLoginField, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///dz
+ virtual int ReqUserLogout(CThostFtdcUserLogoutField *pUserLogout, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///û
+ virtual int ReqUserPasswordUpdate(CThostFtdcUserPasswordUpdateField *pUserPasswordUpdate, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ʽ˻
+ virtual int ReqTradingAccountPasswordUpdate(CThostFtdcTradingAccountPasswordUpdateField *pTradingAccountPasswordUpdate, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///¼
+ virtual int ReqOrderInsert(CThostFtdcInputOrderField *pInputOrder, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///Ԥ¼
+ virtual int ReqParkedOrderInsert(CThostFtdcParkedOrderField *pParkedOrder, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///Ԥ¼
+ virtual int ReqParkedOrderAction(CThostFtdcParkedOrderActionField *pParkedOrderAction, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///
+ virtual int ReqOrderAction(CThostFtdcInputOrderActionField *pInputOrderAction, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ
+ virtual int ReqQueryMaxOrderVolume(CThostFtdcQueryMaxOrderVolumeField *pQueryMaxOrderVolume, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///Ͷ߽ȷ
+ virtual int ReqSettlementInfoConfirm(CThostFtdcSettlementInfoConfirmField *pSettlementInfoConfirm, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ɾԤ
+ virtual int ReqRemoveParkedOrder(CThostFtdcRemoveParkedOrderField *pRemoveParkedOrder, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ɾԤ
+ virtual int ReqRemoveParkedOrderAction(CThostFtdcRemoveParkedOrderActionField *pRemoveParkedOrderAction, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ִ¼
+ virtual int ReqExecOrderInsert(CThostFtdcInputExecOrderField *pInputExecOrder, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ִ
+ virtual int ReqExecOrderAction(CThostFtdcInputExecOrderActionField *pInputExecOrderAction, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ¼
+ virtual int ReqForQuoteInsert(CThostFtdcInputForQuoteField *pInputForQuote, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///¼
+ virtual int ReqQuoteInsert(CThostFtdcInputQuoteField *pInputQuote, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///۲
+ virtual int ReqQuoteAction(CThostFtdcInputQuoteActionField *pInputQuoteAction, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///¼
+ virtual int ReqCombActionInsert(CThostFtdcInputCombActionField *pInputCombAction, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ
+ virtual int ReqQryOrder(CThostFtdcQryOrderField *pQryOrder, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯɽ
+ virtual int ReqQryTrade(CThostFtdcQryTradeField *pQryTrade, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯͶֲ߳
+ virtual int ReqQryInvestorPosition(CThostFtdcQryInvestorPositionField *pQryInvestorPosition, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯʽ˻
+ virtual int ReqQryTradingAccount(CThostFtdcQryTradingAccountField *pQryTradingAccount, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯͶ
+ virtual int ReqQryInvestor(CThostFtdcQryInvestorField *pQryInvestor, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯױ
+ virtual int ReqQryTradingCode(CThostFtdcQryTradingCodeField *pQryTradingCode, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯԼ֤
+ virtual int ReqQryInstrumentMarginRate(CThostFtdcQryInstrumentMarginRateField *pQryInstrumentMarginRate, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯԼ
+ virtual int ReqQryInstrumentCommissionRate(CThostFtdcQryInstrumentCommissionRateField *pQryInstrumentCommissionRate, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ
+ virtual int ReqQryExchange(CThostFtdcQryExchangeField *pQryExchange, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯƷ
+ virtual int ReqQryProduct(CThostFtdcQryProductField *pQryProduct, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯԼ
+ virtual int ReqQryInstrument(CThostFtdcQryInstrumentField *pQryInstrument, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ
+ virtual int ReqQryDepthMarketData(CThostFtdcQryDepthMarketDataField *pQryDepthMarketData, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯͶ߽
+ virtual int ReqQrySettlementInfo(CThostFtdcQrySettlementInfoField *pQrySettlementInfo, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯת
+ virtual int ReqQryTransferBank(CThostFtdcQryTransferBankField *pQryTransferBank, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯͶֲ߳ϸ
+ virtual int ReqQryInvestorPositionDetail(CThostFtdcQryInvestorPositionDetailField *pQryInvestorPositionDetail, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯͻ֪ͨ
+ virtual int ReqQryNotice(CThostFtdcQryNoticeField *pQryNotice, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯϢȷ
+ virtual int ReqQrySettlementInfoConfirm(CThostFtdcQrySettlementInfoConfirmField *pQrySettlementInfoConfirm, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯͶֲ߳ϸ
+ virtual int ReqQryInvestorPositionCombineDetail(CThostFtdcQryInvestorPositionCombineDetailField *pQryInvestorPositionCombineDetail, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ֤ϵͳ˾ʽ˻Կ
+ virtual int ReqQryCFMMCTradingAccountKey(CThostFtdcQryCFMMCTradingAccountKeyField *pQryCFMMCTradingAccountKey, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯֵ۵Ϣ
+ virtual int ReqQryEWarrantOffset(CThostFtdcQryEWarrantOffsetField *pQryEWarrantOffset, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯͶƷ/Ʒֱ֤
+ virtual int ReqQryInvestorProductGroupMargin(CThostFtdcQryInvestorProductGroupMarginField *pQryInvestorProductGroupMargin, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ֤
+ virtual int ReqQryExchangeMarginRate(CThostFtdcQryExchangeMarginRateField *pQryExchangeMarginRate, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ֤
+ virtual int ReqQryExchangeMarginRateAdjust(CThostFtdcQryExchangeMarginRateAdjustField *pQryExchangeMarginRateAdjust, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ
+ virtual int ReqQryExchangeRate(CThostFtdcQryExchangeRateField *pQryExchangeRate, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯԱȨ
+ virtual int ReqQrySecAgentACIDMap(CThostFtdcQrySecAgentACIDMapField *pQrySecAgentACIDMap, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯƷ
+ virtual int ReqQryProductGroup(CThostFtdcQryProductGroupField *pQryProductGroup, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ
+ virtual int ReqQryInstrumentOrderCommRate(CThostFtdcQryInstrumentOrderCommRateField *pQryInstrumentOrderCommRate, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯȨ׳ɱ
+ virtual int ReqQryOptionInstrTradeCost(CThostFtdcQryOptionInstrTradeCostField *pQryOptionInstrTradeCost, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯȨԼ
+ virtual int ReqQryOptionInstrCommRate(CThostFtdcQryOptionInstrCommRateField *pQryOptionInstrCommRate, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯִ
+ virtual int ReqQryExecOrder(CThostFtdcQryExecOrderField *pQryExecOrder, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯѯ
+ virtual int ReqQryForQuote(CThostFtdcQryForQuoteField *pQryForQuote, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ
+ virtual int ReqQryQuote(CThostFtdcQryQuoteField *pQryQuote, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯϺԼȫϵ
+ virtual int ReqQryCombInstrumentGuard(CThostFtdcQryCombInstrumentGuardField *pQryCombInstrumentGuard, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ
+ virtual int ReqQryCombAction(CThostFtdcQryCombActionField *pQryCombAction, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯתˮ
+ virtual int ReqQryTransferSerial(CThostFtdcQryTransferSerialField *pQryTransferSerial, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯǩԼϵ
+ virtual int ReqQryAccountregister(CThostFtdcQryAccountregisterField *pQryAccountregister, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯǩԼ
+ virtual int ReqQryContractBank(CThostFtdcQryContractBankField *pQryContractBank, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯԤ
+ virtual int ReqQryParkedOrder(CThostFtdcQryParkedOrderField *pQryParkedOrder, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯԤ
+ virtual int ReqQryParkedOrderAction(CThostFtdcQryParkedOrderActionField *pQryParkedOrderAction, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ֪ͨ
+ virtual int ReqQryTradingNotice(CThostFtdcQryTradingNoticeField *pQryTradingNotice, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ˾ײ
+ virtual int ReqQryBrokerTradingParams(CThostFtdcQryBrokerTradingParamsField *pQryBrokerTradingParams, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯ˾㷨
+ virtual int ReqQryBrokerTradingAlgos(CThostFtdcQryBrokerTradingAlgosField *pQryBrokerTradingAlgos, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ѯû
+ virtual int ReqQueryCFMMCTradingAccountToken(CThostFtdcQueryCFMMCTradingAccountTokenField *pQueryCFMMCTradingAccountToken, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ڻʽתڻ
+ virtual int ReqFromBankToFutureByFuture(CThostFtdcReqTransferField *pReqTransfer, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ڻڻʽת
+ virtual int ReqFromFutureToBankByFuture(CThostFtdcReqTransferField *pReqTransfer, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ///ڻѯ
+ virtual int ReqQueryBankAccountMoneyByFuture(CThostFtdcReqQueryAccountField *pReqQueryAccount, int nRequestID) = 0;
+ ~CThostFtdcTraderApi(){};
diff --git a/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcUserApiDataType.h b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcUserApiDataType.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73e95637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcUserApiDataType.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6276 @@
+///@system һϵͳ
+///@company ϺڻϢ˾
+///@file ThostFtdcUserApiDataType.h
+///@brief ˿ͻ˽ӿʹõҵ
+///20060106 Ժ ļ
+typedef char TThostFtdcTraderIDType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerIDType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerAbbrType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerNameType[81];
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderRefType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcParticipantIDType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserIDType[16];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPasswordType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcClientIDType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcMarketIDType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcProductNameType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangeIDType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangeNameType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangeAbbrType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangeFlagType[2];
+typedef char TThostFtdcMacAddressType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSystemIDType[21];
+#define THOST_FTDC_EXP_Normal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EXP_GenOrderByTrade '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangePropertyType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcDateType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTimeType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcLongTimeType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstrumentNameType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettlementGroupIDType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeIDType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCommandTypeType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcIPAddressType[16];
+typedef int TThostFtdcIPPortType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcProductInfoType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcProtocolInfoType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcDepositSeqNoType[15];
+typedef char TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType[51];
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_EID '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_IDCard '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_OfficerIDCard '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_PoliceIDCard '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_SoldierIDCard '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_HouseholdRegister '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_Passport '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_TaiwanCompatriotIDCard '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_HomeComingCard '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_LicenseNo '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_TaxNo 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_HMMainlandTravelPermit 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_TwMainlandTravelPermit 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_DrivingLicense 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_SocialID 'F'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_LocalID 'G'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_BusinessRegistration 'H'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_AccountsPermits 'J'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICT_OtherCard 'x'
+typedef char TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserNameType[81];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPartyNameType[81];
+typedef char TThostFtdcErrorMsgType[81];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFieldNameType[2049];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFieldContentType[2049];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSystemNameType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcContentType[501];
+#define THOST_FTDC_IR_All '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IR_Group '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IR_Single '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_DR_All '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DR_Group '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DR_Single '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDepartmentRangeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_DS_Asynchronous '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DS_Synchronizing '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DS_Synchronized '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDataSyncStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BDS_Synchronized '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BDS_Synchronizing '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerDataSyncStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ECS_NoConnection '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ECS_QryInstrumentSent '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ECS_GotInformation '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangeConnectStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TCS_NotConnected '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TCS_Connected '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TCS_QryInstrumentSent '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TCS_SubPrivateFlow '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTraderConnectStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_DataAsync '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_ForceUserLogout '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_UserPasswordUpdate '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_BrokerPasswordUpdate '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_InvestorPasswordUpdate '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_OrderInsert '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_OrderAction '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_SyncSystemData '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_SyncBrokerData '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_BachSyncBrokerData 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_SuperQuery 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_ParkedOrderInsert 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_ParkedOrderAction 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_SyncOTP 'E'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FC_DeleteOrder 'F'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFunctionCodeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_ForceUserLogout '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_UserPasswordUpdate '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_SyncBrokerData '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_BachSyncBrokerData '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_OrderInsert '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_OrderAction '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_AllQuery '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_log 'a'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_BaseQry 'b'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_TradeQry 'c'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_Trade 'd'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_Virement 'e'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_Risk 'f'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_Session 'g'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_RiskNoticeCtl 'h'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_RiskNotice 'i'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_BrokerDeposit 'j'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryFund 'k'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryOrder 'l'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryTrade 'm'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryPosition 'n'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryMarketData 'o'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryUserEvent 'p'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryRiskNotify 'q'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryFundChange 'r'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryInvestor 's'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QueryTradingCode 't'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_ForceClose 'u'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_PressTest 'v'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_RemainCalc 'w'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_NetPositionInd 'x'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_RiskPredict 'y'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_DataExport 'z'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_RiskTargetSetup 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_MarketDataWarn 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_QryBizNotice 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_CfgBizNotice 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_SyncOTP 'E'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_SendBizNotice 'F'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_CfgRiskLevelStd 'G'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_TbCommand 'H'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_DeleteOrder 'J'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_ParkedOrderInsert 'K'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BFC_ParkedOrderAction 'L'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerFunctionCodeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OAS_Submitted 'a'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OAS_Accepted 'b'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OAS_Rejected 'c'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_AllTraded '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_PartTradedQueueing '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_PartTradedNotQueueing '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_NoTradeQueueing '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_NoTradeNotQueueing '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_Canceled '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_Unknown 'a'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_NotTouched 'b'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OST_Touched 'c'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSS_InsertSubmitted '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSS_CancelSubmitted '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSS_ModifySubmitted '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSS_Accepted '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSS_InsertRejected '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSS_CancelRejected '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSS_ModifyRejected '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderSubmitStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PSD_Today '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PSD_History '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPositionDateType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PDT_UseHistory '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PDT_NoUseHistory '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPositionDateTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ER_Broker '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ER_Host '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ER_Maker '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradingRoleType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PC_Futures '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PC_Options '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PC_Combination '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PC_Spot '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PC_EFP '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PC_SpotOption '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcProductClassType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_IP_NotStart '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IP_Started '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IP_Pause '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IP_Expired '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstLifePhaseType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_D_Buy '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_D_Sell '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDirectionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PT_Net '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PT_Gross '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPositionTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PD_Net '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PD_Long '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PD_Short '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPosiDirectionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SS_NonActive '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SS_Startup '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SS_Operating '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SS_Settlement '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SS_SettlementFinished '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSysSettlementStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RA_Trade '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RA_Settlement '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcRatioAttrType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_HF_Speculation '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HF_Arbitrage '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HF_Hedge '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BHF_Speculation '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BHF_Arbitrage '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BHF_Hedge '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBillHedgeFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CIDT_Speculation '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CIDT_Arbitrage '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CIDT_Hedge '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcClientIDTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_AnyPrice '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_LimitPrice '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_BestPrice '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_LastPrice '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_LastPricePlusOneTicks '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_LastPricePlusTwoTicks '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_LastPricePlusThreeTicks '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_AskPrice1 '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_AskPrice1PlusOneTicks '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_AskPrice1PlusTwoTicks 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_AskPrice1PlusThreeTicks 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_BidPrice1 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_BidPrice1PlusOneTicks 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_BidPrice1PlusTwoTicks 'E'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_BidPrice1PlusThreeTicks 'F'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OPT_FiveLevelPrice 'G'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderPriceTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OF_Open '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OF_Close '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OF_ForceClose '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OF_CloseToday '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OF_CloseYesterday '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OF_ForceOff '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OF_LocalForceClose '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCC_NotForceClose '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCC_LackDeposit '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCC_ClientOverPositionLimit '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCC_MemberOverPositionLimit '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCC_NotMultiple '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCC_Violation '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCC_Other '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCC_PersonDeliv '7'
+typedef char TThostFtdcForceCloseReasonType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORDT_Normal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORDT_DeriveFromQuote '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORDT_DeriveFromCombination '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORDT_Combination '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORDT_ConditionalOrder '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORDT_Swap '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TC_IOC '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TC_GFS '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TC_GFD '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TC_GTD '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TC_GTC '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TC_GFA '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTimeConditionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_VC_AV '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VC_MV '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VC_CV '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcVolumeConditionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_Immediately '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_Touch '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_TouchProfit '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_ParkedOrder '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_LastPriceGreaterThanStopPrice '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_LastPriceGreaterEqualStopPrice '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_LastPriceLesserThanStopPrice '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_LastPriceLesserEqualStopPrice '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_AskPriceGreaterThanStopPrice '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_AskPriceGreaterEqualStopPrice 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_AskPriceLesserThanStopPrice 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_AskPriceLesserEqualStopPrice 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_BidPriceGreaterThanStopPrice 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_BidPriceGreaterEqualStopPrice 'E'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_BidPriceLesserThanStopPrice 'F'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CC_BidPriceLesserEqualStopPrice 'H'
+typedef char TThostFtdcContingentConditionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AF_Delete '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AF_Modify '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcActionFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TR_Allow '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TR_CloseOnly '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TR_Forbidden '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradingRightType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSRC_Participant '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OSRC_Administrator '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrderSourceType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TRDT_SplitCombination '#'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TRDT_Common '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TRDT_OptionsExecution '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TRDT_OTC '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TRDT_EFPDerived '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TRDT_CombinationDerived '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PSRC_LastPrice '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PSRC_Buy '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PSRC_Sell '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPriceSourceType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_IS_BeforeTrading '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IS_NoTrading '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IS_Continous '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IS_AuctionOrdering '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IS_AuctionBalance '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IS_AuctionMatch '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IS_Closed '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstrumentStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_IER_Automatic '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IER_Manual '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IER_Fuse '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstStatusEnterReasonType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcInstallCountType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcInstallIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcErrorIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcSettlementIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcVolumeType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcFrontIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcSessionIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcSequenceNoType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcCommandNoType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcMillisecType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcVolumeMultipleType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcTradingSegmentSNType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcRequestIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcYearType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcMonthType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcBoolType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcPriceType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCombOffsetFlagType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCombHedgeFlagType[5];
+typedef double TThostFtdcRatioType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcMoneyType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcLargeVolumeType;
+typedef short TThostFtdcSequenceSeriesType;
+typedef short TThostFtdcCommPhaseNoType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcSequenceLabelType[2];
+typedef double TThostFtdcUnderlyingMultipleType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcPriorityType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcContractCodeType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCityType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcIsStockType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcChannelType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAddressType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcZipCodeType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTelephoneType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFaxType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcMobileType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcEMailType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcMemoType[161];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCompanyCodeType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcWebsiteType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTaxNoType[31];
+#define THOST_FTDC_BS_NoUpload '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BS_Uploaded '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BS_Failed '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBatchStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcPropertyIDType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPropertyNameType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcLicenseNoType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAgentIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAgentNameType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAgentGroupIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAgentGroupNameType[41];
+#define THOST_FTDC_RS_All '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RS_ByProduct '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcReturnStyleType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RP_ByVolume '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RP_ByFeeOnHand '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcReturnPatternType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level1 '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level2 '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level3 '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level4 '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level5 '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level6 '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level7 '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level8 '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RL_Level9 '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcReturnLevelType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RSD_ByPeriod '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RSD_ByStandard '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcReturnStandardType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MT_Out '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MT_In '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcMortgageTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ISPI_MortgageRatio '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ISPI_MarginWay '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ISPI_BillDeposit '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorSettlementParamIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_MortgageRatio '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_OtherFundItem '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_OtherFundImport '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_CFFEXMinPrepa '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_CZCESettlementType '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_ExchDelivFeeMode '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_DelivFeeMode '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_CZCEComMarginType 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_DceComMarginType 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_OptOutDisCountRate 'a'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESPI_OptMiniGuarantee 'b'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangeSettlementParamIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_InvestorIDMinLength '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_AccountIDMinLength '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_UserRightLogon '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_SettlementBillTrade '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_TradingCode '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_CheckFund '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_CommModelRight '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_MarginModelRight '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_IsStandardActive '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_UploadSettlementFile 'U'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_DownloadCSRCFile 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_SettlementBillFile 'S'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_CSRCOthersFile 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_InvestorPhoto 'P'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_CSRCData 'R'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_InvestorPwdModel 'I'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_CFFEXInvestorSettleFile 'F'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_InvestorIDType 'a'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_FreezeMaxReMain 'r'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_IsSync 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_RelieveOpenLimit 'O'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_IsStandardFreeze 'X'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPI_CZCENormalProductHedge 'B'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSystemParamIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPID_EncryptionStandard 'E'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPID_RiskMode 'R'
+///ϵͳ㷨Ƿȫ 0- 1-
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPID_RiskModeGlobal 'G'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPID_modeEncode 'P'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPID_tickMode 'T'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPID_SingleUserSessionMaxNum 'S'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPID_LoginFailMaxNum 'L'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPID_IsAuthForce 'A'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeParamIDType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettlementParamValueType[256];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCounterIDType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorGroupNameType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrandCodeType[257];
+typedef char TThostFtdcWarehouseType[257];
+typedef char TThostFtdcProductDateType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcGradeType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcClassifyType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPositionType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcYieldlyType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcWeightType[41];
+typedef int TThostFtdcSubEntryFundNoType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_SettlementFund 'F'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_Trade 'T'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_InvestorPosition 'P'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_SubEntryFund 'O'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_CZCECombinationPos 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_CSRCData 'R'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_CZCEClose 'L'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_CZCENoClose 'N'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_PositionDtl 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_OptionStrike 'S'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_SettlementPriceComparison 'M'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FI_NonTradePosChange 'B'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFileIDType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFileNameType[257];
