2017-03-16 14:53:48 +00:00
# encoding: UTF-8
__author__ = 'CHENXY'
from xspeed_data_type import *
import re
def main():
fcpp = open('DFITCApiStruct.h', 'r')
fpy = open('xspeed_struct.py', 'w')
fpy.write('# encoding: UTF-8\n')
fpy.write('structDict = {}\n')
for no, line in enumerate(fcpp):
# 结构体申明注释
if '///' in line and '\t' not in line:
py_line = '#' + line[3:]
# 结构体变量注释
elif '\t///' in line:
py_line = '#' + line[4:]
# 结构体申明
elif 'struct' in line:
content = line.split(' ')
name = content[-1].replace('\n','')
py_line = '%s = {}\n' % name
# 结构体变量
elif ' ' in line and '///' not in line and '{' not in line:
#content = line.split('\t')
if ' ;' in line:
line = line.replace(' ;', ';')
if ' ' in line:
line = re.sub(' +', '\t', line)
if '\t\t' in line:
line = re.sub('\t+', '\t', line)
if '//' in line:
n = line.index('//')
line = line[:n]
print no, ':', line
content = line.split('\t')
print content
typedef = content[1]
type_ = typedefDict[typedef]
variable = content[2].replace(';\n', "")
if ';' in variable:
variable = variable.replace(';', '')
py_line = '%s["%s"] = "%s"\n' % (name, variable, type_)
# 结构体结束
elif '}' in line:
py_line = "structDict['%s'] = %s\n\n" % (name, name)
# 结构体开始
elif '{' in line:
py_line = ''
# 其他
py_line = '\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':
2016-02-25 15:45:59 +00:00