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUT_Settlement '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUT_Check '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFileTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FFT_Txt '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FFT_Zip '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FFT_DBF '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFileFormatType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUS_SucceedUpload '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUS_FailedUpload '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUS_SucceedLoad '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUS_PartSucceedLoad '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUS_FailedLoad '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFileUploadStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TD_Out '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TD_In '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTransferDirectionType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcUploadModeType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAccountIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankFlagType[4];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankAccountType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOpenNameType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOpenBankType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankNameType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPublishPathType[257];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOperatorIDType[65];
+typedef int TThostFtdcMonthCountType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcAdvanceMonthArrayType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcDateExprType[1025];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstrumentIDExprType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstrumentNameExprType[41];
+#define THOST_FTDC_SC_NoSpecialRule '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SC_NoSpringFestival '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSpecialCreateRuleType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_IPT_LastSettlement '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IPT_LaseClose '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBasisPriceTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PLP_Active '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PLP_NonActive '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PLP_Canceled '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcProductLifePhaseType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_DM_CashDeliv '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DM_CommodityDeliv '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDeliveryModeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcLogLevelType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcProcessNameType[257];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOperationMemoType[1025];
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIOT_FundIO '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIOT_Transfer '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIOT_SwapCurrency '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundIOTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FT_Deposite '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FT_ItemFund '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FT_Company '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FT_InnerTransfer '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FD_In '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FD_Out '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundDirectionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FS_Record '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FS_Check '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FS_Charge '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcBillNoType[15];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBillNameType[33];
+#define THOST_FTDC_PS_None '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PS_Publishing '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PS_Published '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPublishStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcEnumValueIDType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcEnumValueTypeType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcEnumValueLabelType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcEnumValueResultType[33];
+#define THOST_FTDC_ES_NonActive '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ES_Startup '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ES_Initialize '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ES_Initialized '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ES_Close '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ES_Closed '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ES_Settlement '7'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSystemStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_STS_Initialize '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_STS_Settlementing '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_STS_Settlemented '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_STS_Finished '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettlementStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcRangeIntTypeType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRangeIntFromType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRangeIntToType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFunctionIDType[25];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFunctionValueCodeType[257];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFunctionNameType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRoleIDType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRoleNameType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcDescriptionType[401];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCombineIDType[25];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCombineTypeType[25];
+#define THOST_FTDC_CT_Person '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CT_Company '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CT_Fund '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CT_SpecialOrgan '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CT_Asset '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BT_Trade '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BT_TradeSettle '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAS_Low '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAS_Normal '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAS_Focus '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAS_Risk '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcRiskLevelType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAS_ByTrade '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAS_ByDeliv '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAS_None '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAS_FixFee '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFeeAcceptStyleType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWDT_Trade '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWDT_Account '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPasswordTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AG_All '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AG_OnlyLost '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AG_OnlyGain '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AG_None '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAlgorithmType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICP_Include '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICP_NotInclude '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcIncludeCloseProfitType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AWT_Enable '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AWT_Disable '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AWT_NoHoldEnable '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAllWithoutTradeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCommentType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcVersionType[4];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeCodeType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeDateType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeTimeType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeSerialType[9];
+typedef int TThostFtdcTradeSerialNoType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureIDType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankIDType[4];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankBranchIDType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOperNoType[17];
+typedef char TThostFtdcDeviceIDType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRecordNumType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureAccountType[22];
+#define THOST_FTDC_FPWD_UnCheck '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FPWD_Check '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFuturePwdFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TT_BankToFuture '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TT_FutureToBank '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTransferTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureAccPwdType[17];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCurrencyCodeType[4];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRetCodeType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRetInfoType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeAmtType[20];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUseAmtType[20];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFetchAmtType[20];
+#define THOST_FTDC_TVF_Invalid '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TVF_Valid '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TVF_Reverse '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTransferValidFlagType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCertCodeType[21];
+#define THOST_FTDC_RN_CD '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RN_ZT '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RN_QT '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcReasonType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundProjectIDType[5];
+#define THOST_FTDC_SEX_None '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SEX_Man '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SEX_Woman '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSexType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcProfessionType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcNationalType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcProvinceType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRegionType[16];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCountryType[16];
+typedef char TThostFtdcLicenseNOType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCompanyTypeType[16];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBusinessScopeType[1001];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCapitalCurrencyType[4];
+#define THOST_FTDC_UT_Investor '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UT_Operator '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UT_SuperUser '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RATETYPE_MarginRate '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcRateTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_NOTETYPE_TradeSettleBill '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_NOTETYPE_TradeSettleMonth '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_NOTETYPE_CallMarginNotes '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_NOTETYPE_ForceCloseNotes '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_NOTETYPE_TradeNotes '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_NOTETYPE_DelivNotes '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcNoteTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SBS_Day '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SBS_Volume '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettlementStyleType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerDNSType[256];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSentenceType[501];
+#define THOST_FTDC_ST_Day '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ST_Month '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettlementBillTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_URT_Logon '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_URT_Transfer '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_URT_EMail '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_URT_Fax '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_URT_ConditionOrder '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserRightTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MPT_PreSettlementPrice '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MPT_SettlementPrice '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MPT_AveragePrice '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MPT_OpenPrice '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcMarginPriceTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BGS_None '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BGS_NoGenerated '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BGS_Generated '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBillGenStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AT_HandlePositionAlgo '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AT_FindMarginRateAlgo '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAlgoTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_HPA_Base '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HPA_DCE '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HPA_CZCE '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcHandlePositionAlgoIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FMRA_Base '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FMRA_DCE '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFindMarginRateAlgoIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_HTAA_Base '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HTAA_DCE '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcHandleTradingAccountAlgoIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_Order '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_Open '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_Fund '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_Settlement '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_Company '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_Corporation '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_LinkMan '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_Ledger '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_Trustee '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_TrusteeCorporation 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_TrusteeOpen 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_TrusteeContact 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_ForeignerRefer 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PST_CorporationRefer 'E'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPersonTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_QIR_All '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_QIR_Group '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_QIR_Single '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcQueryInvestorRangeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_IRS_Normal '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IRS_Warn '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IRS_Call '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IRS_Force '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_IRS_Exception '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorRiskStatusType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcLegIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcLegMultipleType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcImplyLevelType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcClearAccountType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrganNOType[6];
+typedef char TThostFtdcClearbarchIDType[6];
+#define THOST_FTDC_UET_Login '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UET_Logout '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UET_Trading '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UET_TradingError '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UET_UpdatePassword '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UET_Authenticate '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UET_Other '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserEventTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserEventInfoType[1025];
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICS_Close '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ICS_CloseToday '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCloseStyleType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SM_Non '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SM_Instrument '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SM_Product '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SM_Investor '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcStatModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PAOS_NotSend '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PAOS_Send '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PAOS_Deleted '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcParkedOrderStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcParkedOrderIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcParkedOrderActionIDType[13];
+#define THOST_FTDC_VDS_Dealing '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VDS_DeaclSucceed '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcVirDealStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORGS_Standard '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORGS_ESunny '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORGS_KingStarV6 '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrgSystemIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTS_NaturalDeal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTS_SucceedEnd '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTS_FailedEND '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTS_Exception '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTS_ManualDeal '4'
+///ͨѶ쳣 ˹
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTS_MesException '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTS_SysException '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcVirTradeStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_VBAT_BankBook '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VBAT_BankCard '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VBAT_CreditCard '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcVirBankAccTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_VMS_Natural '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VMS_Canceled '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcVirementStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_VAA_NoAvailAbility '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VAA_AvailAbility '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VAA_Repeal '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcVirementAvailAbilityType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTC_BankBankToFuture '102001'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTC_BankFutureToBank '102002'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTC_FutureBankToFuture '202001'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VTC_FutureFutureToBank '202002'
+typedef char TThostFtdcVirementTradeCodeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcPhotoTypeNameType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPhotoTypeIDType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPhotoNameType[161];
+typedef int TThostFtdcTopicIDType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcReportTypeIDType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCharacterIDType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLParamIDType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLInvestorTypeType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLIdCardTypeType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLTradeDirectType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLTradeModelType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLParamIDType[21];
+typedef double TThostFtdcAMLOpParamValueType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLCustomerCardTypeType[81];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLInstitutionNameType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLDistrictIDType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLRelationShipType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLInstitutionTypeType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLInstitutionIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLAccountTypeType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLTradingTypeType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLTransactClassType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLCapitalIOType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLSiteType[10];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLCapitalPurposeType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLReportTypeType[2];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLSerialNoType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLStatusType[2];
+#define THOST_FTDC_GEN_Program '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_GEN_HandWork '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLGenStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLSeqCodeType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLFileNameType[257];
+typedef double TThostFtdcAMLMoneyType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcAMLFileAmountType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCFMMCKeyType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCFMMCTokenType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCFMMCKeyKindType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLReportNameType[81];
+typedef char TThostFtdcIndividualNameType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType[4];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCustNumberType[36];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrganCodeType[36];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrganNameType[71];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSuperOrganCodeType[12];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSubBranchIDType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSubBranchNameType[71];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBranchNetCodeType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBranchNetNameType[71];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrganFlagType[2];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankReturnCodeType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPlateReturnCodeType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankSubBranchIDType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcReturnCodeType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOperatorCodeType[17];
+typedef char TThostFtdcClearDepIDType[6];
+typedef char TThostFtdcClearBrchIDType[6];
+typedef char TThostFtdcClearNameType[71];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankAccountNameType[71];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvDepIDType[6];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvBrchIDType[6];
+typedef char TThostFtdcMessageFormatVersionType[36];
+typedef char TThostFtdcDigestType[36];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAuthenticDataType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPasswordKeyType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureAccountNameType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcMobilePhoneType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureMainKeyType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureWorkKeyType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureTransKeyType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankMainKeyType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankWorkKeyType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankTransKeyType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankServerDescriptionType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAddInfoType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcDescrInfoForReturnCodeType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCountryCodeType[21];
+typedef int TThostFtdcSerialType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcPlateSerialType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankSerialType[13];
+typedef int TThostFtdcCorrectSerialType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcFutureSerialType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcApplicationIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcBankProxyIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcFBTCoreIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcServerPortType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcRepealedTimesType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcRepealTimeIntervalType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcTotalTimesType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcFBTRequestIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcTIDType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcTradeAmountType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcCustFeeType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcFutureFeeType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcSingleMaxAmtType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcSingleMinAmtType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcTotalAmtType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_IDCard '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_Passport '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_OfficerIDCard '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_SoldierIDCard '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_HomeComingCard '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_HouseholdRegister '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_LicenseNo '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_InstitutionCodeCard '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_TempLicenseNo '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_NoEnterpriseLicenseNo '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_OtherCard 'x'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFT_SuperDepAgree 'a'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCertificationTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_Others '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_TransferDetails '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_CustAccStatus '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_AccountTradeDetails '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_FutureAccountChangeInfoDetails '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_CustMoneyDetail '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_CustCancelAccountInfo '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_CustMoneyResult '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_OthersExceptionResult '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_CustInterestNetMoneyDetails '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_CustMoneySendAndReceiveDetails 'a'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_CorporationMoneyTotal 'b'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_MainbodyMoneyTotal 'c'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_MainPartMonitorData 'd'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_PreparationMoney 'e'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBC_BankMoneyMonitorData 'f'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFileBusinessCodeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CEC_Exchange '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CEC_Cash '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCashExchangeCodeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_YNI_Yes '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_YNI_No '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BLT_CurrentMoney '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BLT_UsableMoney '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BLT_FetchableMoney '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BLT_FreezeMoney '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBanlanceTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_GD_Unknown '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_GD_Male '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_GD_Female '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcGenderType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FPF_BEN '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FPF_OUR '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FPF_SHA '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFeePayFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWKT_ExchangeKey '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWKT_PassWordKey '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWKT_MACKey '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWKT_MessageKey '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPassWordKeyTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWT_Query '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWT_Fetch '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWT_Transfer '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PWT_Trade '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBTPassWordTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_EM_NoEncry '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EM_DES '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EM_3DES '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBTEncryModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BRF_BankNotNeedRepeal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BRF_BankWaitingRepeal '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BRF_BankBeenRepealed '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankRepealFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BRORF_BrokerNotNeedRepeal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BRORF_BrokerWaitingRepeal '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BRORF_BrokerBeenRepealed '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerRepealFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TS_Bank '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TS_Future '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TS_Store '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstitutionTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_LF_Yes '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_LF_No '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcLastFragmentType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BAS_Normal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BAS_Freeze '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BAS_ReportLoss '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankAccStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MAS_Normal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MAS_Cancel '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcMoneyAccountStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MSS_Point '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MSS_PrePoint '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MSS_CancelPoint '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcManageStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SYT_FutureBankTransfer '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SYT_StockBankTransfer '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SYT_TheThirdPartStore '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSystemTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TEF_NormalProcessing '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TEF_Success '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TEF_Failed '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TEF_Abnormal '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TEF_ManualProcessedForException '4'
+///ͨѶ쳣 ˹
+#define THOST_FTDC_TEF_CommuFailedNeedManualProcess '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TEF_SysErrorNeedManualProcess '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTxnEndFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PSS_NotProcess '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PSS_StartProcess '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PSS_Finished '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcProcessStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CUSTT_Person '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CUSTT_Institution '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCustTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTTD_FromBankToFuture '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTTD_FromFutureToBank '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBTTransferDirectionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OOD_Open '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OOD_Destroy '0'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOpenOrDestroyType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AVAF_Invalid '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AVAF_Valid '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AVAF_Repeal '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAvailabilityFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OT_Bank '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OT_Future '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OT_PlateForm '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrganTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OL_HeadQuarters '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OL_Branch '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrganLevelType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PID_FutureProtocal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PID_ICBCProtocal '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PID_ABCProtocal '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PID_CBCProtocal '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PID_CCBProtocal '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PID_BOCOMProtocal '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PID_FBTPlateFormProtocal 'X'
+typedef char TThostFtdcProtocalIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CM_ShortConnect '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CM_LongConnect '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcConnectModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SRM_ASync '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SRM_Sync '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSyncModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BAT_BankBook '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BAT_SavingCard '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BAT_CreditCard '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAT_BankBook '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAT_SavingCard '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FAT_CreditCard '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureAccTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_OS_Ready '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OS_CheckIn '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OS_CheckOut '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OS_CheckFileArrived '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OS_CheckDetail '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OS_DayEndClean '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OS_Invalid '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOrganStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CCBFM_ByAmount '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CCBFM_ByMonth '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCCBFeeModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CAPIT_Client '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CAPIT_Server '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CAPIT_UserApi '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCommApiTypeType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcServiceIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcServiceLineNoType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcServiceNameType[61];
+#define THOST_FTDC_LS_Connected '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_LS_Disconnected '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcLinkStatusType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcCommApiPointerType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BPWDF_NoCheck '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BPWDF_BlankCheck '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BPWDF_EncryptCheck '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPwdFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SAT_AccountID '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SAT_CardID '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SAT_SHStockholderID '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SAT_SZStockholderID '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSecuAccTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TRFS_Normal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TRFS_Repealed '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTransferStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPTYPE_Broker '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPTYPE_Bank '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSponsorTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_REQRSP_Request '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_REQRSP_Response '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcReqRspTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_SignIn '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_FromBankToFuture '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_FromFutureToBank '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_OpenAccount '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_CancelAccount '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_ChangeAccount '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_RepealFromBankToFuture '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_RepealFromFutureToBank '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_QueryBankAccount '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_QueryFutureAccount '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_SignOut 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_SyncKey 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBTUET_Other 'Z'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBTUserEventTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankIDByBankType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankOperNoType[4];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankCustNoType[21];
+typedef int TThostFtdcDBOPSeqNoType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcTableNameType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPKNameType[201];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPKValueType[501];
+#define THOST_FTDC_DBOP_Insert '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DBOP_Update '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DBOP_Delete '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDBOperationType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SYNF_Yes '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SYNF_No '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSyncFlagType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcTargetIDType[4];
+#define THOST_FTDC_SYNT_OneOffSync '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SYNT_TimerSync '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SYNT_TimerFullSync '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSyncTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBETimeType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEBankNoType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBECertNoType[13];
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEDIR_Settlement '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEDIR_Sale '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExDirectionType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEBankAccountType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEBankAccountNameType[61];
+typedef double TThostFtdcFBEAmtType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEBusinessTypeType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEPostScriptType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBERemarkType[71];
+typedef double TThostFtdcExRateType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERES_Success '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERES_InsufficientBalance '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERES_UnknownTrading '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERES_Fail 'x'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEResultFlagType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBERtnMsgType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEExtendMsgType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEBusinessSerialType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBESystemSerialType[21];
+typedef int TThostFtdcFBETotalExCntType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEES_Normal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEES_ReExchange '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEExchStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEFG_DataPackage '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEFG_File '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEFileFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEAT_NotTrade '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEAT_Trade '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEAlreadyTradeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEOpenBankType[61];
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_SignIn '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_Exchange '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_ReExchange '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_QueryBankAccount '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_QueryExchDetial '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_QueryExchSummary '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_QueryExchRate '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_CheckBankAccount '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_SignOut '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBEUET_Other 'Z'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEUserEventTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEFileNameType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEBatchSerialType[21];
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERF_UnProcessed '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERF_WaitSend '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERF_SendSuccess '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERF_SendFailed '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FBERF_WaitReSend '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBEReqFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_NC_Warn '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_NC_Call '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_NC_Force '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_NC_Exception '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcNotifyClassType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcRiskNofityInfoType[257];
+typedef char TThostFtdcForceCloseSceneIdType[24];
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCT_Manual '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCT_Single '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FCT_Group '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcForceCloseTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcInstrumentIDsType[101];
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNM_System '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNM_SMS '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNM_EMail '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNM_Manual '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcRiskNotifyMethodType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNS_NotGen '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNS_Generated '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNS_SendError '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNS_SendOk '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNS_Received '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RNS_Confirmed '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcRiskNotifyStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RUE_ExportData '0'
+typedef char TThostFtdcRiskUserEventType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcParamIDType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcParamNameType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcParamValueType[41];
+#define THOST_FTDC_COST_LastPriceAsc '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_COST_LastPriceDesc '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_COST_AskPriceAsc '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_COST_AskPriceDesc '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_COST_BidPriceAsc '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_COST_BidPriceDesc '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcConditionalOrderSortTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAST_NoSend '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAST_Sended '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAST_Generated '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAST_SendFail '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAST_Success '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAST_Fail '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAST_Cancel '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSendTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOACS_NoApply '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOACS_Submited '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOACS_Sended '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOACS_Success '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOACS_Refuse '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOACS_Cancel '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcClientIDStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcIndustryIDType[17];
+typedef char TThostFtdcQuestionIDType[5];
+typedef char TThostFtdcQuestionContentType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOptionIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOptionContentType[61];
+#define THOST_FTDC_QT_Radio '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_QT_Option '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_QT_Blank '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcQuestionTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcProcessIDType[33];
+typedef int TThostFtdcSeqNoType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOAProcessStatusType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcProcessTypeType[3];
+#define THOST_FTDC_BT_Request '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BT_Response '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BT_Notice '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBusinessTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CRC_Success '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CRC_Working '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CRC_InfoFail '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CRC_IDCardFail '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CRC_OtherFail '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCfmmcReturnCodeType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcExReturnCodeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CfMMCCT_All '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CfMMCCT_Person '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CfMMCCT_Company '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CfMMCCT_Other '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CfMMCCT_SpecialOrgan '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CfMMCCT_Asset '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcClientTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcExchangeIDTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ECIDT_Hedge '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ECIDT_Arbitrage '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ECIDT_Speculation '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExClientIDTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcClientClassifyType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOAOrganTypeType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOACountryCodeType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAreaCodeType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFuturesIDType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCffmcDateType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCffmcTimeType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcNocIDType[21];
+#define THOST_FTDC_UF_NoUpdate '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UF_Success '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UF_Fail '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UF_TCSuccess '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UF_TCFail '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UF_Cancel '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcUpdateFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AOID_OpenInvestor '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AOID_ModifyIDCard '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AOID_ModifyNoIDCard '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AOID_ApplyTradingCode '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AOID_CancelTradingCode '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AOID_CancelInvestor '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AOID_FreezeAccount '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AOID_ActiveFreezeAccount '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcApplyOperateIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASID_NoComplete '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASID_Submited '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASID_Checked '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASID_Refused '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASID_Deleted '5'
+typedef char TThostFtdcApplyStatusIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOASM_ByFile '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSendMethodType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcEventTypeType[33];
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_ADD '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_UPDATE '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_DELETE '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_CHECK '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_COPY '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_CANCEL '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_Reverse '7'
+typedef char TThostFtdcEventModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAA_ASR '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAA_NSR '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOAAutoSendType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcQueryDepthType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcDataCenterIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_InvestorGroupFlow '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_InvestorRate '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EvM_InvestorCommRateModel '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFlowIDType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CL_Zero '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CL_One '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CL_Two '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCheckLevelType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcCheckNoType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CHS_Init '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CHS_Checking '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CHS_Checked '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CHS_Refuse '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CHS_Cancel '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCheckStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CHU_Unused '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CHU_Used '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CHU_Fail '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcUsedStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcRateTemplateNameType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPropertyStringType[2049];
+#define THOST_FTDC_BAO_ByAccProperty '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BAO_ByFBTransfer '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankAcountOriginType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MBTS_ByInstrument '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MBTS_ByDayInsPrc '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MBTS_ByDayIns '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcMonthBillTradeSumType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FTC_BankLaunchBankToBroker '102001'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FTC_BrokerLaunchBankToBroker '202001'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FTC_BankLaunchBrokerToBank '102002'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FTC_BrokerLaunchBrokerToBank '202002'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFBTTradeCodeEnumType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcRateTemplateIDType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRiskRateType[21];
+typedef int TThostFtdcTimestampType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorIDRuleNameType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorIDRuleExprType[513];
+typedef int TThostFtdcLastDriftType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcLastSuccessType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcAuthKeyType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSerialNumberType[17];
+#define THOST_FTDC_OTP_NONE '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OTP_TOTP '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOTPTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcOTPVendorsIDType[2];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOTPVendorsNameType[61];
+#define THOST_FTDC_OTPS_Unused '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OTPS_Used '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OTPS_Disuse '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOTPStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BUT_Investor '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BUT_BrokerUser '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerUserTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUTT_Commodity '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FUTT_Financial '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFutureTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_Restriction '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_TodayRestriction '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_Transfer '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_Credit '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_InvestorWithdrawAlm '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_BankRestriction '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_Accountregister '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_ExchangeFundIO '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FET_InvestorFundIO '8'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundEventTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AST_FBTransfer '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AST_ManualEntry '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAccountSourceTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CST_UnifyAccount '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CST_ManualEntry '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCodeSourceTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_UR_All '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UR_Single '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserRangeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcTimeSpanType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcImportSequenceIDType[17];
+#define THOST_FTDC_BG_Investor '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BG_Group '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcByGroupType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TSSM_Instrument '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TSSM_Product '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TSSM_Exchange '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeSumStatModeType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcComTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserProductIDType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserProductNameType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUserProductMemoType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCCancelFlagType[2];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCDateType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCInvestorNameType[201];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCOpenInvestorNameType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCInvestorIDType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCIdentifiedCardNoType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCClientIDType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCBankFlagType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCBankAccountType[23];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCOpenNameType[401];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCMemoType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCTimeType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCTradeIDType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCExchangeInstIDType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCMortgageNameType[7];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCReasonType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcIsSettlementType[2];
+typedef double TThostFtdcCSRCMoneyType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcCSRCPriceType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCOptionsTypeType[2];
+typedef double TThostFtdcCSRCStrikePriceType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCTargetProductIDType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCTargetInstrIDType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCommModelNameType[161];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCommModelMemoType[1025];
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESM_Relative '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ESM_Typical '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExprSetModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RIR_All '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RIR_Model '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RIR_Single '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcRateInvestorRangeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcAgentBrokerIDType[13];
+typedef int TThostFtdcDRIdentityIDType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcDRIdentityNameType[65];
+typedef char TThostFtdcDBLinkIDType[31];
+#define THOST_FTDC_SDS_Initialize '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SDS_Settlementing '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SDS_Settlemented '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSyncDataStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcTradeSourceType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FSM_Product '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FSM_Exchange '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FSM_All '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFlexStatModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BIR_Property '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BIR_All '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcByInvestorRangeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcSRiskRateType[21];
+typedef int TThostFtdcSequenceNo12Type;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PIR_All '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PIR_Property '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PIR_Single '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPropertyInvestorRangeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIS_NoCreate '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIS_Created '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIS_Failed '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFileStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FGS_FileTransmit '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FGS_FileGen '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFileGenStyleType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoM_Add '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoM_Update '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoM_Delete '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoM_Copy '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoM_AcTive '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoM_CanCel '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoM_ReSet '7'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSysOperModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_UpdatePassword '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_UserDepartment '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_RoleManager '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_RoleFunction '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_BaseParam '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_SetUserID '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_SetUserRole '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_UserIpRestriction '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_DepartmentManager '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_DepartmentCopy '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_Tradingcode 'A'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_InvestorStatus 'B'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_InvestorAuthority 'C'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_PropertySet 'D'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_ReSetInvestorPasswd 'E'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SoT_InvestorPersonalityInfo 'F'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSysOperTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSRCQ_Current '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSRCQ_History '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCDataQueyTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FRS_Normal '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FRS_Freeze '0'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFreezeStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_STST_Standard '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_STST_NonStandard '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcStandardStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCFreezeStatusType[2];
+#define THOST_FTDC_RPT_Freeze '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RPT_FreezeActive '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RPT_OpenLimit '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RPT_RelieveOpenLimit '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcRightParamTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcRightTemplateIDType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcRightTemplateNameType[61];
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLDS_Normal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLDS_Deleted '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDataStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLCHS_Init '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLCHS_Checking '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLCHS_Checked '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLCHS_RefuseReport '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAMLCheckStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLDT_DrawDay '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLDT_TouchDay '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAmlDateTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLCL_CheckLevel0 '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLCL_CheckLevel1 '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLCL_CheckLevel2 '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMLCL_CheckLevel3 '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAmlCheckLevelType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcAmlCheckFlowType[2];
+typedef char TThostFtdcDataTypeType[129];
+#define THOST_FTDC_EFT_CSV '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EFT_DBF '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExportFileTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SMT_Before '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SMT_Settlement '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SMT_After '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SMT_Settlemented '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettleManagerTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettleManagerIDType[33];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettleManagerNameType[129];
+#define THOST_FTDC_SML_Must '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SML_Alarm '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SML_Prompt '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SML_Ignore '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettleManagerLevelType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SMG_Exhcange '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SMG_ASP '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SMG_CSRC '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettleManagerGroupType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCheckResultMemoType[1025];
+typedef char TThostFtdcFunctionUrlType[1025];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAuthInfoType[129];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAuthCodeType[17];
+#define THOST_FTDC_LUT_Repeatable '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_LUT_Unrepeatable '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcLimitUseTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_DAR_Settle '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DAR_Exchange '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DAR_CSRC '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDataResourceType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MGT_ExchMarginRate '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MGT_InstrMarginRate '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MGT_InstrMarginRateTrade '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcMarginTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ACT_Intraday '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ACT_Long '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcActiveTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MRT_Exchange '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MRT_Investor '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MRT_InvestorTrade '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcMarginRateTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BUS_UnBak '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BUS_BakUp '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BUS_BakUped '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BUS_BakFail '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBackUpStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SIS_UnInitialize '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SIS_Initialize '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SIS_Initialized '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcInitSettlementType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SRS_NoCreate '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SRS_Create '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SRS_Created '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SRS_CreateFail '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcReportStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SSS_UnSaveData '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SSS_SaveDatad '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSaveStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SAS_UnArchived '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SAS_Archiving '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SAS_Archived '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SAS_ArchiveFail '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSettArchiveStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CTPT_Unkown '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CTPT_MainCenter '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CTPT_BackUp '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCTPTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcToolIDType[9];
+typedef char TThostFtdcToolNameType[81];
+#define THOST_FTDC_CDT_Normal '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CDT_SpecFirst '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCloseDealTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MFUR_None '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MFUR_Margin '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MFUR_All '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcMortgageFundUseRangeType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcCurrencyUnitType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcExchangeRateType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPT_CzceHedge '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPT_IneForeignCurrency '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SPT_DceOpenClose '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSpecProductTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FMT_Mortgage '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FMT_Redemption '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundMortgageTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASPI_BaseMargin '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASPI_LowestInterest '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAccountSettlementParamIDType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCurrencyNameType[31];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCurrencySignType[4];
+#define THOST_FTDC_FMD_In '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FMD_Out '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundMortDirectionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BT_Profit '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BT_Loss '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BT_Other 'Z'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBusinessClassType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SST_Manual '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SST_Automatic '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcSwapSourceTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CED_Settlement '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CED_Sale '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCurrExDirectionType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSS_Entry '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSS_Approve '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSS_Refuse '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSS_Revoke '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSS_Send '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSS_Success '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CSS_Failure '7'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCurrencySwapStatusType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCurrExchCertNoType[13];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBatchSerialNoType[21];
+#define THOST_FTDC_REQF_NoSend '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_REQF_SendSuccess '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_REQF_SendFailed '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_REQF_WaitReSend '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcReqFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_RESF_Success '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RESF_InsuffiCient '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_RESF_UnKnown '8'
+typedef char TThostFtdcResFlagType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcPageControlType[2];
+typedef int TThostFtdcRecordCountType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCurrencySwapMemoType[101];
+#define THOST_FTDC_EXS_Before '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EXS_After '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CR_Domestic '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CR_GMT '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CR_Foreign '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcClientRegionType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcWorkPlaceType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBusinessPeriodType[21];
+typedef char TThostFtdcWebSiteType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOAIdCardTypeType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcClientModeType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestorFullNameType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOABrokerIDType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOAZipCodeType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOAEMailType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcOldCityType[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCorporateIdentifiedCardNoType[101];
+#define THOST_FTDC_HB_No '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HB_Yes '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcHasBoardType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_SM_Normal '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SM_Emerge '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_SM_Restore '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcStartModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPT_Full '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPT_Increment '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_TPT_BackUp '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcTemplateTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_LM_Trade '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_LM_Transfer '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcLoginModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CPT_Instrument '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CPT_Margin '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcPromptTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcLedgerManageIDType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInvestVarietyType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcBankAccountTypeType[2];
+typedef char TThostFtdcLedgerManageBankType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCffexDepartmentNameType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCffexDepartmentCodeType[9];
+#define THOST_FTDC_HT_Yes '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HT_No '0'
+typedef char TThostFtdcHasTrusteeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCMemo1Type[41];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAssetmgrCFullNameType[101];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAssetmgrApprovalNOType[51];
+typedef char TThostFtdcAssetmgrMgrNameType[401];
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMT_Bank '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMT_Securities '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMT_Fund '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMT_Insurance '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMT_Trust '5'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMT_Other '9'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAmTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCAmTypeType[5];
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFIOT_FundIO '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CFIOT_SwapCurrency '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCFundIOTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CAT_Futures '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CAT_AssetmgrFuture '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CAT_AssetmgrTrustee '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CAT_AssetmgrTransfer '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCusAccountTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCNationalType[4];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCSRCSecAgentIDType[11];
+#define THOST_FTDC_LT_Chinese '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_LT_English '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcLanguageTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcAmAccountType[23];
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMCT_Person '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMCT_Organ '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_AMCT_SpecialOrgan '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAssetmgrClientTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASST_Futures '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ASST_SpecialOrgan '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcAssetmgrTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOMType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSHFEInstLifePhaseType[3];
+typedef char TThostFtdcSHFEProductClassType[11];
+typedef char TThostFtdcPriceDecimalType[2];
+typedef char TThostFtdcInTheMoneyFlagType[2];
+#define THOST_FTDC_CIT_HasExch '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CIT_HasATP '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CIT_HasDiff '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCheckInstrTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_DT_HandDeliv '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DT_PersonDeliv '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDeliveryTypeType;
+typedef double TThostFtdcBigMoneyType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_MMSA_NO '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_MMSA_YES '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcMaxMarginSideAlgorithmType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CACT_Person '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CACT_Company '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CACT_Other '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDAClientTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCombinInstrIDType[61];
+typedef char TThostFtdcCombinSettlePriceType[61];
+typedef int TThostFtdcDCEPriorityType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcTradeGroupIDType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcIsCheckPrepaType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAAT_Futures '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_UOAAT_SpecialOrgan '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcUOAAssetmgrTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_DEN_Buy '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_DEN_Sell '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcDirectionEnType;
+///Position Opening
+#define THOST_FTDC_OFEN_Open '0'
+///Position Close
+#define THOST_FTDC_OFEN_Close '1'
+///Forced Liquidation
+#define THOST_FTDC_OFEN_ForceClose '2'
+///Close Today
+#define THOST_FTDC_OFEN_CloseToday '3'
+///Close Prev.
+#define THOST_FTDC_OFEN_CloseYesterday '4'
+///Forced Reduction
+#define THOST_FTDC_OFEN_ForceOff '5'
+///Local Forced Liquidation
+#define THOST_FTDC_OFEN_LocalForceClose '6'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOffsetFlagEnType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_HFEN_Speculation '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HFEN_Arbitrage '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_HFEN_Hedge '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcHedgeFlagEnType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIOTEN_FundIO '1'
+///Bank-Futures Transfer
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIOTEN_Transfer '2'
+///Bank-Futures FX Exchange
+#define THOST_FTDC_FIOTEN_SwapCurrency '3'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundIOTypeEnType;
+///Bank Deposit
+#define THOST_FTDC_FTEN_Deposite '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FTEN_ItemFund '2'
+///Brokerage Adj
+#define THOST_FTDC_FTEN_Company '3'
+///Internal Transfer
+#define THOST_FTDC_FTEN_InnerTransfer '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundTypeEnType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FDEN_In '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FDEN_Out '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundDirectionEnType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FMDEN_In '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FMDEN_Out '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcFundMortDirectionEnType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcSwapBusinessTypeType[3];
+#define THOST_FTDC_CP_CallOptions '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CP_PutOptions '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOptionsTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_STM_Continental '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_STM_American '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_STM_Bermuda '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcStrikeModeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_STT_Hedge '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_STT_Match '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcStrikeTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_APPT_NotStrikeNum '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcApplyTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_GUDS_Gen '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_GUDS_Hand '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcGiveUpDataSourceType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcExecOrderSysIDType[21];
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_NoExec 'n'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_Canceled 'c'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_OK '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_NoPosition '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_NoDeposit '2'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_NoParticipant '3'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_NoClient '4'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_NoInstrument '6'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_NoRight '7'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_InvalidVolume '8'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_NoEnoughHistoryTrade '9'
+#define THOST_FTDC_OER_Unknown 'a'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExecResultType;
+typedef int TThostFtdcStrikeSequenceType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcStrikeTimeType[13];
+#define THOST_FTDC_COMBT_Future '0'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCombinationTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORPT_PreSettlementPrice '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ORPT_OpenPrice '4'
+typedef char TThostFtdcOptionRoyaltyPriceTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_BLAG_Default '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_BLAG_IncludeOptValLost '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcBalanceAlgorithmType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_ACTP_Exec '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_ACTP_Abandon '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcActionTypeType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_FQST_Submitted 'a'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FQST_Accepted 'b'
+#define THOST_FTDC_FQST_Rejected 'c'
+typedef char TThostFtdcForQuoteStatusType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_VM_Absolute '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_VM_Ratio '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcValueMethodType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_EOPF_Reserve '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EOPF_UnReserve '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExecOrderPositionFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_EOCF_AutoClose '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_EOCF_NotToClose '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcExecOrderCloseFlagType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_PTE_Futures '1'
+#define THOST_FTDC_PTE_Options '2'
+typedef char TThostFtdcProductTypeType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCZCEUploadFileNameType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcDCEUploadFileNameType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcSHFEUploadFileNameType;
+typedef char TThostFtdcCFFEXUploadFileNameType;
+#define THOST_FTDC_CMDR_Comb '0'
+#define THOST_FTDC_CMDR_UnComb '1'
+typedef char TThostFtdcCombDirectionType;
diff --git a/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a151a1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7684 @@
+///@system һϵͳ
+///@company ϺڻϢ˾
+///@file ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h
+///@brief ˿ͻ˽ӿʹõҵݽṹ
+///20060106 Ժ ļ
+#if !defined(THOST_FTDCSTRUCT_H)
+#if _MSC_VER > 1000
+#pragma once
+#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
+#include "ThostFtdcUserApiDataType.h"
+struct CThostFtdcDisseminationField
+ ///ϵк
+ TThostFtdcSequenceSeriesType SequenceSeries;
+ ///к
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+// typedef char TThostFtdcDateType[9];
+// typedef char TThostFtdcBrokerIDType[11];
+// typedef char TThostFtdcUserIDType[16];
+// typedef char TThostFtdcPasswordType[41];
+// typedef char TThostFtdcProductInfoType[11];
+// typedef char TThostFtdcProtocolInfoType[11];
+// typedef char TThostFtdcMacAddressType[21];
+// typedef char TThostFtdcPasswordType[41];
+// typedef char TThostFtdcIPAddressType[16];
+struct CThostFtdcReqUserLoginField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///ӿڶ˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType InterfaceProductInfo;
+ ///ЭϢ
+ TThostFtdcProtocolInfoType ProtocolInfo;
+ ///Macַ
+ TThostFtdcMacAddressType MacAddress;
+ ///̬
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType OneTimePassword;
+ ///նIPַ
+ TThostFtdcIPAddressType ClientIPAddress;
+struct CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///¼ɹʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType LoginTime;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcSystemNameType SystemName;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType MaxOrderRef;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType SHFETime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType DCETime;
+ ///֣ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CZCETime;
+ ///нʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType FFEXTime;
+ ///Դʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType INETime;
+struct CThostFtdcUserLogoutField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcForceUserLogoutField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcReqAuthenticateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcAuthCodeType AuthCode;
+struct CThostFtdcRspAuthenticateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+struct CThostFtdcAuthenticationInfoField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///֤Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcAuthInfoType AuthInfo;
+ ///ǷΪ֤
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsResult;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferHeaderField
+ ///汾ţ1.0
+ TThostFtdcVersionType Version;
+ ///״룬
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///ڣʽyyyymmdd
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ䣬ʽhhmmss
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮţN/A
+ TThostFtdcTradeSerialType TradeSerial;
+ ///ڻ˾룬
+ TThostFtdcFutureIDType FutureID;
+ ///д룬ݲѯеõ
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///зĴ룬ݲѯеõ
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBrchID;
+ ///ԱN/A
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///豸ͣN/A
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///¼N/A
+ TThostFtdcRecordNumType RecordNum;
+ ///ỰţN/A
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ţN/A
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferBankToFutureReqField
+ ///ڻʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType FutureAccount;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcFuturePwdFlagType FuturePwdFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFutureAccPwdType FutureAccPwd;
+ ///ת˽
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType TradeAmt;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CustFee;
+ ///֣RMB- USD-Բ HKD-Ԫ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyCodeType CurrencyCode;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferBankToFutureRspField
+ ///Ӧ
+ TThostFtdcRetCodeType RetCode;
+ ///ӦϢ
+ TThostFtdcRetInfoType RetInfo;
+ ///ʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType FutureAccount;
+ ///תʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType TradeAmt;
+ ///Ӧտͻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CustFee;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyCodeType CurrencyCode;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferFutureToBankReqField
+ ///ڻʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType FutureAccount;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcFuturePwdFlagType FuturePwdFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFutureAccPwdType FutureAccPwd;
+ ///ת˽
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType TradeAmt;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CustFee;
+ ///֣RMB- USD-Բ HKD-Ԫ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyCodeType CurrencyCode;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferFutureToBankRspField
+ ///Ӧ
+ TThostFtdcRetCodeType RetCode;
+ ///ӦϢ
+ TThostFtdcRetInfoType RetInfo;
+ ///ʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType FutureAccount;
+ ///תʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType TradeAmt;
+ ///Ӧտͻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CustFee;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyCodeType CurrencyCode;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferQryBankReqField
+ ///ڻʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType FutureAccount;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcFuturePwdFlagType FuturePwdFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFutureAccPwdType FutureAccPwd;
+ ///֣RMB- USD-Բ HKD-Ԫ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyCodeType CurrencyCode;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferQryBankRspField
+ ///Ӧ
+ TThostFtdcRetCodeType RetCode;
+ ///ӦϢ
+ TThostFtdcRetInfoType RetInfo;
+ ///ʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType FutureAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType TradeAmt;
+ ///п
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType UseAmt;
+ ///пȡ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FetchAmt;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyCodeType CurrencyCode;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferQryDetailReqField
+ ///ڻʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType FutureAccount;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferQryDetailRspField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///״
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///ڻˮ
+ TThostFtdcTradeSerialNoType FutureSerial;
+ ///ڻ˾
+ TThostFtdcFutureIDType FutureID;
+ ///ʽʺ
+ TThostFtdcFutureAccountType FutureAccount;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcTradeSerialNoType BankSerial;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///зĴ
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBrchID;
+ ///˺
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcCertCodeType CertCode;
+ ///Ҵ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyCodeType CurrencyCode;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType TxAmount;
+ ///Ч־
+ TThostFtdcTransferValidFlagType Flag;
+struct CThostFtdcRspInfoField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeNameType ExchangeName;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangePropertyType ExchangeProperty;
+struct CThostFtdcProductField
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductID;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcProductNameType ProductName;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcProductClassType ProductClass;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeMultipleType VolumeMultiple;
+ ///С䶯λ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PriceTick;
+ ///м۵µ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MaxMarketOrderVolume;
+ ///м۵Сµ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinMarketOrderVolume;
+ ///۵µ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MaxLimitOrderVolume;
+ ///۵Сµ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinLimitOrderVolume;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcPositionTypeType PositionType;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcPositionDateTypeType PositionDateType;
+ ///ƽִ
+ TThostFtdcCloseDealTypeType CloseDealType;
+ ///ױ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType TradeCurrencyID;
+ ///Ѻʽ÷Χ
+ TThostFtdcMortgageFundUseRangeType MortgageFundUseRange;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ExchangeProductID;
+ ///ԼƷ
+ TThostFtdcUnderlyingMultipleType UnderlyingMultiple;
+struct CThostFtdcInstrumentField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentNameType InstrumentName;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductID;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcProductClassType ProductClass;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcYearType DeliveryYear;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMonthType DeliveryMonth;
+ ///м۵µ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MaxMarketOrderVolume;
+ ///м۵Сµ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinMarketOrderVolume;
+ ///۵µ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MaxLimitOrderVolume;
+ ///۵Сµ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinLimitOrderVolume;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeMultipleType VolumeMultiple;
+ ///С䶯λ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PriceTick;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType CreateDate;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType OpenDate;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ExpireDate;
+ ///ʼ
+ TThostFtdcDateType StartDelivDate;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType EndDelivDate;
+ ///Լ״̬
+ TThostFtdcInstLifePhaseType InstLifePhase;
+ ///ǰǷ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsTrading;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcPositionTypeType PositionType;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcPositionDateTypeType PositionDateType;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType LongMarginRatio;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType ShortMarginRatio;
+ ///Ƿʹô֤߱㷨
+ TThostFtdcMaxMarginSideAlgorithmType MaxMarginSideAlgorithm;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType UnderlyingInstrID;
+ ///ִм
+ TThostFtdcPriceType StrikePrice;
+ ///Ȩ
+ TThostFtdcOptionsTypeType OptionsType;
+ ///ԼƷ
+ TThostFtdcUnderlyingMultipleType UnderlyingMultiple;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcCombinationTypeType CombinationType;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerAbbrType BrokerAbbr;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerNameType BrokerName;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+struct CThostFtdcTraderField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallCountType InstallCount;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+struct CThostFtdcInvestorField
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷ߷
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorGroupID;
+ ///Ͷ
+ TThostFtdcPartyNameType InvestorName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdentifiedCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+ ///ϵ绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ͨѶַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType OpenDate;
+ ///ֻ
+ TThostFtdcMobileType Mobile;
+ ///ģ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType CommModelID;
+ ///֤ģ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType MarginModelID;
+struct CThostFtdcTradingCodeField
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+ ///ױ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDTypeType ClientIDType;
+struct CThostFtdcPartBrokerField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+struct CThostFtdcSuperUserField
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserNameType UserName;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+struct CThostFtdcSuperUserFunctionField
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ܴ
+ TThostFtdcFunctionCodeType FunctionCode;
+struct CThostFtdcInvestorGroupField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷ߷
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorGroupID;
+ ///Ͷ߷
+ TThostFtdcInvestorGroupNameType InvestorGroupName;
+struct CThostFtdcTradingAccountField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ϴѺ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreMortgage;
+ ///ϴö
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreCredit;
+ ///ϴδ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreDeposit;
+ ///ϴν
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreBalance;
+ ///ϴռõı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreMargin;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType InterestBase;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Interest;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Deposit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Withdraw;
+ ///ı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenMargin;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCash;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCommission;
+ ///ǰ֤ܶ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CurrMargin;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CashIn;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Commission;
+ ///ƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfit;
+ ///ֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionProfit;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Balance;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Available;
+ ///ȡʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType WithdrawQuota;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Reserve;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///ö
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Credit;
+ ///Ѻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Mortgage;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchangeMargin;
+ ///Ͷ߽֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType DeliveryMargin;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchangeDeliveryMargin;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ReserveBalance;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///ϴλ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreFundMortgageIn;
+ ///ϴλʳ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreFundMortgageOut;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FundMortgageIn;
+ ///ʳ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FundMortgageOut;
+ ///Ѻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FundMortgageAvailable;
+ ///Ѻҽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType MortgageableFund;
+ ///Ʒռñ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductMargin;
+ ///Ʒᱣ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductFrozenMargin;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductCommission;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductFrozenCommission;
+ ///Ʒֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductPositionProfit;
+ ///Ʒƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductCloseProfit;
+ ///ݳֲӯ㷨Ʒֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductPositionProfitByAlg;
+ ///Ʒ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductExchangeMargin;
+struct CThostFtdcInvestorPositionField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ֲֶշ
+ TThostFtdcPosiDirectionType PosiDirection;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcPositionDateType PositionDate;
+ ///ճֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType YdPosition;
+ ///ճֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Position;
+ ///ͷ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType LongFrozen;
+ ///ͷ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType ShortFrozen;
+ ///ֶ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongFrozenAmount;
+ ///ֶ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortFrozenAmount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType OpenVolume;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CloseVolume;
+ ///ֽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType OpenAmount;
+ ///ƽֽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseAmount;
+ ///ֲֳɱ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionCost;
+ ///ϴռõı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreMargin;
+ ///ռõı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType UseMargin;
+ ///ı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenMargin;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCash;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCommission;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CashIn;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Commission;
+ ///ƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfit;
+ ///ֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionProfit;
+ ///ϴν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PreSettlementPrice;
+ ///ν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType SettlementPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///ֳɱ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType OpenCost;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchangeMargin;
+ ///ϳɽγɵijֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CombPosition;
+ ///϶ͷ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CombLongFrozen;
+ ///Ͽͷ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CombShortFrozen;
+ ///նƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfitByDate;
+ ///ʶԳƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfitByTrade;
+ ///ճֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType TodayPosition;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType MarginRateByMoney;
+ ///֤()
+ TThostFtdcRatioType MarginRateByVolume;
+ ///ִж
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType StrikeFrozen;
+ ///ִж
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType StrikeFrozenAmount;
+ ///ִж
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AbandonFrozen;
+struct CThostFtdcInstrumentMarginRateField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType LongMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType ShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ǷԽȡ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsRelative;
+struct CThostFtdcInstrumentCommissionRateField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType OpenRatioByMoney;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType OpenRatioByVolume;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseRatioByMoney;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseRatioByVolume;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseTodayRatioByMoney;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseTodayRatioByVolume;
+struct CThostFtdcDepthMarketDataField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///¼
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LastPrice;
+ ///ϴν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PreSettlementPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PreClosePrice;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcLargeVolumeType PreOpenInterest;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType OpenPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType HighestPrice;
+ ///ͼ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LowestPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Turnover;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcLargeVolumeType OpenInterest;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType ClosePrice;
+ ///ν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType SettlementPrice;
+ ///ͣ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType UpperLimitPrice;
+ ///ͣ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LowerLimitPrice;
+ ///ʵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType PreDelta;
+ ///ʵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CurrDelta;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType UpdateTime;
+ ///ĺ
+ TThostFtdcMillisecType UpdateMillisec;
+ ///һ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice1;
+ ///һ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume1;
+ ///һ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice1;
+ ///һ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume1;
+ ///۶
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice2;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume2;
+ ///۶
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice2;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume2;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice3;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume3;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice3;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume3;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice4;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume4;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice4;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume4;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice5;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume5;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice5;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume5;
+ ///վ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AveragePrice;
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDay;
+struct CThostFtdcInstrumentTradingRightField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ȩ
+ TThostFtdcTradingRightType TradingRight;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerUserField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserNameType UserName;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserTypeType UserType;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+ ///Ƿʹ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsUsingOTP;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerUserPasswordField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerUserFunctionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///˾ܴ
+ TThostFtdcBrokerFunctionCodeType BrokerFunctionCode;
+struct CThostFtdcTraderOfferField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///Ա״̬
+ TThostFtdcTraderConnectStatusType TraderConnectStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ConnectRequestDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ConnectRequestTime;
+ ///ϴα
+ TThostFtdcDateType LastReportDate;
+ ///ϴαʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType LastReportTime;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ConnectDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ConnectTime;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType StartDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType StartTime;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///ϯλɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeIDType MaxTradeID;
+ ///ϯλ
+ TThostFtdcReturnCodeType MaxOrderMessageReference;
+struct CThostFtdcSettlementInfoField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcContentType Content;
+struct CThostFtdcInstrumentMarginRateAdjustField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType LongMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType ShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ǷԽȡ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsRelative;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeMarginRateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType LongMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType ShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeMarginRateAdjustField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///潻Ͷ߶ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType LongMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///潻Ͷ߶ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///潻Ͷ߿ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType ShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///潻Ͷ߿ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType ExchLongMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchLongMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType ExchShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///潻Ͷ߶ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType NoLongMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///潻Ͷ߶ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType NoLongMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///潻Ͷ߿ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType NoShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///潻Ͷ߿ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType NoShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeRateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Դ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType FromCurrencyID;
+ ///Դֵλ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyUnitType FromCurrencyUnit;
+ ///Ŀ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType ToCurrencyID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeRateType ExchangeRate;
+struct CThostFtdcSettlementRefField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+struct CThostFtdcCurrentTimeField
+ ///ǰ
+ TThostFtdcDateType CurrDate;
+ ///ǰʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CurrTime;
+ ///ǰʱ䣨룩
+ TThostFtdcMillisecType CurrMillisec;
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDay;
+struct CThostFtdcCommPhaseField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ͨѶʱα
+ TThostFtdcCommPhaseNoType CommPhaseNo;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcSystemIDType SystemID;
+struct CThostFtdcLoginInfoField
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///¼
+ TThostFtdcDateType LoginDate;
+ ///¼ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType LoginTime;
+ ///IPַ
+ TThostFtdcIPAddressType IPAddress;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///ӿڶ˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType InterfaceProductInfo;
+ ///ЭϢ
+ TThostFtdcProtocolInfoType ProtocolInfo;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcSystemNameType SystemName;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType MaxOrderRef;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType SHFETime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType DCETime;
+ ///֣ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CZCETime;
+ ///нʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType FFEXTime;
+ ///Macַ
+ TThostFtdcMacAddressType MacAddress;
+ ///̬
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType OneTimePassword;
+ ///Դʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType INETime;
+ ///ѯʱǷҪ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsQryControl;
+struct CThostFtdcLogoutAllField
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcSystemNameType SystemName;
+struct CThostFtdcFrontStatusField
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///ϴα
+ TThostFtdcDateType LastReportDate;
+ ///ϴαʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType LastReportTime;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+struct CThostFtdcUserPasswordUpdateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ԭĿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType OldPassword;
+ ///µĿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType NewPassword;
+struct CThostFtdcInputOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcOrderPriceTypeType OrderPriceType;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///Ͽƽ־
+ TThostFtdcCombOffsetFlagType CombOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcCombHedgeFlagType CombHedgeFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotalOriginal;
+ ///Ч
+ TThostFtdcTimeConditionType TimeCondition;
+ ///GTD
+ TThostFtdcDateType GTDDate;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeConditionType VolumeCondition;
+ ///Сɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcContingentConditionType ContingentCondition;
+ ///ֹ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType StopPrice;
+ ///ǿƽԭ
+ TThostFtdcForceCloseReasonType ForceCloseReason;
+ ///Զ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsAutoSuspend;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ûǿ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType UserForceClose;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsSwapOrder;
+struct CThostFtdcOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcOrderPriceTypeType OrderPriceType;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///Ͽƽ־
+ TThostFtdcCombOffsetFlagType CombOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcCombHedgeFlagType CombHedgeFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotalOriginal;
+ ///Ч
+ TThostFtdcTimeConditionType TimeCondition;
+ ///GTD
+ TThostFtdcDateType GTDDate;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeConditionType VolumeCondition;
+ ///Сɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcContingentConditionType ContingentCondition;
+ ///ֹ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType StopPrice;
+ ///ǿƽԭ
+ TThostFtdcForceCloseReasonType ForceCloseReason;
+ ///Զ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsAutoSuspend;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ύ״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderSubmitStatusType OrderSubmitStatus;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///Դ
+ TThostFtdcOrderSourceType OrderSource;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderStatusType OrderStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderTypeType OrderType;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTraded;
+ ///ʣ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotal;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ίʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActiveTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType SuspendTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType UpdateTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CancelTime;
+ ///ĽԱ
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType ActiveTraderID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///ûǿ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType UserForceClose;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType ActiveUserID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType BrokerOrderSeq;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType RelativeOrderSysID;
+ ///֣ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType ZCETotalTradedVolume;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsSwapOrder;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeOrderField
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcOrderPriceTypeType OrderPriceType;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///Ͽƽ־
+ TThostFtdcCombOffsetFlagType CombOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcCombHedgeFlagType CombHedgeFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotalOriginal;
+ ///Ч
+ TThostFtdcTimeConditionType TimeCondition;
+ ///GTD
+ TThostFtdcDateType GTDDate;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeConditionType VolumeCondition;
+ ///Сɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcContingentConditionType ContingentCondition;
+ ///ֹ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType StopPrice;
+ ///ǿƽԭ
+ TThostFtdcForceCloseReasonType ForceCloseReason;
+ ///Զ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsAutoSuspend;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ύ״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderSubmitStatusType OrderSubmitStatus;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///Դ
+ TThostFtdcOrderSourceType OrderSource;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderStatusType OrderStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderTypeType OrderType;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTraded;
+ ///ʣ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotal;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ίʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActiveTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType SuspendTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType UpdateTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CancelTime;
+ ///ĽԱ
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType ActiveTraderID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeOrderInsertErrorField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcInputOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType OrderActionRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///仯
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeChange;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType OrderActionRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///仯
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeChange;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActionTime;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType OrderActionStatus;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeOrderActionField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///仯
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeChange;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActionTime;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType OrderActionStatus;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeOrderActionErrorField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeTradeField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeIDType TradeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ɫ
+ TThostFtdcTradingRoleType TradingRole;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType OffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType Price;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ɽʱ
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ɽʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTypeType TradeType;
+ ///ɽԴ
+ TThostFtdcPriceSourceType PriceSource;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///ɽԴ
+ TThostFtdcTradeSourceType TradeSource;
+struct CThostFtdcTradeField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeIDType TradeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ɫ
+ TThostFtdcTradingRoleType TradingRole;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType OffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType Price;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ɽʱ
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ɽʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTypeType TradeType;
+ ///ɽԴ
+ TThostFtdcPriceSourceType PriceSource;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType BrokerOrderSeq;
+ ///ɽԴ
+ TThostFtdcTradeSourceType TradeSource;
+struct CThostFtdcUserSessionField
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///¼
+ TThostFtdcDateType LoginDate;
+ ///¼ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType LoginTime;
+ ///IPַ
+ TThostFtdcIPAddressType IPAddress;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///ӿڶ˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType InterfaceProductInfo;
+ ///ЭϢ
+ TThostFtdcProtocolInfoType ProtocolInfo;
+ ///Macַ
+ TThostFtdcMacAddressType MacAddress;
+struct CThostFtdcQueryMaxOrderVolumeField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType OffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MaxVolume;
+struct CThostFtdcSettlementInfoConfirmField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ȷ
+ TThostFtdcDateType ConfirmDate;
+ ///ȷʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ConfirmTime;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncDepositField
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcDepositSeqNoType DepositSeqNo;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Deposit;
+ ///Ƿǿƽ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsForce;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncFundMortgageField
+ ///Ѻˮ
+ TThostFtdcDepositSeqNoType MortgageSeqNo;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Դ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType FromCurrencyID;
+ ///Ѻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType MortgageAmount;
+ ///Ŀ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType ToCurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerSyncField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncingInvestorField
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷ߷
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorGroupID;
+ ///Ͷ
+ TThostFtdcPartyNameType InvestorName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdentifiedCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+ ///ϵ绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ͨѶַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType OpenDate;
+ ///ֻ
+ TThostFtdcMobileType Mobile;
+ ///ģ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType CommModelID;
+ ///֤ģ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType MarginModelID;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncingTradingCodeField
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+ ///ױ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDTypeType ClientIDType;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncingInvestorGroupField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷ߷
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorGroupID;
+ ///Ͷ߷
+ TThostFtdcInvestorGroupNameType InvestorGroupName;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncingTradingAccountField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ϴѺ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreMortgage;
+ ///ϴö
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreCredit;
+ ///ϴδ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreDeposit;
+ ///ϴν
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreBalance;
+ ///ϴռõı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreMargin;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType InterestBase;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Interest;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Deposit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Withdraw;
+ ///ı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenMargin;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCash;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCommission;
+ ///ǰ֤ܶ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CurrMargin;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CashIn;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Commission;
+ ///ƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfit;
+ ///ֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionProfit;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Balance;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Available;
+ ///ȡʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType WithdrawQuota;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Reserve;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///ö
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Credit;
+ ///Ѻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Mortgage;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchangeMargin;
+ ///Ͷ߽֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType DeliveryMargin;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchangeDeliveryMargin;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ReserveBalance;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///ϴλ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreFundMortgageIn;
+ ///ϴλʳ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreFundMortgageOut;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FundMortgageIn;
+ ///ʳ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FundMortgageOut;
+ ///Ѻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FundMortgageAvailable;
+ ///Ѻҽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType MortgageableFund;
+ ///Ʒռñ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductMargin;
+ ///Ʒᱣ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductFrozenMargin;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductCommission;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductFrozenCommission;
+ ///Ʒֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductPositionProfit;
+ ///Ʒƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductCloseProfit;
+ ///ݳֲӯ㷨Ʒֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductPositionProfitByAlg;
+ ///Ʒ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SpecProductExchangeMargin;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncingInvestorPositionField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ֲֶշ
+ TThostFtdcPosiDirectionType PosiDirection;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcPositionDateType PositionDate;
+ ///ճֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType YdPosition;
+ ///ճֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Position;
+ ///ͷ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType LongFrozen;
+ ///ͷ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType ShortFrozen;
+ ///ֶ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongFrozenAmount;
+ ///ֶ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortFrozenAmount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType OpenVolume;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CloseVolume;
+ ///ֽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType OpenAmount;
+ ///ƽֽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseAmount;
+ ///ֲֳɱ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionCost;
+ ///ϴռõı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreMargin;
+ ///ռõı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType UseMargin;
+ ///ı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenMargin;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCash;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCommission;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CashIn;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Commission;
+ ///ƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfit;
+ ///ֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionProfit;
+ ///ϴν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PreSettlementPrice;
+ ///ν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType SettlementPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///ֳɱ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType OpenCost;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchangeMargin;
+ ///ϳɽγɵijֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CombPosition;
+ ///϶ͷ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CombLongFrozen;
+ ///Ͽͷ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CombShortFrozen;
+ ///նƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfitByDate;
+ ///ʶԳƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfitByTrade;
+ ///ճֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType TodayPosition;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType MarginRateByMoney;
+ ///֤()
+ TThostFtdcRatioType MarginRateByVolume;
+ ///ִж
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType StrikeFrozen;
+ ///ִж
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType StrikeFrozenAmount;
+ ///ִж
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AbandonFrozen;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncingInstrumentMarginRateField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType LongMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType ShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ǷԽȡ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsRelative;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncingInstrumentCommissionRateField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType OpenRatioByMoney;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType OpenRatioByVolume;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseRatioByMoney;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseRatioByVolume;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseTodayRatioByMoney;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseTodayRatioByVolume;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncingInstrumentTradingRightField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ȩ
+ TThostFtdcTradingRightType TradingRight;
+struct CThostFtdcQryOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///ʼʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeStart;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeEnd;
+struct CThostFtdcQryTradeField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeIDType TradeID;
+ ///ʼʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType TradeTimeStart;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType TradeTimeEnd;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInvestorPositionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryTradingAccountField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInvestorField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryTradingCodeField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ױ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDTypeType ClientIDType;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInvestorGroupField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInstrumentMarginRateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInstrumentCommissionRateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInstrumentTradingRightField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryBrokerField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryTraderField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcQrySuperUserFunctionField
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryUserSessionField
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryPartBrokerField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryFrontStatusField
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeOrderField
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeOrderActionField
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcQrySuperUserField
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryProductField
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductID;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcProductClassType ProductClass;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInstrumentField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryDepthMarketDataField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryBrokerUserField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryBrokerUserFunctionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryTraderOfferField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcQrySyncDepositField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcDepositSeqNoType DepositSeqNo;
+struct CThostFtdcQrySettlementInfoField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeMarginRateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeMarginRateAdjustField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeRateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Դ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType FromCurrencyID;
+ ///Ŀ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType ToCurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcQrySyncFundMortgageField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ѻˮ
+ TThostFtdcDepositSeqNoType MortgageSeqNo;
+struct CThostFtdcQryHisOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///ʼʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeStart;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeEnd;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+struct CThostFtdcOptionInstrMiniMarginField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///λ֣ȨԼС֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType MinMargin;
+ ///ȡֵʽ
+ TThostFtdcValueMethodType ValueMethod;
+ ///Ƿ潻ȡ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsRelative;
+struct CThostFtdcOptionInstrMarginAdjustField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ͷͷ֤ϵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType SShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///Ͷͷ֤ϵ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType SShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ֵͷ֤ϵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType HShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ֵͷ֤ϵ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType HShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///ͷ֤ϵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType AShortMarginRatioByMoney;
+ ///ͷ֤ϵ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType AShortMarginRatioByVolume;
+ ///Ƿ潻ȡ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsRelative;
+struct CThostFtdcOptionInstrCommRateField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType OpenRatioByMoney;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType OpenRatioByVolume;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseRatioByMoney;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseRatioByVolume;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseTodayRatioByMoney;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CloseTodayRatioByVolume;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType StrikeRatioByMoney;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType StrikeRatioByVolume;
+struct CThostFtdcOptionInstrTradeCostField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ȨԼ֤䲿
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FixedMargin;
+ ///ȨԼС֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType MiniMargin;
+ ///ȨԼȨ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Royalty;
+ ///ȨԼ֤䲿
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchFixedMargin;
+ ///ȨԼС֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchMiniMargin;
+struct CThostFtdcQryOptionInstrTradeCostField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ȨԼ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType InputPrice;
+ ///ļ۸,0
+ TThostFtdcPriceType UnderlyingPrice;
+struct CThostFtdcQryOptionInstrCommRateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcIndexPriceField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ָֻ̼
+ TThostFtdcPriceType ClosePrice;
+struct CThostFtdcInputExecOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType ExecOrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType OffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcActionTypeType ActionType;
+ ///ͷijֲַ
+ TThostFtdcPosiDirectionType PosiDirection;
+ ///ȨȨǷڻͷı
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderPositionFlagType ReservePositionFlag;
+ ///ȨȨɵͷǷԶƽ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderCloseFlagType CloseFlag;
+struct CThostFtdcInputExecOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType ExecOrderActionRef;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType ExecOrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderSysIDType ExecOrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcExecOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType ExecOrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType OffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcActionTypeType ActionType;
+ ///ͷijֲַ
+ TThostFtdcPosiDirectionType PosiDirection;
+ ///ȨȨǷڻͷı
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderPositionFlagType ReservePositionFlag;
+ ///ȨȨɵͷǷԶƽ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderCloseFlagType CloseFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ExecOrderLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ִύ״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderSubmitStatusType OrderSubmitStatus;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderSysIDType ExecOrderSysID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CancelTime;
+ ///ִн
+ TThostFtdcExecResultType ExecResult;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType ActiveUserID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType BrokerExecOrderSeq;
+struct CThostFtdcExecOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType ExecOrderActionRef;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType ExecOrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderSysIDType ExecOrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActionTime;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ExecOrderLocalID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType OrderActionStatus;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcActionTypeType ActionType;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExecOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderSysIDType ExecOrderSysID;
+ ///ʼʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeStart;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeEnd;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeExecOrderField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType OffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcActionTypeType ActionType;
+ ///ͷijֲַ
+ TThostFtdcPosiDirectionType PosiDirection;
+ ///ȨȨǷڻͷı
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderPositionFlagType ReservePositionFlag;
+ ///ȨȨɵͷǷԶƽ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderCloseFlagType CloseFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ExecOrderLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ִύ״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderSubmitStatusType OrderSubmitStatus;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderSysIDType ExecOrderSysID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CancelTime;
+ ///ִн
+ TThostFtdcExecResultType ExecResult;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeExecOrderField
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExecOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeExecOrderActionField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderSysIDType ExecOrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActionTime;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ExecOrderLocalID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType OrderActionStatus;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcActionTypeType ActionType;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeExecOrderActionField
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcErrExecOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType ExecOrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType OffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcActionTypeType ActionType;
+ ///ͷijֲַ
+ TThostFtdcPosiDirectionType PosiDirection;
+ ///ȨȨǷڻͷı
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderPositionFlagType ReservePositionFlag;
+ ///ȨȨɵͷǷԶƽ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderCloseFlagType CloseFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcQryErrExecOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcErrExecOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType ExecOrderActionRef;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType ExecOrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcExecOrderSysIDType ExecOrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcQryErrExecOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcOptionInstrTradingRightField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///Ȩ
+ TThostFtdcTradingRightType TradingRight;
+struct CThostFtdcQryOptionInstrTradingRightField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+struct CThostFtdcInputForQuoteField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ѯ
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType ForQuoteRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcForQuoteField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ѯ
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType ForQuoteRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ѯ۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ForQuoteLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ѯ״̬
+ TThostFtdcForQuoteStatusType ForQuoteStatus;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType ActiveUserID;
+ ///˾ѯ۱
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType BrokerForQutoSeq;
+struct CThostFtdcQryForQuoteField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ʼʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeStart;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeEnd;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeForQuoteField
+ ///ѯ۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ForQuoteLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ѯ״̬
+ TThostFtdcForQuoteStatusType ForQuoteStatus;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeForQuoteField
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcInputQuoteField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType QuoteRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType AskOffsetFlag;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType BidOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType AskHedgeFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType BidHedgeFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType AskOrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType BidOrderRef;
+ ///Ӧ۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType ForQuoteSysID;
+struct CThostFtdcInputQuoteActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///۲
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType QuoteActionRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType QuoteRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///۲
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType QuoteSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQuoteField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType QuoteRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType AskOffsetFlag;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType BidOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType AskHedgeFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType BidHedgeFlag;
+ ///ر۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType QuoteLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///ύ״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderSubmitStatusType OrderSubmitStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType QuoteSysID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CancelTime;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderStatusType QuoteStatus;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType AskOrderSysID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType BidOrderSysID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType ActiveUserID;
+ ///˾۱
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType BrokerQuoteSeq;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType AskOrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType BidOrderRef;
+ ///Ӧ۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType ForQuoteSysID;
+struct CThostFtdcQuoteActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///۲
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType QuoteActionRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType QuoteRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///۲
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType QuoteSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActionTime;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType QuoteLocalID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType OrderActionStatus;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryQuoteField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType QuoteSysID;
+ ///ʼʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeStart;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTimeEnd;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeQuoteField
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType AskOffsetFlag;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType BidOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType AskHedgeFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType BidHedgeFlag;
+ ///ر۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType QuoteLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///ύ״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderSubmitStatusType OrderSubmitStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType QuoteSysID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CancelTime;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderStatusType QuoteStatus;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType AskOrderSysID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType BidOrderSysID;
+ ///Ӧ۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType ForQuoteSysID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeQuoteField
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryQuoteActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeQuoteActionField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///۲
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType QuoteSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActionTime;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType QuoteLocalID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType OrderActionStatus;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeQuoteActionField
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcOptionInstrDeltaField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Deltaֵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType Delta;
+struct CThostFtdcForQuoteRspField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ѯ۱
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType ForQuoteSysID;
+ ///ѯʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ForQuoteTime;
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcStrikeOffsetField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ִƫֵ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Offset;
+struct CThostFtdcQryStrikeOffsetField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcCombInstrumentGuardField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType GuarantRatio;
+struct CThostFtdcQryCombInstrumentGuardField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcInputCombActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType CombActionRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ָ
+ TThostFtdcCombDirectionType CombDirection;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+struct CThostFtdcCombActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType CombActionRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ָ
+ TThostFtdcCombDirectionType CombDirection;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ϱ
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType ActionStatus;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcQryCombActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeCombActionField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ָ
+ TThostFtdcCombDirectionType CombDirection;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///ϱ
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType ActionStatus;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeCombActionField
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcInstrumentOrderCommRateField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType OrderCommByVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRatioType OrderActionCommByVolume;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInstrumentOrderCommRateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///¼
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LastPrice;
+ ///ϴν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PreSettlementPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PreClosePrice;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcLargeVolumeType PreOpenInterest;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType OpenPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType HighestPrice;
+ ///ͼ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LowestPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Turnover;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcLargeVolumeType OpenInterest;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType ClosePrice;
+ ///ν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType SettlementPrice;
+ ///ͣ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType UpperLimitPrice;
+ ///ͣ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LowerLimitPrice;
+ ///ʵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType PreDelta;
+ ///ʵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CurrDelta;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType UpdateTime;
+ ///ĺ
+ TThostFtdcMillisecType UpdateMillisec;
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDay;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataBaseField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ϴν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PreSettlementPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType PreClosePrice;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcLargeVolumeType PreOpenInterest;
+ ///ʵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType PreDelta;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataStaticField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType OpenPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType HighestPrice;
+ ///ͼ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LowestPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType ClosePrice;
+ ///ͣ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType UpperLimitPrice;
+ ///ͣ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LowerLimitPrice;
+ ///ν
+ TThostFtdcPriceType SettlementPrice;
+ ///ʵ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType CurrDelta;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataLastMatchField
+ ///¼
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LastPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Turnover;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcLargeVolumeType OpenInterest;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataBestPriceField
+ ///һ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice1;
+ ///һ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume1;
+ ///һ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice1;
+ ///һ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume1;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataBid23Field
+ ///۶
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice2;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume2;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice3;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume3;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataAsk23Field
+ ///۶
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice2;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume2;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice3;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume3;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataBid45Field
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice4;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume4;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType BidPrice5;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType BidVolume5;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataAsk45Field
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice4;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume4;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AskPrice5;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType AskVolume5;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataUpdateTimeField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType UpdateTime;
+ ///ĺ
+ TThostFtdcMillisecType UpdateMillisec;
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDay;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataExchangeField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcSpecificInstrumentField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcInstrumentStatusField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementGroupIDType SettlementGroupID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Լ״̬
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentStatusType InstrumentStatus;
+ ///α
+ TThostFtdcTradingSegmentSNType TradingSegmentSN;
+ ///뱾״̬ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType EnterTime;
+ ///뱾״̬ԭ
+ TThostFtdcInstStatusEnterReasonType EnterReason;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInstrumentStatusField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+struct CThostFtdcInvestorAccountField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcPositionProfitAlgorithmField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ӯ㷨
+ TThostFtdcAlgorithmType Algorithm;
+ ///ע
+ TThostFtdcMemoType Memo;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcDiscountField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ʽۿ۱
+ TThostFtdcRatioType Discount;
+struct CThostFtdcQryTransferBankField
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///зĴ
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBrchID;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferBankField
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///зĴ
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBrchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcBankNameType BankName;
+ ///ǷԾ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsActive;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInvestorPositionDetailField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcInvestorPositionDetailField
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType OpenDate;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeIDType TradeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+ ///ּ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType OpenPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTypeType TradeType;
+ ///ϺԼ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType CombInstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///նƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfitByDate;
+ ///ʶԳƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfitByTrade;
+ ///նгֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionProfitByDate;
+ ///ʶԳֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionProfitByTrade;
+ ///Ͷ֤߱
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Margin;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchMargin;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType MarginRateByMoney;
+ ///֤()
+ TThostFtdcRatioType MarginRateByVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LastSettlementPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPriceType SettlementPrice;
+ ///ƽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType CloseVolume;
+ ///ƽֽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseAmount;
+struct CThostFtdcTradingAccountPasswordField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcMDTraderOfferField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///Ա״̬
+ TThostFtdcTraderConnectStatusType TraderConnectStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ConnectRequestDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ConnectRequestTime;
+ ///ϴα
+ TThostFtdcDateType LastReportDate;
+ ///ϴαʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType LastReportTime;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ConnectDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ConnectTime;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType StartDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType StartTime;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///ϯλɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeIDType MaxTradeID;
+ ///ϯλ
+ TThostFtdcReturnCodeType MaxOrderMessageReference;
+struct CThostFtdcQryMDTraderOfferField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryNoticeField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+struct CThostFtdcNoticeField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcContentType Content;
+ ///˾֪ͨк
+ TThostFtdcSequenceLabelType SequenceLabel;
+struct CThostFtdcUserRightField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ͻȨ
+ TThostFtdcUserRightTypeType UserRightType;
+ ///Ƿֹ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsForbidden;
+struct CThostFtdcQrySettlementInfoConfirmField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcLoadSettlementInfoField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerWithdrawAlgorithmField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///ʽ㷨
+ TThostFtdcAlgorithmType WithdrawAlgorithm;
+ ///ʽʹ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType UsingRatio;
+ ///Ƿƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcIncludeCloseProfitType IncludeCloseProfit;
+ ///ɽͻǷܿ
+ TThostFtdcAllWithoutTradeType AllWithoutTrade;
+ ///Ƿƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcIncludeCloseProfitType AvailIncludeCloseProfit;
+ ///Ƿû¼
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsBrokerUserEvent;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///Ѻ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType FundMortgageRatio;
+ ///Ȩ㷨
+ TThostFtdcBalanceAlgorithmType BalanceAlgorithm;
+struct CThostFtdcTradingAccountPasswordUpdateV1Field
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ԭĿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType OldPassword;
+ ///µĿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType NewPassword;
+struct CThostFtdcTradingAccountPasswordUpdateField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ԭĿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType OldPassword;
+ ///µĿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType NewPassword;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryCombinationLegField
+ ///ϺԼ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType CombInstrumentID;
+ ///ȱ
+ TThostFtdcLegIDType LegID;
+ ///ȺԼ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType LegInstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQrySyncStatusField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+struct CThostFtdcCombinationLegField
+ ///ϺԼ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType CombInstrumentID;
+ ///ȱ
+ TThostFtdcLegIDType LegID;
+ ///ȺԼ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType LegInstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///ȳ
+ TThostFtdcLegMultipleType LegMultiple;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcImplyLevelType ImplyLevel;
+struct CThostFtdcSyncStatusField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ͬ״̬
+ TThostFtdcDataSyncStatusType DataSyncStatus;
+struct CThostFtdcQryLinkManField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcLinkManField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ϵ
+ TThostFtdcPersonTypeType PersonType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdentifiedCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPartyNameType PersonName;
+ ///ϵ绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ͨѶַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcZipCodeType ZipCode;
+ ///ȼ
+ TThostFtdcPriorityType Priority;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcUOAZipCodeType UOAZipCode;
+ ///ȫ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorFullNameType PersonFullName;
+struct CThostFtdcQryBrokerUserEventField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///û¼
+ TThostFtdcUserEventTypeType UserEventType;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerUserEventField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///û¼
+ TThostFtdcUserEventTypeType UserEventType;
+ ///û¼
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType EventSequenceNo;
+ ///¼
+ TThostFtdcDateType EventDate;
+ ///¼ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType EventTime;
+ ///û¼Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcUserEventInfoType UserEventInfo;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryContractBankField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///зĴ
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBrchID;
+struct CThostFtdcContractBankField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///зĴ
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBrchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcBankNameType BankName;
+struct CThostFtdcInvestorPositionCombineDetailField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType OpenDate;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ϱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeIDType ComTradeID;
+ ///ϱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeIDType TradeID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///ֲ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType TotalAmt;
+ ///Ͷ֤߱
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Margin;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchMargin;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcRatioType MarginRateByMoney;
+ ///֤()
+ TThostFtdcRatioType MarginRateByVolume;
+ ///ȱ
+ TThostFtdcLegIDType LegID;
+ ///ȳ
+ TThostFtdcLegMultipleType LegMultiple;
+ ///ϳֲֺԼ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType CombInstrumentID;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeGroupIDType TradeGroupID;
+struct CThostFtdcParkedOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcOrderPriceTypeType OrderPriceType;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///Ͽƽ־
+ TThostFtdcCombOffsetFlagType CombOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcCombHedgeFlagType CombHedgeFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotalOriginal;
+ ///Ч
+ TThostFtdcTimeConditionType TimeCondition;
+ ///GTD
+ TThostFtdcDateType GTDDate;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeConditionType VolumeCondition;
+ ///Сɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcContingentConditionType ContingentCondition;
+ ///ֹ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType StopPrice;
+ ///ǿƽԭ
+ TThostFtdcForceCloseReasonType ForceCloseReason;
+ ///Զ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsAutoSuspend;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ûǿ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType UserForceClose;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ԥ
+ TThostFtdcParkedOrderIDType ParkedOrderID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserTypeType UserType;
+ ///Ԥ״̬
+ TThostFtdcParkedOrderStatusType Status;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsSwapOrder;
+struct CThostFtdcParkedOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType OrderActionRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///仯
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeChange;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///Ԥ
+ TThostFtdcParkedOrderActionIDType ParkedOrderActionID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserTypeType UserType;
+ ///Ԥ״̬
+ TThostFtdcParkedOrderStatusType Status;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcQryParkedOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryParkedOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcRemoveParkedOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ԥ
+ TThostFtdcParkedOrderIDType ParkedOrderID;
+struct CThostFtdcRemoveParkedOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ԥ
+ TThostFtdcParkedOrderActionIDType ParkedOrderActionID;
+struct CThostFtdcInvestorWithdrawAlgorithmField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType UsingRatio;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///Ѻ
+ TThostFtdcRatioType FundMortgageRatio;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInvestorPositionCombineDetailField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ϳֲֺԼ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType CombInstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcMarketDataAveragePriceField
+ ///վ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType AveragePrice;
+struct CThostFtdcVerifyInvestorPasswordField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+struct CThostFtdcUserIPField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///IPַ
+ TThostFtdcIPAddressType IPAddress;
+ ///IPַ
+ TThostFtdcIPAddressType IPMask;
+ ///Macַ
+ TThostFtdcMacAddressType MacAddress;
+struct CThostFtdcTradingNoticeInfoField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType SendTime;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcContentType FieldContent;
+ ///ϵк
+ TThostFtdcSequenceSeriesType SequenceSeries;
+ ///к
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+struct CThostFtdcTradingNoticeField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷ߷Χ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorRangeType InvestorRange;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ϵк
+ TThostFtdcSequenceSeriesType SequenceSeries;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType SendTime;
+ ///к
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcContentType FieldContent;
+struct CThostFtdcQryTradingNoticeField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryErrOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcErrOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcOrderPriceTypeType OrderPriceType;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///Ͽƽ־
+ TThostFtdcCombOffsetFlagType CombOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcCombHedgeFlagType CombHedgeFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotalOriginal;
+ ///Ч
+ TThostFtdcTimeConditionType TimeCondition;
+ ///GTD
+ TThostFtdcDateType GTDDate;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeConditionType VolumeCondition;
+ ///Сɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcContingentConditionType ContingentCondition;
+ ///ֹ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType StopPrice;
+ ///ǿƽԭ
+ TThostFtdcForceCloseReasonType ForceCloseReason;
+ ///Զ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsAutoSuspend;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ûǿ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType UserForceClose;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsSwapOrder;
+struct CThostFtdcErrorConditionalOrderField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcOrderPriceTypeType OrderPriceType;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///Ͽƽ־
+ TThostFtdcCombOffsetFlagType CombOffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcCombHedgeFlagType CombHedgeFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotalOriginal;
+ ///Ч
+ TThostFtdcTimeConditionType TimeCondition;
+ ///GTD
+ TThostFtdcDateType GTDDate;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeConditionType VolumeCondition;
+ ///Сɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MinVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcContingentConditionType ContingentCondition;
+ ///ֹ
+ TThostFtdcPriceType StopPrice;
+ ///ǿƽԭ
+ TThostFtdcForceCloseReasonType ForceCloseReason;
+ ///Զ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsAutoSuspend;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ԼڽĴ
+ TThostFtdcExchangeInstIDType ExchangeInstID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ύ״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderSubmitStatusType OrderSubmitStatus;
+ ///ʾ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType NotifySequence;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///Դ
+ TThostFtdcOrderSourceType OrderSource;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderStatusType OrderStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderTypeType OrderType;
+ ///ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTraded;
+ ///ʣ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeTotal;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType InsertDate;
+ ///ίʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType InsertTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActiveTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType SuspendTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType UpdateTime;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CancelTime;
+ ///ĽԱ
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType ActiveTraderID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ClearingPartID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///û˲ƷϢ
+ TThostFtdcProductInfoType UserProductInfo;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///ûǿ־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType UserForceClose;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType ActiveUserID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType BrokerOrderSeq;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType RelativeOrderSysID;
+ ///֣ɽ
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType ZCETotalTradedVolume;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcBoolType IsSwapOrder;
+struct CThostFtdcQryErrOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcErrOrderActionField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionRefType OrderActionRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderRefType OrderRef;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ǰñ
+ TThostFtdcFrontIDType FrontID;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOrderSysIDType OrderSysID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcActionFlagType ActionFlag;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType LimitPrice;
+ ///仯
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType VolumeChange;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType ActionDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType ActionTime;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcTraderIDType TraderID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType OrderLocalID;
+ ///ر
+ TThostFtdcOrderLocalIDType ActionLocalID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcClientIDType ClientID;
+ ///ҵԪ
+ TThostFtdcBusinessUnitType BusinessUnit;
+ ///״̬
+ TThostFtdcOrderActionStatusType OrderActionStatus;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///״̬Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType StatusMsg;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcQryExchangeSequenceField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcExchangeSequenceField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType SequenceNo;
+ ///Լ״̬
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentStatusType MarketStatus;
+struct CThostFtdcQueryMaxOrderVolumeWithPriceField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///ƽ־
+ TThostFtdcOffsetFlagType OffsetFlag;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType MaxVolume;
+ ///۸
+ TThostFtdcPriceType Price;
+struct CThostFtdcQryBrokerTradingParamsField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerTradingParamsField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///֤۸
+ TThostFtdcMarginPriceTypeType MarginPriceType;
+ ///ӯ㷨
+ TThostFtdcAlgorithmType Algorithm;
+ ///Ƿƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcIncludeCloseProfitType AvailIncludeCloseProfit;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///ȨȨ۸
+ TThostFtdcOptionRoyaltyPriceTypeType OptionRoyaltyPriceType;
+struct CThostFtdcQryBrokerTradingAlgosField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerTradingAlgosField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///ֲִ㷨
+ TThostFtdcHandlePositionAlgoIDType HandlePositionAlgoID;
+ ///Ѱұ֤㷨
+ TThostFtdcFindMarginRateAlgoIDType FindMarginRateAlgoID;
+ ///ʽ㷨
+ TThostFtdcHandleTradingAccountAlgoIDType HandleTradingAccountAlgoID;
+struct CThostFtdcQueryBrokerDepositField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerDepositField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///ϴν
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PreBalance;
+ ///ǰ֤ܶ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CurrMargin;
+ ///ƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfit;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Balance;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Deposit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Withdraw;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Available;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Reserve;
+ ///ı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenMargin;
+struct CThostFtdcQryCFMMCBrokerKeyField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+struct CThostFtdcCFMMCBrokerKeyField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///˾ͳһ
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///Կ
+ TThostFtdcDateType CreateDate;
+ ///Կʱ
+ TThostFtdcTimeType CreateTime;
+ ///Կ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType KeyID;
+ ///̬Կ
+ TThostFtdcCFMMCKeyType CurrentKey;
+ ///̬Կ
+ TThostFtdcCFMMCKeyKindType KeyKind;
+struct CThostFtdcCFMMCTradingAccountKeyField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///˾ͳһ
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///Կ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType KeyID;
+ ///̬Կ
+ TThostFtdcCFMMCKeyType CurrentKey;
+struct CThostFtdcQryCFMMCTradingAccountKeyField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerUserOTPParamField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///̬ṩ
+ TThostFtdcOTPVendorsIDType OTPVendorsID;
+ ///̬к
+ TThostFtdcSerialNumberType SerialNumber;
+ ///Կ
+ TThostFtdcAuthKeyType AuthKey;
+ ///Ưֵ
+ TThostFtdcLastDriftType LastDrift;
+ ///ɹֵ
+ TThostFtdcLastSuccessType LastSuccess;
+ ///̬
+ TThostFtdcOTPTypeType OTPType;
+struct CThostFtdcManualSyncBrokerUserOTPField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///̬
+ TThostFtdcOTPTypeType OTPType;
+ ///һ̬
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType FirstOTP;
+ ///ڶ̬
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType SecondOTP;
+struct CThostFtdcCommRateModelField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///ģ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType CommModelID;
+ ///ģ
+ TThostFtdcCommModelNameType CommModelName;
+struct CThostFtdcQryCommRateModelField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///ģ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType CommModelID;
+struct CThostFtdcMarginModelField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///֤ģ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType MarginModelID;
+ ///ģ
+ TThostFtdcCommModelNameType MarginModelName;
+struct CThostFtdcQryMarginModelField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///֤ģ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType MarginModelID;
+struct CThostFtdcEWarrantOffsetField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDirectionType Direction;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcVolumeType Volume;
+struct CThostFtdcQryEWarrantOffsetField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType InstrumentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQryInvestorProductGroupMarginField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///Ʒ/Ʒֱʾ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductGroupID;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+struct CThostFtdcInvestorProductGroupMarginField
+ ///Ʒ/Ʒֱʾ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductGroupID;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcSettlementIDType SettlementID;
+ ///ı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenMargin;
+ ///ͷı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongFrozenMargin;
+ ///ͷı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortFrozenMargin;
+ ///ռõı֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType UseMargin;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongUseMargin;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortUseMargin;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchMargin;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongExchMargin;
+ ///ͷ֤
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortExchMargin;
+ ///ƽӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CloseProfit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCommission;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Commission;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType FrozenCash;
+ ///ʽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType CashIn;
+ ///ֲӯ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType PositionProfit;
+ ///۵ܽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType OffsetAmount;
+ ///ͷ۵ܽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongOffsetAmount;
+ ///ͷ۵ܽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortOffsetAmount;
+ ///۵ܽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ExchOffsetAmount;
+ ///ͷ۵ܽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType LongExchOffsetAmount;
+ ///ͷ۵ܽ
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType ShortExchOffsetAmount;
+ ///Ͷױ־
+ TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType HedgeFlag;
+struct CThostFtdcQueryCFMMCTradingAccountTokenField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+struct CThostFtdcCFMMCTradingAccountTokenField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///˾ͳһ
+ TThostFtdcParticipantIDType ParticipantID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///Կ
+ TThostFtdcSequenceNoType KeyID;
+ ///̬
+ TThostFtdcCFMMCTokenType Token;
+struct CThostFtdcQryProductGroupField
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+struct CThostFtdcProductGroupField
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcExchangeIDType ExchangeID;
+ ///Ʒ
+ TThostFtdcInstrumentIDType ProductGroupID;
+struct CThostFtdcReqOpenAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcGenderType Gender;
+ ///Ҵ
+ TThostFtdcCountryCodeType CountryCode;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcZipCodeType ZipCode;
+ ///绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ֻ
+ TThostFtdcMobilePhoneType MobilePhone;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFaxType Fax;
+ ///ʼ
+ TThostFtdcEMailType EMail;
+ ///ʽ˻״̬
+ TThostFtdcMoneyAccountStatusType MoneyAccountStatus;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///㳮־
+ TThostFtdcCashExchangeCodeType CashExchangeCode;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcReqCancelAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcGenderType Gender;
+ ///Ҵ
+ TThostFtdcCountryCodeType CountryCode;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcZipCodeType ZipCode;
+ ///绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ֻ
+ TThostFtdcMobilePhoneType MobilePhone;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFaxType Fax;
+ ///ʼ
+ TThostFtdcEMailType EMail;
+ ///ʽ˻״̬
+ TThostFtdcMoneyAccountStatusType MoneyAccountStatus;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///㳮־
+ TThostFtdcCashExchangeCodeType CashExchangeCode;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcReqChangeAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcGenderType Gender;
+ ///Ҵ
+ TThostFtdcCountryCodeType CountryCode;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcZipCodeType ZipCode;
+ ///绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ֻ
+ TThostFtdcMobilePhoneType MobilePhone;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFaxType Fax;
+ ///ʼ
+ TThostFtdcEMailType EMail;
+ ///ʽ˻״̬
+ TThostFtdcMoneyAccountStatusType MoneyAccountStatus;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType NewBankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType NewBankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+struct CThostFtdcReqTransferField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ڻ˾ˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureSerial;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///תʽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType TradeAmount;
+ ///ڻȡ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType FutureFetchAmount;
+ ///֧־
+ TThostFtdcFeePayFlagType FeePayFlag;
+ ///Ӧտͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustFeeType CustFee;
+ ///Ӧڻ˾
+ TThostFtdcFutureFeeType BrokerFee;
+ ///ͷշϢ
+ TThostFtdcAddInfoType Message;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ת˽״̬
+ TThostFtdcTransferStatusType TransferStatus;
+struct CThostFtdcRspTransferField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ڻ˾ˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureSerial;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///תʽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType TradeAmount;
+ ///ڻȡ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType FutureFetchAmount;
+ ///֧־
+ TThostFtdcFeePayFlagType FeePayFlag;
+ ///Ӧտͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustFeeType CustFee;
+ ///Ӧڻ˾
+ TThostFtdcFutureFeeType BrokerFee;
+ ///ͷշϢ
+ TThostFtdcAddInfoType Message;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ת˽״̬
+ TThostFtdcTransferStatusType TransferStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcReqRepealField
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcRepealTimeIntervalType RepealTimeInterval;
+ ///Ѿ
+ TThostFtdcRepealedTimesType RepealedTimes;
+ ///г־
+ TThostFtdcBankRepealFlagType BankRepealFlag;
+ ///̳־
+ TThostFtdcBrokerRepealFlagType BrokerRepealFlag;
+ ///ƽ̨ˮ
+ TThostFtdcPlateSerialType PlateRepealSerial;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankRepealSerial;
+ ///ڻˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureRepealSerial;
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ڻ˾ˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureSerial;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///תʽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType TradeAmount;
+ ///ڻȡ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType FutureFetchAmount;
+ ///֧־
+ TThostFtdcFeePayFlagType FeePayFlag;
+ ///Ӧտͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustFeeType CustFee;
+ ///Ӧڻ˾
+ TThostFtdcFutureFeeType BrokerFee;
+ ///ͷշϢ
+ TThostFtdcAddInfoType Message;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ת˽״̬
+ TThostFtdcTransferStatusType TransferStatus;
+struct CThostFtdcRspRepealField
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcRepealTimeIntervalType RepealTimeInterval;
+ ///Ѿ
+ TThostFtdcRepealedTimesType RepealedTimes;
+ ///г־
+ TThostFtdcBankRepealFlagType BankRepealFlag;
+ ///̳־
+ TThostFtdcBrokerRepealFlagType BrokerRepealFlag;
+ ///ƽ̨ˮ
+ TThostFtdcPlateSerialType PlateRepealSerial;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankRepealSerial;
+ ///ڻˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureRepealSerial;
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ڻ˾ˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureSerial;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///תʽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType TradeAmount;
+ ///ڻȡ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType FutureFetchAmount;
+ ///֧־
+ TThostFtdcFeePayFlagType FeePayFlag;
+ ///Ӧտͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustFeeType CustFee;
+ ///Ӧڻ˾
+ TThostFtdcFutureFeeType BrokerFee;
+ ///ͷշϢ
+ TThostFtdcAddInfoType Message;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ת˽״̬
+ TThostFtdcTransferStatusType TransferStatus;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcReqQueryAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ڻ˾ˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureSerial;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+struct CThostFtdcRspQueryAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ڻ˾ˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureSerial;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///пý
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType BankUseAmount;
+ ///пȡ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType BankFetchAmount;
+struct CThostFtdcFutureSignIOField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+struct CThostFtdcRspFutureSignInField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+ ///PINԿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordKeyType PinKey;
+ ///MACԿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordKeyType MacKey;
+struct CThostFtdcReqFutureSignOutField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+struct CThostFtdcRspFutureSignOutField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcReqQueryTradeResultBySerialField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType Reference;
+ ///ˮŷߵĻ
+ TThostFtdcInstitutionTypeType RefrenceIssureType;
+ ///ˮŷ
+ TThostFtdcOrganCodeType RefrenceIssure;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///תʽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType TradeAmount;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+struct CThostFtdcRspQueryTradeResultBySerialField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType Reference;
+ ///ˮŷߵĻ
+ TThostFtdcInstitutionTypeType RefrenceIssureType;
+ ///ˮŷ
+ TThostFtdcOrganCodeType RefrenceIssure;
+ ///ԭʼش
+ TThostFtdcReturnCodeType OriginReturnCode;
+ ///ԭʼ
+ TThostFtdcDescrInfoForReturnCodeType OriginDescrInfoForReturnCode;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///תʽ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType TradeAmount;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+struct CThostFtdcReqDayEndFileReadyField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ļҵ
+ TThostFtdcFileBusinessCodeType FileBusinessCode;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+struct CThostFtdcReturnResultField
+ ///ش
+ TThostFtdcReturnCodeType ReturnCode;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDescrInfoForReturnCodeType DescrInfoForReturnCode;
+struct CThostFtdcVerifyFuturePasswordField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcVerifyCustInfoField
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+struct CThostFtdcVerifyFuturePasswordAndCustInfoField
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcDepositResultInformField
+ ///ˮţˮΪڱ̷صˮ
+ TThostFtdcDepositSeqNoType DepositSeqNo;
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Deposit;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ش
+ TThostFtdcReturnCodeType ReturnCode;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDescrInfoForReturnCodeType DescrInfoForReturnCode;
+struct CThostFtdcReqSyncKeyField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ĸڱ̵Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcAddInfoType Message;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+struct CThostFtdcRspSyncKeyField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ĸڱ̵Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcAddInfoType Message;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcNotifyQueryAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ڻ˾ˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureSerial;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///пý
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType BankUseAmount;
+ ///пȡ
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType BankFetchAmount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcTransferSerialField
+ ///ƽ̨ˮ
+ TThostFtdcPlateSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///״
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///б
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ڻ˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///ڻ˾ʺ
+ TThostFtdcFutureAccTypeType FutureAccType;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///Ͷߴ
+ TThostFtdcInvestorIDType InvestorID;
+ ///ڻ˾ˮ
+ TThostFtdcFutureSerialType FutureSerial;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeAmountType TradeAmount;
+ ///Ӧտͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustFeeType CustFee;
+ ///Ӧڻ˾
+ TThostFtdcFutureFeeType BrokerFee;
+ ///Ч־
+ TThostFtdcAvailabilityFlagType AvailabilityFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperatorCodeType OperatorCode;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankNewAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcQryTransferSerialField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///б
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcNotifyFutureSignInField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+ ///PINԿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordKeyType PinKey;
+ ///MACԿ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordKeyType MacKey;
+struct CThostFtdcNotifyFutureSignOutField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcNotifySyncKeyField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ĸڱ̵Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcAddInfoType Message;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcRequestIDType RequestID;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcQryAccountregisterField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///б
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcAccountregisterField
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDay;
+ ///б
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///ڻ˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///ڻ˾֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcOpenOrDestroyType OpenOrDestroy;
+ ///ǩԼ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType RegDate;
+ ///Լ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType OutDate;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+struct CThostFtdcOpenAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcGenderType Gender;
+ ///Ҵ
+ TThostFtdcCountryCodeType CountryCode;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcZipCodeType ZipCode;
+ ///绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ֻ
+ TThostFtdcMobilePhoneType MobilePhone;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFaxType Fax;
+ ///ʼ
+ TThostFtdcEMailType EMail;
+ ///ʽ˻״̬
+ TThostFtdcMoneyAccountStatusType MoneyAccountStatus;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///㳮־
+ TThostFtdcCashExchangeCodeType CashExchangeCode;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcCancelAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcGenderType Gender;
+ ///Ҵ
+ TThostFtdcCountryCodeType CountryCode;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcZipCodeType ZipCode;
+ ///绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ֻ
+ TThostFtdcMobilePhoneType MobilePhone;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFaxType Fax;
+ ///ʼ
+ TThostFtdcEMailType EMail;
+ ///ʽ˻״̬
+ TThostFtdcMoneyAccountStatusType MoneyAccountStatus;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///㳮־
+ TThostFtdcCashExchangeCodeType CashExchangeCode;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcDeviceIDType DeviceID;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankSecuAccType;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///ڻλʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankSecuAcc;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcOperNoType OperNo;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ûʶ
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcChangeAccountField
+ ///ҵ
+ TThostFtdcTradeCodeType TradeCode;
+ ///д
+ TThostFtdcBankIDType BankID;
+ ///з֧
+ TThostFtdcBankBrchIDType BankBranchID;
+ ///̴
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///̷֧
+ TThostFtdcFutureBranchIDType BrokerBranchID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradeDate;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcTradeTimeType TradeTime;
+ ///ˮ
+ TThostFtdcBankSerialType BankSerial;
+ ///ϵͳ
+ TThostFtdcTradeDateType TradingDay;
+ ///ƽ̨Ϣˮ
+ TThostFtdcSerialType PlateSerial;
+ ///Ƭ־
+ TThostFtdcLastFragmentType LastFragment;
+ ///Ự
+ TThostFtdcSessionIDType SessionID;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcIndividualNameType CustomerName;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdCardTypeType IdCardType;
+ ///֤
+ TThostFtdcIdentifiedCardNoType IdentifiedCardNo;
+ ///Ա
+ TThostFtdcGenderType Gender;
+ ///Ҵ
+ TThostFtdcCountryCodeType CountryCode;
+ ///ͻ
+ TThostFtdcCustTypeType CustType;
+ ///ַ
+ TThostFtdcAddressType Address;
+ ///ʱ
+ TThostFtdcZipCodeType ZipCode;
+ ///绰
+ TThostFtdcTelephoneType Telephone;
+ ///ֻ
+ TThostFtdcMobilePhoneType MobilePhone;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcFaxType Fax;
+ ///ʼ
+ TThostFtdcEMailType EMail;
+ ///ʽ˻״̬
+ TThostFtdcMoneyAccountStatusType MoneyAccountStatus;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType BankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType BankPassWord;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccountType NewBankAccount;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType NewBankPassWord;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///ڻ
+ TThostFtdcPasswordType Password;
+ ///ʺ
+ TThostFtdcBankAccTypeType BankAccType;
+ ///װ
+ TThostFtdcInstallIDType InstallID;
+ ///֤ͻ֤־
+ TThostFtdcYesNoIndicatorType VerifyCertNoFlag;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///ڻ˾б
+ TThostFtdcBankCodingForFutureType BrokerIDByBank;
+ ///־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType BankPwdFlag;
+ ///ڻʽ˶Ա־
+ TThostFtdcPwdFlagType SecuPwdFlag;
+ ///ID
+ TThostFtdcTIDType TID;
+ ///ժҪ
+ TThostFtdcDigestType Digest;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcErrorIDType ErrorID;
+ ///Ϣ
+ TThostFtdcErrorMsgType ErrorMsg;
+struct CThostFtdcSecAgentACIDMapField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+ ///нʽʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType BrokerSecAgentID;
+struct CThostFtdcQrySecAgentACIDMapField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///ʽ˻
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
+struct CThostFtdcUserRightsAssignField
+ ///ӦõԪ
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///Ĵ
+ TThostFtdcDRIdentityIDType DRIdentityID;
+struct CThostFtdcBrokerUserRightAssignField
+ ///ӦõԪ
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ĵ
+ TThostFtdcDRIdentityIDType DRIdentityID;
+ ///ܷ
+ TThostFtdcBoolType Tradeable;
+struct CThostFtdcDRTransferField
+ ///ԭĴ
+ TThostFtdcDRIdentityIDType OrigDRIdentityID;
+ ///Ŀ꽻Ĵ
+ TThostFtdcDRIdentityIDType DestDRIdentityID;
+ ///ԭӦõԪ
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType OrigBrokerID;
+ ///ĿõԪ
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType DestBrokerID;
+struct CThostFtdcFensUserInfoField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///¼ģʽ
+ TThostFtdcLoginModeType LoginMode;
+struct CThostFtdcCurrTransferIdentityField
+ ///Ĵ
+ TThostFtdcDRIdentityIDType IdentityID;
+struct CThostFtdcLoginForbiddenUserField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+ ///IPַ
+ TThostFtdcIPAddressType IPAddress;
+struct CThostFtdcQryLoginForbiddenUserField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///û
+ TThostFtdcUserIDType UserID;
+struct CThostFtdcMulticastGroupInfoField
+ ///鲥IPַ
+ TThostFtdcIPAddressType GroupIP;
+ ///鲥IP˿
+ TThostFtdcIPPortType GroupPort;
+ ///Դַ
+ TThostFtdcIPAddressType SourceIP;
+struct CThostFtdcTradingAccountReserveField
+ ///˾
+ TThostFtdcBrokerIDType BrokerID;
+ ///Ͷʺ
+ TThostFtdcAccountIDType AccountID;
+ ///
+ TThostFtdcMoneyType Reserve;
+ ///ִ
+ TThostFtdcCurrencyIDType CurrencyID;
diff --git a/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/error.dtd b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/error.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a067f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/error.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/error.xml b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/error.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c6e7425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/error.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
diff --git a/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/libthostmduserapi.so b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/libthostmduserapi.so
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2f0f5ba1
Binary files /dev/null and b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/libthostmduserapi.so differ
diff --git a/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/libthosttraderapi.so b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/libthosttraderapi.so
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..18caa8ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/vn.ctp/ctpapi/x64_linux/libthosttraderapi.so differ
diff --git a/vn.ctp/readme.md b/vn.ctp/readme.md
index 6ad7996d..72cb633d 100644
--- a/vn.ctp/readme.md
+++ b/vn.ctp/readme.md
@@ -19,6 +19,16 @@
* [Anaconda1.9.2](http://repo.continuum.io/archive/index.html): ذPythonа
* 빤ߣwindowsѡvisual studio 2013linuxʹg++
+Linux: (Debian jessie)
+* apt-get install build-essential
+* apt-get install libboost-all-dev
+* apt-get install python-dev
+* apt-get install cmake
+* ctp api tarv6.3.5_20150803_tradeapi_linux64.tarctp api soļ
+** thostmduserapi.so --> libthostmduserapi.so
+** thosttraderapi.so --> libthosttraderapi.so
@@ -28,3 +38,6 @@
* generateûдóɹ
* buildĿ¼˫vn_ctp_api.sln
* 밴ť,release
+Linux: (Debian jessie)
+* ǰĿ¼build.shɱ
diff --git a/vn.ctp/vnctpmd/vnctpmd/vnctpmd.cpp b/vn.ctp/vnctpmd/vnctpmd/vnctpmd.cpp
index fbc26008..8da203fb 100644
--- a/vn.ctp/vnctpmd/vnctpmd/vnctpmd.cpp
+++ b/vn.ctp/vnctpmd/vnctpmd/vnctpmd.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// vnctpmd.cpp : DLL Ӧóĵ
-#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vnctpmd.h"
@@ -46,7 +45,11 @@ void getChar(dict d, string key, char *value)
const char *buffer = s.c_str();
//ַָ븳ֵʹstrcpy_s, vs2013ʹstrcpyͨ
+#ifdef _MSC_VER //WIN32
strcpy_s(value, strlen(buffer) + 1, buffer);
+#elif __GNUC__
+ strncpy(value, buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
@@ -817,4 +820,4 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(vnctpmd)
.def("onRspUnSubForQuoteRsp", pure_virtual(&MdApiWrap::onRspUnSubForQuoteRsp))
.def("onRtnForQuoteRsp", pure_virtual(&MdApiWrap::onRtnForQuoteRsp))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vn.ctp/vnctpmd/vnctpmd/vnctpmd.h b/vn.ctp/vnctpmd/vnctpmd/vnctpmd.h
index 20ab5b39..aa94f580 100644
--- a/vn.ctp/vnctpmd/vnctpmd/vnctpmd.h
+++ b/vn.ctp/vnctpmd/vnctpmd/vnctpmd.h
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+#ifdef WIN32
#include "stdafx.h"
diff --git a/vn.ctp/vnctptd/vnctptd/vnctptd.cpp b/vn.ctp/vnctptd/vnctptd/vnctptd.cpp
index 6b6b70e6..86302272 100644
--- a/vn.ctp/vnctptd/vnctptd/vnctptd.cpp
+++ b/vn.ctp/vnctptd/vnctptd/vnctptd.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// vnctptd.cpp : DLL Ӧóĵ
-#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vnctptd.h"
@@ -47,7 +46,11 @@ void getChar(dict d, string key, char *value)
const char *buffer = s.c_str();
//ַָ븳ֵʹstrcpy_s, vs2013ʹstrcpyͨ
+#ifdef _MSC_VER //WIN32
strcpy_s(value, strlen(buffer) + 1, buffer);
+#elif __GNUC__
+ strncpy(value, buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
@@ -3888,7 +3891,9 @@ void TdApi::processRspQryInvestorPosition(Task task)
data["Position"] = task_data.Position;
data["FrozenCommission"] = task_data.FrozenCommission;
data["CombShortFrozen"] = task_data.CombShortFrozen;
+#ifdef WIN32
data["OptionValue"] = task_data.OptionValue;
data["CloseProfitByDate"] = task_data.CloseProfitByDate;
data["SettlementPrice"] = task_data.SettlementPrice;
data["LongFrozenAmount"] = task_data.LongFrozenAmount;
@@ -3925,7 +3930,10 @@ void TdApi::processRspQryTradingAccount(Task task)
data["AccountID"] = task_data.AccountID;
data["Available"] = task_data.Available;
data["FundMortgageAvailable"] = task_data.FundMortgageAvailable;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ data["OptionValue"] = task_data.OptionValue;
data["OptionCloseProfit"] = task_data.OptionCloseProfit;
data["PreCredit"] = task_data.PreCredit;
data["PreMortgage"] = task_data.PreMortgage;
data["InterestBase"] = task_data.InterestBase;
@@ -3941,7 +3949,6 @@ void TdApi::processRspQryTradingAccount(Task task)
data["BrokerID"] = task_data.BrokerID;
data["FrozenCash"] = task_data.FrozenCash;
data["Withdraw"] = task_data.Withdraw;
- data["OptionValue"] = task_data.OptionValue;
data["Balance"] = task_data.Balance;
data["SpecProductMargin"] = task_data.SpecProductMargin;
data["SpecProductPositionProfitByAlg"] = task_data.SpecProductPositionProfitByAlg;
@@ -9153,4 +9160,4 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(vnctptd)
.def("onRtnCancelAccountByBank", pure_virtual(&TdApiWrap::onRtnCancelAccountByBank))
.def("onRtnChangeAccountByBank", pure_virtual(&TdApiWrap::onRtnChangeAccountByBank))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vn.ctp/vnctptd/vnctptd/vnctptd.h b/vn.ctp/vnctptd/vnctptd/vnctptd.h
index 59e4c60c..6349e631 100644
--- a/vn.ctp/vnctptd/vnctptd/vnctptd.h
+++ b/vn.ctp/vnctptd/vnctptd/vnctptd.h
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
+#ifdef WIN32
#include "stdafx.h"